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  • I was online very late this morning because I got home from a party very late :lol:. I had one too many vodka shots :lol:
    Ćao Juki, I am a bit tired today too, but very much inspired to work (weird, but true :lol:)
    Zdravo kolegenice :D Jeste, sad konacno imam full access :D Ovo je doduse privremeno resenje, ali ce odraditi posao dok ne posalju modem.

    Ima jos nekih stvari, ali su privatne. Ispricao sam Mattu doduse, posto je on glavni, i mislim da treba da zna. Uglavnom, mislim da je sad regulisano to sto treba i od sutra sam konacno ovde kao i do sad.
    Hey! Jukica (not Jukitsa) :lol:. I'm very much stressed today, I have to finish my draft by tonight. I have a few more paragraphs plus edits to do :(. I need to stop procrastinating :lol:

    How are you Juki? I hope all is normal and not horrible :D
    Jao ziv sam, kolegenice, ali jedva :lol: :(

    Pritisnule me obaveze, jos i radni zadaci, a na sve to komsinka koja deli net sa mnom (tacnije od koje ja uzimam net) zeznula modem, tacnije onaj isprvljac na njemu i net mi radi kriminalno. Jedva otvaram stranice, ako ih i otvorim........

    Trebalo je u petak da stigne novi modem, ali posle kao nisu mogli da posalju, i sad ce ili danas ili sutra da stigne. Uzasno, jedva cekam da se ovo sredi.

    Zato sam zamolio Matt-a da on ili bilo ko ko moze odradi rezultate za ranking game jer ja zbog ovoga nisam mogao.

    Ti kako si? :D
    Yay, more people in Mr. and Mrs. Mod party :lol: gtg. I have to take a shower then go grocery shopping :lol:
    Yay for H party! I'm glad that we're not getting a lot of H makers, at least in the past couple of days ;) :D
    D'awww :(. Drink some tea or coffee, it always makes me feel better :) I'm a bit lazy today. I don't feel doing like anything, but I have a research draft to finish :(.
    Yeah, I agree. What should we say on the thread? I feel like we should say something as mod. Something like, this is strategic voting, you can counter it by voting for the ones that you think deserves to go. Something like that
    Hey Mrs. Mod! I can join HOS party now btw :D. I think we should be watch the posts (on your link), it could get out of hand
    Hey Mrs. Mod! Nothing much. I'm just beginning to write another chapter for my thesis. How are things? (I won't be able to mod stuff for a while, btw) I accidentally wrote it on my message :lol:
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