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Svealand // WV 188 // Tommy Johansson // Fattig Bonddräng // lyrics translation


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
:svea: :svea: SVEALAND :svea: :svea:


Tommy Johansson - Fattig Bonddräng

Jag är fattig bonddräng men jag lever ändå
Dagar går och kommer medan jag knogar på
Harvar, sår och plöjer, mockar, gräver och bär
Går bak mina oxar, hojtar, visslar och svär

Jag är fattig bonddräng och jag tuggar mitt snus
Och när lörda'n kommer vill jag ta mig ett rus
Sen när jag blitt livad vill jag tampas och slåss
Vila hos en flicka vill jag också förstås

Sen så kommer sönda'n och då vill våran präst
Att jag ska i kyrkan men då sover jag mest
Prästen kan väl sova hela måndagen, men
För en fattig bonddräng börjar knoget igen

Så går hela veckan, alla dagar och år
Jag går med min lie och jag plöjer och sår
Jag kör mina oxar och jag hässjar mitt hö
Harvar, gnor och trälar och till sist ska jag dö

Står där fattig bonddräng invid Himmelens port
Lite rädd och ledsen för de synder jag gjort
Man ska inte supa, hålls med flickor och slåss
Herren Gud i Himlen är väl missnöjd förstås

Men då säger Herren: fattig bonddräng, kom hit!
Jag har sett din strävan och ditt eviga slit
Därför fattig bonddräng är du välkommen här
Därför fattig bonddräng, skall du vara mig när

Och jag fattig bonddräng står så still inför Gud
Och sen klär han på mej den mest snövita skrud
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, är ditt arbete slut
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, nu får du vila ut
I am a poor farmhand, but I'm alive anyway
Days come and go, while I grind away
Harrow, sow and plow, muck, dig and carry
Walk behind my oxen, holler, whistle and swear

I am a poor farmhand and I chew my tobacco
And when Saturday comes I want to get a drink
Then when I get spirited, I want to tussle and fight
Lie with a girl is what I want to do as well, of course

Then Sunday comes and our priest wants me in church
But that is when I sleep the most
The priest can sleep all of Monday, but
For a poor farmhand the grinding starts again

So goes the whole week, every day and year
I walk with my scythe and I plow and sow
I guide my oxen and I pile my hay
Harrow, toil and slave and one day I shall die

Standing there, poor farmhand, before Heaven's gate
A little scared and sorry for the sins I committed
One shall not drink, lie with girls and fight
The Lord, God in Heaven is disappointed, of course

But then the Lord says: poor farmhand, come here!
I've seen your struggle and your neverending toil
Therefore, poor farmhand, you are welcome here
Therefore, poor farmhand, you will be near me

Oh, I, poor farmhand, stand so still before God
And then he dresses me in the whitest of garments
Now, poor farmhand, your work is done
Now, poor farmhand, now is your time to rest


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL TBA -- Please vote!

:cali: voted! Quite enjoyed the songs on offer :)


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL TBA -- Please vote!

:ie: has voted! Our Head Juror was mightily impressed by what he saw, so much so he's hanging around in Sweden with "some of the local talent".



Well-known member
August 2, 2015
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL TBA -- Please vote!

:no: have now voted xcheer1


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL TBA -- Please vote!

Huge thank you to everyone who has voted so far! xbow xhug You all have had different favorites basically, and often the complete opposite votes from the next person, so the winner could be any song at this point! :lol:

Keep 'em coming, folks! :D


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

So now that the confirmation thread has been set up, the deadline for this NF could finally be determined! :)


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

After seven voters, the current score is as follows:

45 points
44 points
32 points
26 points

Keep the votes coming, guys! :D


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

What a landslide! Voting couldn't possibly be worth it.


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

What a landslide! Voting couldn't possibly be worth it.
Any vote could change it, though. The entry currently second at 44 points could very well win it with just one more voter. We shall see. :)


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

Any vote could change it, though. The entry currently second at 44 points could very well win it with just one more voter. We shall see. :)

(I fear there may have been some sarcasm lost in translation.)


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

I see! :lol: Well, it's hard to tell online without appropriate emoticons that would suggest the seriousness (or lack thereof) of the post.


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

I see! :lol: Well, it's hard to tell online without appropriate emoticons that would suggest the seriousness (or lack thereof) of the post.

Not having any punctuation marks to denote sarcasm is one of the biggest failings of the English language. Maybe we should try and do something like:

[SARCASM] I wouldn't bother voting in this NF as my votes obviously wouldn't make a difference. [/SARCASM]


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

Are there even punctuation marks to denote sarcasm in other languages? xthink
Sarcasm is mainly expressed through intonation here ... impossible to transfer it to a written form :D


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

Are there even punctuation marks to denote sarcasm in other languages? xthink
Sarcasm is mainly expressed through intonation here ... impossible to transfer it to a written form :D

I've never heard of any punctuation marks denoting sarcasm in any language, but I think that it's something which could catch on...


Well-known member
March 29, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // ?? // ?? // National Final // DDL 12th October @ 23:59 CET -- Please vote!

Voted! xcheer Amazing NF! xlove


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 54 // Falconer // Per Tyrssons Döttrar i Vänge // Lyrics translation

And here are the lyrics + lyrics translation of Per Tyrssons Döttrar i Vänge. It's an old medieval ballad originally, and it was the inspiration for Ingmar Bergman's film The Virgin Spring, which in turn was the inspiration for the 1968 French ESC entry.

