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  • Oooo kolegenice :D Evo, uzivam u lepom danu, cak sam i u setnju bio :lol: Malo da odmorim od obaveza i svega.....

    Kod tebe?
    Evening Mrs. Mod! I'm just writing an essay for my philosophy course. :lol:. After this I have a little freedom :D. I saw your elaborate result sheet on CC. I was like WHOA :D
    hvala ti:)
    usput Dubravka, ma oprtosti zbog one reakcioje danas...da, ide mi na živce kad se pljuje po bilo kojoj pjesmi to je jednostavno tako....ok nemam inače zaista ništa ni protiv koga ovdje ali samo mi se ne sviđa kad onako pametuju kao ovaj GRE a ima ih još par...inalče sam tolerantna osoba i volim kontakte ali ponekad stvarno pretjeruju ovdje....mislim što jest jest a nadam se da i oni dobiju upozorenje....
    This week is when I have my final exams. I had one at 8 this morning, and I turned in a creative project right after! Just taking a little break before I study for my other final on Thursday :D
    yes gurl! and it's just the beginning :D

    you should check the official music video of 'Sound of Our Hearts'

    i posted it in the Hungarian thread ;)
    Ah, I see, I see :D

    I saw it, it was a bit too random for my taste. Half naked guys suspended around is not how I imagined how the video would be :lol:. But the song is growing on my, I think the new edition still need that "sve" :D
    Hey! Rainy Sunday! :lol:

    I heard SanMarino will debut their final entry on the 22nd. I dunno how that will pan out with your game :/
    We don't have UK neither :/
    Very nice, I was thinking about doing that but I had to do grocery shopping earlier today. Happy Sunday Zdob si Zdubravka :oops:
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