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Svealand // WV 188 // Tommy Johansson // Fattig Bonddräng // lyrics translation


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
:svea: :svea: SVEALAND :svea: :svea:


Tommy Johansson - Fattig Bonddräng

Jag är fattig bonddräng men jag lever ändå
Dagar går och kommer medan jag knogar på
Harvar, sår och plöjer, mockar, gräver och bär
Går bak mina oxar, hojtar, visslar och svär

Jag är fattig bonddräng och jag tuggar mitt snus
Och när lörda'n kommer vill jag ta mig ett rus
Sen när jag blitt livad vill jag tampas och slåss
Vila hos en flicka vill jag också förstås

Sen så kommer sönda'n och då vill våran präst
Att jag ska i kyrkan men då sover jag mest
Prästen kan väl sova hela måndagen, men
För en fattig bonddräng börjar knoget igen

Så går hela veckan, alla dagar och år
Jag går med min lie och jag plöjer och sår
Jag kör mina oxar och jag hässjar mitt hö
Harvar, gnor och trälar och till sist ska jag dö

Står där fattig bonddräng invid Himmelens port
Lite rädd och ledsen för de synder jag gjort
Man ska inte supa, hålls med flickor och slåss
Herren Gud i Himlen är väl missnöjd förstås

Men då säger Herren: fattig bonddräng, kom hit!
Jag har sett din strävan och ditt eviga slit
Därför fattig bonddräng är du välkommen här
Därför fattig bonddräng, skall du vara mig när

Och jag fattig bonddräng står så still inför Gud
Och sen klär han på mej den mest snövita skrud
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, är ditt arbete slut
Nu du, fattig bonddräng, nu får du vila ut
I am a poor farmhand, but I'm alive anyway
Days come and go, while I grind away
Harrow, sow and plow, muck, dig and carry
Walk behind my oxen, holler, whistle and swear

I am a poor farmhand and I chew my tobacco
And when Saturday comes I want to get a drink
Then when I get spirited, I want to tussle and fight
Lie with a girl is what I want to do as well, of course

Then Sunday comes and our priest wants me in church
But that is when I sleep the most
The priest can sleep all of Monday, but
For a poor farmhand the grinding starts again

So goes the whole week, every day and year
I walk with my scythe and I plow and sow
I guide my oxen and I pile my hay
Harrow, toil and slave and one day I shall die

Standing there, poor farmhand, before Heaven's gate
A little scared and sorry for the sins I committed
One shall not drink, lie with girls and fight
The Lord, God in Heaven is disappointed, of course

But then the Lord says: poor farmhand, come here!
I've seen your struggle and your neverending toil
Therefore, poor farmhand, you are welcome here
Therefore, poor farmhand, you will be near me

Oh, I, poor farmhand, stand so still before God
And then he dresses me in the whitest of garments
Now, poor farmhand, your work is done
Now, poor farmhand, now is your time to rest


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 60 // Sabaton // To Hell And Back //

Sorry guys for not making this post earlier, but I've just been busy. :oops: And also, it's not been easy to get a definite answer from everyone which days and times you all preferred or could still make it to. However, it seemed like tomorrow evening (March 11th) was the day that suited the most people for the Svealand LL event, so is everyone still up for it tomorrow? Or should we postpone it to next Friday/Saturday?

Which time would best suit you? 21:00 CET is perfect for me, but would that be too late or early for you guys?

We'll be using the [b][/b] room, since not everyone could get on yet.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen! It's time to start discussing the Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event! :D Why now at 60 entries you might ask? Because I didn't think of hosting such a thing at 50 entries. :lol:
It will be held sometime after WV 60 and will include all my entries from WV 1-60 in chronological order! xheat So come take this trip down memory lane with me! xcheer

Since this event will take a few hours, it's best to hold it either on a Friday or a Saturday, and definitely after the NF circus us over and done with. The Melodifestivalen final, one of the last NF events for the season, is Saturday March 12th. So perhaps March 18th/19th? Unless there are WV LL events that particular weekend of course. I'm open to any time really, so suggest away!

Let's do this! :D

:svea: :svea: :svea:


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Athens & Kordavian Islands
Re: Svealand // WV 60 // Sabaton // To Hell And Back //

I did not forget about it Anna! :D Ofc i remember that this Friday suited most of th members! :D

It is fine, but i am afraid that 21 00 CET might be slightly early for me :(

In any case i will be online from 22.30, so if you could move the LL an hour later it would be better :mrgreen:


February 9, 2012
Re: Svealand // WV 60 // Sabaton // To Hell And Back //

Any day is fine by me, and that time is alright as well, even if I have been a good boy recently going to bed fairly early:rolleyes: Can't wait for 60 hot hits from Svealandxheat Unsure i'll be able to stay for all of it though.


