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Russia RUSSIA 2015 - Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices

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    58 19.7%

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Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Although I don't like the direction their choosing musically I must say vocally the last three entries have been their strongest. Polina sounds amazing, very powerful, and I don't even think we heard the climax yet


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
I think What If was really good, the beginning of it was amazing


January 17, 2012
What If had a great chorus, very memorable.

I'd rather say predictable. I swear the first time I listened to the song, as she was singing, I was able to guess and hum the melodic line that was coming next. I always get this weird feeling with songs that concentrate what has already been done in zillions of songs like that. Every note, every transition, every arrangement made me feel like the song existed 20 years ago already. Not only it sounded outdated, it reached the level zero of creativity.

Too bad they seem to go for it once again.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
I'd rather say predictable. I swear the first time I listened to the song, as she was singing, I was able to guess and hum the melodic line that was coming next. I always get this weird feeling with songs that concentrate what has already been done in zillions of songs like that. Every note, every transition, every arrangement made me feel like the song existed 20 years ago already. Not only it sounded outdated, it reached the level zero of creativity.

Too bad they seem to go for it once again.

Well I don't know if the latest one is anything like as good at this point when I hear it in full I'll decide.

But sometimes something which sounds inevitable might not be because of lack of creativity but because it taps into some classic idea which is very resonant and memorable. That's more a deja-vu feeling about parts of a song rather than feeling you know every note. I never had the feeling listening to What If that it was just a pure copy of anything, but it did feel inevitable in the chorus, in an unstoppable exciting way. The verse I thought was less good but she sang that well too. Plenty of music isn't completely original, sometimes it's just people by coincidence finding the same good classic idea because it's so effective. But it's what you do with that idea to make it work in the new context that matters.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Comparing to "What If", this looks like it is a better version of a "peace"-song. It doesn't feel too "obvious" like Dinas song was and I like Polina as a singer much more, she makes it more believeble and not too cliche (even if all peace songs are in the borderline of being that). I think this might be the best Russian song since 2012 at least, so it is a step in the right direction! :)


February 9, 2012
The nauseatingly disingenuous "What If" is going to be hard to top. I think that was easily one of my most hated Eurovision songs of all time. I've never cringed so much in my life. It was just horrible. I'm not expecting great things from Russia this year, in fact i'm fearing the worst, but i'm just hoping it won't be as intolerable as their 2013 entry. I don't understand why Russia is going for this type of song again? It's not just the fact it's Russia. I wouldn't be able to swallow any country doing this kind of thing. A country with so much great music and we're getting stuff like this?


January 17, 2012
Well I don't know if the latest one is anything like as good at this point when I hear it in full I'll decide.

But sometimes something which sounds inevitable might not be because of lack of creativity but because it taps into some classic idea which is very resonant and memorable. That's more a deja-vu feeling about parts of a song rather than feeling you know every note. I never had the feeling listening to What If that it was just a pure copy of anything, but it did feel inevitable in the chorus, in an unstoppable exciting way. The verse I thought was less good but she sang that well too. Plenty of music isn't completely original, sometimes it's just people by coincidence finding the same good classic idea because it's so effective. But it's what you do with that idea to make it work in the new context that matters.

I wasn't criticizing Dina's performances at all, I guess she made the most out of it, however I felt sad for her because she had a voice and it was wasted on a meh song imo. I understand what you mean, there may be like "reflexes" when writing music, so it is likely that a lot of songs sound the same in some parts, etc. but I always wondered why broadcasters would go for songs that are so undaring there is no point of submitting them to a music contest, especially when it's not the singer's will. Of course, tastes differ. In my opinion, What If has no quality whatsoever and it's a shame because it comes from Russia (that can do much much better than that).

I hope Polina will have more luck song-wise tbh xcheer


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
Ugh, another ballad. How many's that now...11? 12?
Regardless, Polina is one of my favourite Russian artists and I'll still be proud of her regardless of how crappy her song might be. xheart


March 3, 2014
this chorus xfaint
its stuck in my head since I've heard the small snippet, so strong!

only 2 days left xcheer
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