well i didn't give my opinion about it yet and even without reading the past pages i think that the discussion is about "deserved or not" win ? right?
Eurovision confession first :that's the second time in my life i voted for ESC. (Last time was in.. 2005-2006? don't remember, i have to admit i'm not a good fan
) Of course i voted for Conchita. Now that's said :
I do think that Rise Like a Phoenix is not the best song, anyway taste differs and we could find someone who thinks that is the best. For me, Calm After The Storm and Undo were better. On the other hand i think that's truly dreamy to think that "only the song matters". Well, since the show is in color, it's not. The name of the contest is a little bit of a lie : that's not a song contest but a singing act contest. You have to be the best performer of the night. A good song fits in the things you have to make to win but imo it's not the first thing you have to deal with. Last but not least, music, today, in 2015 is not only "listening to something" anymore. You eat music with your eyes too, it's a part of the game. I mean, food, in gastronomy you have the visual first then you taste it, it's not only about putting stuff in your mouth and say "that's tasty". So, Conchita Wurst is imo the best performer of that night and deserves the win only for that.
About the other songs. I don't think that Calm After The Storm could handle the title. Why? cause it's fashion. As I said in another thread, when i take a look at the charts nowadays everything is about guitar, duets, little unplugged stuff, country-like music. If the song was a contestant in 2010-2012 it wouldn't end up so high cause it wasn't hype enough at this point. An Eurovision winner must be an instant "anthem" song, something who is not really "hype" but outstanding. the other one after Rise Like A Phoenix is Undo. (btw i love "calm after the storm" veeeeery much and i'm so happy about their 2nd place)
The problem i personally feel with "i don't like conchita" is this : of course you can dislike someone, i mean, that's your right but what bothers me is that you're disliking someone for who they are, do you dislike someone else in the contest who fits in the society? Do someone dislike Sanna Nielsen because she's Sanna Nielsen ? i bet people don't. I won't say it's homophobic but it shows a reject for something who doesn't deserve to be rejected (in my opinion of course) and for many reasons because Conchita is a drag act and people don't consider it as a "serious" thing. Maybe that's why people are disliking conchita, because you see the trick, you see that everything is "fake" because the persona is fake and you don't have this impression about Loreen or Emmelie but in fact : you don't see someone like Loreen or Emmelie in real life, they're not real, they're singers fitting into something they made to sell their music (for me it's kind of an art to create something like that).
Last, marketing trick. you're totally right. but you don't win a contest without fighting for it. As i said before, you vote not only for a song but for a performance lead by a character. So every winner is a marketing trick? of course they are! : Serbia's weird-daughter not really feminine? Russia's Douchebag ( sorry for that
) ? Germany's teenage crazy girl? Norway's evil violin genius? and i'm not talking about the fake azeri couple, Finland, Hermione Granger from the woods Emmelie or last but not least Dark witch Loreen. Every winner is a character, they sell something and winning ESC is all about that, you have 3min to make people want your product. That's the X Factor. If you don't like it, i mean, you're in the wrong contest or you don't realize yet what the contest is all about. ESC is plastic music, it's instant consumption, it's glitter on a cake to make you eat it.
btw Rise Like a Phoenix does have a message, a good message, it's worth it. A message is always political (the contest is political even if you don't want to be it but again, you're in the wrong contest then. Just the fact we're countries is political) but i like messages who fight to be closer to the human rights all over the world. So yes, you can be against lgbt stuff (that's your right again if you think like that) but that's not a BAD thing that people want to live equally and say : yes there are plenty of people that are actually different and you don't really see it, we're here to show you.
For me, Conchita Wurst is a BIG winner of Eurovision, same category as Lordi, Loreen or Marija Serifovic. her win made me feel proud for who i am, it feet just good.Sorry for that biiiiiiig post, i had to make my thoughts on "virtual paper".