Per Tyrssons Döttrar i Vänge
Per Tyrssons döttrar i Vänge
Kaller var deras skog
De sovo en sömn för länge
Medan skogen han lövas

Först vaknade den yngsta
Kaller var deras skog
Så väckte hon opp de andra
Medan skogen han lövas

Så satte de sig på sängestock
Kaller var deras skog
Så flätade de varandras lock
Medan skogen han lövas

Så togo de på sina silkesklär
Kaller var deras skog
Så gingo de sig åt kyrkan
Medan skogen han lövas

När som de kommo på Vänga lid
Kaller var deras skog
Där mötte de tre vallare
Medan skogen han lövas

"Säg viljen I bli vallareviv?"
Kaller var deras skog
"Eller viljen I mista era unga liv?"
Medan skogen han lövas

"Ej vilja vi bli vallareviv"
Kaller var deras skog
"Hellre miste vi vårt unga liv"
Medan skogen han lövas

De högg deras huvu'n på björkestock
Kaller var deras skog
Så rann där strax tre källor opp
Medan skogen han lövas

Kropparna grovo de ner i dy
Kaller var deras skog
Kläderna buro de fram till by
Medan skogen han lövas

När som de kommo till Vänga gård
Kaller var deras skog
Ute för dem Fru Karin står
Medan skogen han lövas

"Åh viljen I köpa silkessärkar?"
Kaller var deras skog
"Som nio jungfrur har stickat och virkat?"
Och skogen han lövas

"Lös upp edra knyten och låt mig se"
Kaller var deras skog
"Kanhända jag känner dem alla tre"
Medan skogen han lövas

Fru Karin sig för bröstet slår
Kaller var deras skog
Och upp till Per Tyrsson i porten hon går
Medan skogen han lövas

"Det håller tre vallare på vår gård"
Kaller var deras skog
"De haver gjort av med döttrarna vår"
Medan skogen han lövas

Per Tyrsson tar sitt svärd i hand
Kaller var deras skog
Så högg han ihjäl de äldsta två
Medan skogen han lövas

Den tredje fråga han innan han slog
Kaller var deras skog
"Vad heter er fader och er mor?"
Medan skogen han lövas

"Vår fader Per Tyrsson i Vänge"
Kaller var deras skog
"Vår moder Fru Karin i Skränge"
Medan skogen han lövas

Per Tyrsson han går sig åt smedjan
Kaller var deras skog
Han lät smida sig järn om midjan
Medan skogen han lövas

"Vad ska vi nu göra för syndamen?"
Kaller var deras skog
"Vi ska bygga upp en kyrka av kalk och sten!"
Medan skogen han lövas

"Den kyrkan ska heta Kärna"
Kaller var deras skog
"Den ska vi bygga upp sa gärna"
Medan skogen han lövas
Per Tysson's Daughters in Vänge
Per Tyrsson's daughters in Vänge
Oh how chilly their woods
They were fast asleep a long time ago
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

First awoke the youngest
Oh how chilly their woods
She soon awoke the others
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

They sat upon the edge of the bed
Oh how chilly their woods
And braided the hair on each other's head
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

Then they put on their clothes of silk
Oh how chilly their woods
And made their way to church
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

When they came to Vänge hill
Oh how chilly their woods
There they met three herders
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"Pray, will you become herderwives?"
Oh how chilly their woods
"Or will you lose your young lives?"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"We will not become herderwives"
Oh how chilly their woods
"We would rather lose our young lives"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

They chopped their heads off on birch-wood log
Oh how chilly their woods
And there soon three wells sprung forth
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

The bodies they dug down in muddy ground
Oh how chilly their woods
The clothes they carried to Vänge town
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

As they arrived at Vänge farm
Oh how chilly their woods
Fru Karin came out to greet them
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"Oh will you buy silk garments?"
Oh how chilly their woods
"That nine maidens knitted and crotcheted?"
And the woods burst into leaf

"Open your bundles and let me see"
Oh how chilly their woods
"Perhaps I know them, all three"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

Fru Karin quivers as never before
Oh how chilly their woods
And runs to Per Tyrsson who stands by the door
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"There are three herders at our farm"
Oh how chilly their woods
"They've gotten rid of our daughters"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

Per Tyrsson grabs his sword in hand
Oh how chilly their woods
Then he slayed the two older men
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

The third one he asked before he stroke
Oh how chilly their woods
"Who is your father and your mother?"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"Our father Per Tyrsson in Vänge"
Oh how chilly their woods
"Our mother Fru Karin in Skränge"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

Per Tyrsson went to the smithy
Oh how chilly their woods
And forged himself iron round his waist
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"What shall we do for retribution?"
Oh how chilly their woods
"We shall build a church out of lime and stone"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf

"Kärna Church shall be its name"
Oh how chilly their woods
"Oh, how willingly we shall build it"
Whilst the woods burst into leaf


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 55 // Kalle Moraeus // Högfjällspolskan //

Here be the 55th Svealand entry, one of my absolute favorite folk music pieces of all time! The photo in the video was taken by me. :D

"Högfjällspolskan" - Kalle Moraeus



Well-known member
March 23, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 55 // Kalle Moraeus // Högfjällspolskan //

such a lovely folk tune xlove
and this wonderful picture so suits the song too xheart
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