many people often confuse Slovenia with Slovakia. Not only their names, but also their flags are similar.
Is that a coincidence or something connects these two countries ?
it's "coincidental"... we both have common Slavic ancestors, but other than that we don't have any significant ties that would explain the similarities.
old Slavs called themselves
Slovan = "a man whose words I understand" and when the tribes spread around, we both kept the naming.
here's more about the Slovenia/Slovakia etymology
linguistically, Slovenes still understand other South Slavs relatively well, but between us and West Slavs (Cz, Sk, Pl), there needs to be a lot of hand gesturing (or alcohol) involved to understand each other at least a bit.
flags both use the pan-slavic colors, red-white-blue and once again it was just the coincidence (or lack of originality) that both nations ended up with almost the same one.. we aren't completely happy with our flag and the process of changing it has been started before, but never came anywhere close to completing it, cause we can't really agree on what to change it into
Don't the ambassadors for each country from each country meet up once a month to exchange misaddressed mail?
no, they only joked about it

but the main post offices do receive wrong mail on a daily basis...
I used to send & receive postcards through the Postcrossing project and a couple of times I also had the marking from Bratislava on my received card

the address was written correctly, it was just the sorting people/machines that didn't do their job properly... god knows how often my mail made a detour without me even knowing...