
She's so on point vocally! What's the language at the end? Is it Hebrew? I feel like she just included that for the occasion.
She says at the end TODA, LO (thanx, no) in Hebrew. However, the "Hebrew version" sounds strange to me, as Hvala has the stress on the first syllable, and TODA in Hebrew has the second syllable stressed. So, thanx, but no. She should stick to Slovene or Portuguese version
On the other hand, Predjama castle looks astonishing from the outside, but unfortunately, like 99% of our castles, it is rather empty in its inside, cuz all our castles were either "emptied" by their last German/Italian/Austrian owners when they ran from here, or they were sacked by invadors during WW2. One of the rare exceptions is the Ptuj castle, which has superb collections and some fine original inventories.
If you are looking for places to visit and what to see, I suggest you to visit the website of Slovenian Tourist Board. They have a splendid webpage, great pics, and tourist offer in Slovenia. However, keep in mind that the website largely advertises only the Western parts of Slovenia, which are crowded with tourists, whereas the Eastern parts are usually overlooked and poorly visited, though there are some tourist pearls too. In my opinion, I would suggest you to do a lot of outdoor tourism, I think Slovenia is really clean and green, and there are numerous opportunities to do sports indoor and outdoor, hiking, cycling, mountain biking, you can still ski in Krvavec as they still have a lot of snow. Oh, and don't forget to taste
potica (for non-Slovene speakers, please, read it as "poteetsa"). Even the Pope was asking Melania Trump if she was feeding Trump with it

Finally, if you visit Bled, you have to eat/try also the "kremschnitt", a vanilla desert. Gush, that is really tasty and worth of getting fat