Well-known member
Not a big fan of the song, did not expect it to qualify, BUT! Better than a few countries that actually made it to the final!
My friend, I no no how anyone can recover from spontaneously combusting? It look a like he in a better place now. He's with his favourite artists now in the clouds above.. Nico, Billie Holiday, Nick Drake, Dalida, Judee Sill and Chet Baker. He says where he is people have a good music taste. Only the music he likes is played. I want to join him but I have duties on a this planet to give people strength to carry on believing and flying on the wings of confidence. The message of Valentina's song is still strong. She still is a winner as she touch so many of us. We must emerge from our chrysalis and fly.
Warmest regards,
I wouldn't say flawless, she had one or two problems, nothing very important, but she didn't go for the great finale as she used to. Armenia's song may be bland and he may lack charisma, all true, but he was one of the best singers of the night.
Hungary I really don't understand. Totally the worst moment of the whole thing
WTF was that?! That performance was dreadful... her vocals weren't as good... she lacked energy... the song was weak on TV. I love the song but I'm glad it failed cause it wouldn't be deserved if it qualified.
La vita non è degna di essere vissuta quando ci sentiamo male. Stasera, una lacrima, una sola lacrima .. colava lungo la guancia. Musica che tocca il cuore. La maggior parte dei cuori sono fatti di pietra. Loro non sono molti veri cuori sinistra. Ieri sera, ho volato sulle ali della fiducia. Uscii dalla mia crisalide. Sono diventato la farfalla e che è grazie alla farfalla di San Marino. Grazie Valentina voi. Avete cambiato la mia vita e dato che molti di noi la forza. Lei ha ispirato e ci ha dato la tua vita, i tuoi commenti, le tue passioni. È musica vivrà per e continuare a toccare il cuore che lo meritano.