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 60 // Sabaton // To Hell And Back //

I did not forget about it Anna! :D Ofc i remember that this Friday suited most of th members! :D

It is fine, but i am afraid that 21 00 CET might be slightly early for me :(

In any case i will be online from 22.30, so if you could move the LL an hour later it would be better :mrgreen:
Starting at 22:30 CET is more than fine for me, but let's see what everyone else thinks first. :)


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Friday March 11th //

As I said before, I'm afraid I will miss this :( Have fun, y'all


February 24, 2010
Lisbon & Kordavian Islands
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Friday March 11th (?) //

Aww, I thought this special event would take part on the 18th. :( (I haven't been paying too much attention to what's going on, sometimes) I'm afraid I won't be able to attend tomorrow. :( 18th would suit me much much better, since all the dozens and dozens of tests would be marked and the students' second term evaluation inserted in the school's program. So I could enjoy it much much better. But if others prefer it for tomorrow, do not stop the excitment because of me. It's just sad that I won't be able to attend to the LL, after being Svealand's friend for over 3 years. xcry1 xrose


Well-known member
June 6, 2013
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Friday March 11th (?) //

Any time after 20:30 CET is fine for me.


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Friday March 11th (?) //

[MENTION=10639]as78[/MENTION] [MENTION=10742]daniels1000[/MENTION] [MENTION=4724]EurovisionSmile[/MENTION] [MENTION=12033]Nicholas123[/MENTION] [MENTION=12848]MARCOMEN[/MENTION] [MENTION=11993]whiteshoes[/MENTION] [MENTION=12837]JamieBrown[/MENTION] [MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] [MENTION=15002]Gaoithe[/MENTION] [MENTION=12510]esc87fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=4911]kopachka[/MENTION] [MENTION=7797]AdelAdel[/MENTION] [MENTION=6700]Grinch[/MENTION]

OK, sorry for yet another mention, guys. :lol: :oops: So as it appears that both Jamie and Luis can't make it tomorrow, maybe we should indeed postpone it? But next Friday wasn't good either I think, since Daniel couldn't make it then (and I'd hate for either of these three people to miss it).

But if we're going to postpone it, I'm going to need your input. Not just which weekend you would prefer, but any and all weekends you could make it. Fridays or Saturdays.

March 25th or 26th - (At least two people can't make it)
April 1st or 2nd
April 8th or 9th
April 15th or 16th
April 22nd or April 23rd
April 29th or April 30th - (One person can't make it)

Or even further into the future? Help me out here, it's not easy to organize something this big.

And if anyone I've mentioned isn't interested at all, let me know and you won't need to receive mentions about this event in the future. :)

Alright, ladies and gentlemen! It's time to start discussing the Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event! :D Why now at 60 entries you might ask? Because I didn't think of hosting such a thing at 50 entries. :lol:
It will be held sometime after WV 60 and will include all my entries from WV 1-60 in chronological order! xheat So come take this trip down memory lane with me! xcheer

Since this event will take a few hours, it's best to hold it either on a Friday or a Saturday, and definitely after the NF circus us over and done with. The Melodifestivalen final, one of the last NF events for the season, is Saturday March 12th. So perhaps March 18th/19th? Unless there are WV LL events that particular weekend of course. I'm open to any time really, so suggest away!

Let's do this! :D

:svea: :svea: :svea:


Well-known member
March 13, 2011
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Thread For Details //

Friday evenings suit me better.


February 24, 2010
Lisbon & Kordavian Islands
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Thread For Details //

I would choose April 1st/2nd or further. On the 25th/26th it's Easter weekend and I'll be spending some days with my family, give attention to my mom in the eves, so I could only attend half of the LL.


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Thread For Details //

Same like Luís. I'm out for the 26th for sure and pretty sure I will spend some time with my parents at 25th. But from 1stApril on, everything's open, but the earlier, the better.


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Athens & Kordavian Islands
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Post #752 For Details //

Oh gosh, i have to find out when the Orthodox Passover will be cause i probably won't be able to make it that specific Friday :oops:


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Athens & Kordavian Islands
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Post #752 For Details //

Oh it is pretty late this year :mrgreen: So, yeah, 29-30 is out for me :lol:


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Svealand // WV 61 // Svealand 60th Anniversary LL Event // Check Post #752 For Details //

Easter weekend is out for me, it's my mom's birthday on the 26th. Sometime in April would be best for me, by then I will have caught up with you time-wise (and either got my laptop fixed or got a new one)
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