I agree, it would be refreshing to have an "Eastern-European" Wiwibloggs counterpart. Not to mention Wiwi likes them clicks and posted the most popular acts of Israel Calling 2018 first, leaving the rest behind, which I found annoying. And they can be very biased coverage-wise (Spain and Finland were so talked about, for instance). Besides, their opinions are obviously "Western-centered" since most of their known faces are Brits.
ESCKAZ deserves some credit indeed. I don't think they're trying to compete for the spotlight, yet it's nice to have a reliable source of information from another part of Europe.
I am glad you agree, because I have been checking YT reactions by fans from Eastern Europe to selected entries for this year's ESC edition and you know what surprised me most? My impression was that the ESC is not stigmatized as a "gay celebration" over there. I was quite surprised to see that also some East-European guys made reaction videos, yet they are definitively not gay. And don't get me wrong - I really don't mind if ESC has the "gay" stigma. However, I take this observation as a clue that suggests that ESC is still seen for the most part as a music competition in Eastern Europe, and I really like this idea. Well, perhaps we should drop a message or two to ESCKAZ and give them the "idea" to approach the covering of ESC in a more professional way
As for Wiwibloggs, you've nailed it once again, tuorem. I remember that you have expressed this critique about their over-hyping of Findland already long ago. I've paid attention and I must agree. There are several songs/interpreters who get a lot of coverage and special treatment. In the end, my opinion is that William is the face of Wiwibloggs and actually that guy in their team who has the right approach and attitude to all songs. I must say that he seems to me as the most objective and fair commentator, who always seeks for the positive in every song and performer. From time to time, I am also surprised by his political undertone-comments. Probably the most surprising fact/discovery for me about William was when I saw how he defended Russian entries and criticized the negative stance of fans who reject/criticize Russian entries only for the sake of politics. As for Deban, I like him as interviewer, he is funny and always well prepared for interviews, but he is actually very negative and super-critical of certain entries. For instance, I've seen how critical he was of Lea's entry, down-rating it, criticizing the song etc., but in his interview with Lea, I had that feeling he was complimenting her, but it sounded so hypocritical and dishonest, when I remembered of all his critiques about Lea's song. I don't know, I surely don't like it, but hey, what can we do??? Finally, we have already agreed that the worst Wiwiblogger is that Irish guy whose lack of energy on camera is (honestly) disturbing. When I see him commenting or reacting, it feels like ages before he finishes his sentence(s). Enough about Wiwibloggs and its members. They make good money because of your and my love for ESC, and already by talking about them, this brings them even more money
Otherwise, I cannot believe, ESC is actually already around the corner! Soon, rehearsals will start, and then the big week, and it's over for another year