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  • Looks very decent! I really do think that we should have a 15 post rule in our ESC related games as a uniform rule :)
    Hey! Nothing much, I was just watching the Romanian entry this year, best dance song this year. Very happy with the results of the SuperSaturday!

    How about you Ms. Mod? Sleepy already, it's 2 AM there right?
    Oklie doklie, if it works for you, then I support you on that :D. BTW, I might be visiting Croatia on my birthday weekend in September, we should meet up. I'm meeting up with Isabella and Hele as well :D
    That sounds pretty long, but if you're fine with that, then it should be good :). Last year, the Idealvision game lasted for more than 2 months. I will condense everything for Idealvision, taking a little personal break.
    makes both of us :lol:. Ah, life, can't wait for it to be more relaxing :D. At least we have super Saturday to look forward to!
    Me too actually, I've been so disheveled lately :lol:. If you were to see me in person, you'd think that you're looking at a zombie :lol:
    Da znam :D Taman ce i misljenje da mi se formira u medjuvremenu :lol: Ovako jos uvek varira :D Mada cu verovatno glasati i za ESC 2011 :D
    E cao kolegenice :D Evo proveravam jos jednom dal je sve ok u vezi ranking game i oko 9 cu da smislim skeceve za veceras :D

    Vazi i ja cu kad malo formiram neke utiske glasati u BB :D
    hmm, you're already doing the hash tags, I guess just to post a lot of ESC and forum related posts with a touch of your humor :). You're doing great on the posts, btw :)
    Good night. I also noticed that it was written by the Huljics, and I tend to like songs that they write :D
    it sounds very Rozga! Of course I love it :D. This type of songs is my favorite :D. Though nothing can beat Bizuterija yet :D
    D'aww, I was asking because I was looking into it, if we could host an ESC style commentary during ESC NF and Finals :D
    Thanks! I actually listen to that radio station already :D. It was funny because last night they played a French song :lol:
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