Don't wanna go off-topic too much
: so far, I've listened to
and followed the NFs of
, which isn't much. I must say "Hvala, Ne!" is my jam already, it's going to hit my personal top 10 for sure, I'm so happy to support you again.
I'm okay with the song my country picked, it's not really lighting my fire, but it's much better than the "Eva" song that I feared would represent us.
San Marino had a nice NF as well, we'll see what they'll choose on Saturday. They may fare decently in Lisbon.
Finally, I can't wait for Eesti Laul to end, because I've got a hot fave there which I need so bad.
As for the rest, from what I read, it seems pretty diverse in terms of music styles, and I appreciate the comeback of national languages a lot.
are on my radar as well, so I can't wait for the party to start.
Speaking of Lea Sirk, I'm impressed by how she almost became a totally different person in one year: "Freedom" wasn't bad, but it wasn't that striking either. The performance was a bit of a mess with her vocals and she didn't look confident at all to me. What she brought this year is on a whole other level, and looks-wise, she's low-key popping too. I'm living for her see-through oversize outfit and cotton candy braid
Gush, tuorem, I wish you could speak Slovenian right now. If you like Lea already now, well, I wonder only what you would say if you understood her as well! You know, in my opinion, Slovenian is tough for lyricists, but I don't know how or why, yet Lea has managed to put together really smooth, meaningful lyrics that fit well the beat. I feel as though even some syllables and consonants are perfectly timed and chosen in chorus with rythm
Hahaha. I know, it sounds like a lot of "cr.p", but I really like our song this year - and this time, I really like it in our national language, not English. Look up for translation, if you can/wish to.
Otherwise, I can see you are being a busy ESC fan.
As for me, well, I am not really eagerly following ESC this year. What I usually do is that I listen to those MY TOP videos, so that I hear all songs (along with new ones) in 5 minutes, and then what sounds good to me, I go and listen through. France really impressed me this year, not so much because of the lyrics (message is unfortunately very controversial), but her singing and melody, I don't know, but I get those same vibes of good old French music from 80's. I know it sounds a bit far-fetched to say, but whenever I hear your entry, I want to go and listen to Mass' En rouge et noir! That is really damn good song
On the other hand, I must say that my biggest disappointment this year are Italy, Germany, UK (what the heck is that?!?!), especially Italy. I mean, you know, how much I like Italy last year, and the year before. But this time... HVALA, NE!
It seems that also Greece is coming back hard this year, swinging and crusing. Such etherical, ambiental sound. I love it! As for Russia, I am really, really happy that Yulia is getting her chance, although Russophobes were predicting that she would be left behind this year. Oh, and not to forget, I also really like Alexeev for Belarus. As an eager fan of Russian pop music, of course, I was familiar with him and his work long before ESC. I think he will be surely top 10, if he only nails all those high notes. This is his only problem, live singing. I saw some of his live appearances where he sang superbly, but then again, I also found some his clips, where he sounded off and horrible
Anyways, after this long, long message, I end here. Probably I will be coming back in the next days, though I must admit that the break from ESC in all forms in these long long months felt really good. Hugs, hugs, hugs