Wow, that was a turn-up for the books after a disappointing start to the 190s, we managed to get a left-hand side finish with Delta Rae, finishing in 12th place in Rumia. Thanks so much for all the support, and it was great to see that the first ever MOISUR collaboration ended up being a success!
And now, it's on to the next round of the NDI for Moisantia, and we're back to SuGO Distribution and their artist and song choice from the Surovian region for NSC 194...
This time around, the lucky act is a duo - more specifically "an experimental pop duo" from Brighton, UK. Made up of members Georgia Train and Ben Richards, the duo have been together since 2007 and they came to the SuGO Distribution team's attention thanks to their amazing lyrical storytelling within their songs.
After a short internal audition of a few songs, a clear favourite became apparent to everyone - a song that is both brash and ex hilarating (silly emoji

in that word!!) with an often viscious delivery and a story of a battle of two clashing personalities fighting between their deep passion and their conflicting hatred.
Ladies and gentlemen, Surovia presents their entry for Moisantia in NSC 194...
(Surovia's choice)
Dust is settling on my eyelids as I sleep
Tar is sliding down the window through which I see
Somehow it's blacker than these piano keys
I think I've lost the ability to speak
I'm so cold through all these clothes
I'm crushed to a pulp
On this whisky I gulp
Pour pills down my throat
Unlock me I mean you no harm (Far too risky to feed you with bare arms)
Bite the arm that feeds me real food (Wait your turn you're greedy I hear you)
How do you expect me to tell the truth (How can I protect myself from you)
Trust belongs to you (Trust is for fools)
Don't disguise yourself I'm easy led
Don't pretend you're drunk that whisky's down your dress
And I know those pills are aspirins for your head
An obvious fact cause if they weren't bitch you'd be dead
Well I'm sick of this now, you've crossed the line
Look at you, you state
Wipe the tar off your face
And the dust from your eyes
Far too risky to feed you with bare arms (Unlock me I mean you no harm)
Wait your turn you're greedy I hear you (Bite the arm that feeds me real food)
How can I protect myself from you (How do you expect me to tell the truth)
Trust is for fools (Trust belongs to you)
How can you ask me to trust you again
Did I ask you to trust me at all
How can you tell me you don't want me back
I don't want you around me at all
How can you ask me to trust you again
Did I ask you to trust me at all
How can you tell me you don't want me back
I don't want you around me at all
Far too risky to feed you with bare arms (Unlock me I mean you no harm)
Wait your turn you're greedy I hear you (Bite the arm that feeds me real food)
How can I protect myself from you (How do you expect me to tell the truth)
Trust is for fools (Trust belongs to you)
Far too risky to feed you with bare arms (Unlock me I mean you no harm)
Wait your turn you're greedy I hear you (Bite the arm that feeds me real food)
How can I protect myself from you (How do you expect me to tell the truth)
Trust is for fools (Trust belongs to you)
Trust is for fools
Trust is for fools
Trust is for fools
Trust is for fools
Trust is for fools
Trust is for fools