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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink] 139 -> Real Lies - One Club Town

Okay... i didnt planned to come online again this week, but now i have to and i have to come online because of changing my entry... there is a new song of one of my former artists (Bodo Wartke) which lyrics are so great, that i have to change. I know that great german lyrics are not understandable for the most here, but i will send it anyway.

Will first try to make a translation before i post it.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Papendink 139

Papendink 139

Bodo Wartke

Nicht in meinem Namen
Not in my Name

Wenn ich ein Gott wär von irgendeiner traditions-
reichen populären Weltreligion,
- von welcher Religion, ist dabei völlig egal -
dann hätt‘ ich was zu sagen, das geht euch alle an, denn
ihr habt da etwas Wesentliches mißverstanden
und das bereits zum wiederholten Mal.
If i were the god of a an traditional
old world religion,
- which of them, it makes no difference -
then i would have to say something to all of you cause
you have understand a fundemantal part completly wrong
and you did it many times before.

All der Hass und all das Leid,
für das ihr weltweit verantwortlich seid,
Flucht und Vertreibung und all die menschlichen Dramen,
Unterdrückung, Krieg, Völkermord,
wovon ihr behauptet, es wär‘ Gottes Wort,
all das geschieht nicht in meinem Namen!
All the hate and all the harm,
on the world in your responsibility,
The ones on the run and the banishment, the human dramas
repressions, war, genocide,
where you claim its the word of go,
all that does not happen in my name!

Wenn ihr ein Land besiedelt, das euch nicht gehört,
die Bevölkerung vertreibt und ihre Dörfer zerstört,
und alle Friedensbemühungen immer wieder erlahmen,
weil ihr nicht miteinander sondern allein dort leben wollt,
weil ihr glaubt, ihr wärt das auserwählte Volk,
dann handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
If you settle in a land which is not yours,
banish the people and destroy their homes
and all peace efforts leads to nowhere
cause you want to live together, want to have all for your own,
cause you believe you are the chosen people,
then you dont do it in my name!

Wenn ihr tausend Jahre alte Kulturen vernichtet
und auf den Trümmern eure protzigen Paläste errichtet
und behauptet, ihr machtet euch stark für die Schwachen und Armen,
wenn von selbsternannten Dienern Gottes auf Erden
Kinder mißbraucht und mißhandelt werden,
dann geschieht das ganz gewiß nicht in meinem Namen!
When you destroy thousand year old cultures
and you build pretentious palasts on the ruins
and claim, you care for the weak and the poor,
when from self-proclaimed represantives of god on earth
maltreats and abuse childs,
then all that happens certainly not in my name!

Wenn ihr bigott, rigide und weltentrückt
eure Frauen verachtet und unterdrückt
aufgrund eurer „Werte“, eurer ach so tugendsamen,
nach denen man als Frau nicht widersprechen darf
sondern eingesperrt wird und versklavt,
dann handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
If you bigoted, rigid and unworldly
not respect your womens and bear them down
based on your oh-so virtuos "rules"
who says that a woman never have to disagree
that you have to coop her and she is your slave
then you dont do it in my name!

Und wenn eure Tochter z.B. das dann nicht mehr still
ertragen sondern selbstbestimmt leben will
statt die mütterliche Knechtschaft nachzuahmen,
und sie von euch dann erniedrigt, geschlagen, entführt,
verstoßen oder sogar ermordet wird,
dann handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
And if your daughter (for example) doesnt want to silently
suffer anymore, if she wants to life her life self-determined
refuse to imitate her mothers slavery
and you abase, beat, kidnap
throw her out or even murder her,
then you dont do it in my name!

Wenn ihr Homosexuelle zusammenschlagt,
sie beschimpft und durch die Straßen jagt,
weil sie wagten einander öffentlich zu umarmen,
wenn ihr Frauen wie Freiwild behandelt, das man
nach Belieben begrapschen und vergewaltigen kann,
dann handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
If you beat down homosexuals,
insult them and hunt them trough the streets,
just cause they dared to embrace each other in public,
if womans just are fair game, which you can
fondle und rape like you want.
then you dont do that in my name!

Wenn ihr Andersgläubige massakriert
und Regimekritiker exekutiert
ohne jegliches Mitleid und ohne Erbarmen,
wenn ihr euch daran ergötzt und weidet,
wie ihr öffentlich Menschen die Köpfe abschneidet,
handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
If you massacre heretics
and execute dissidents
without any pity and no mercy
if you gloat over
how you head people on TV,
you dont do it in my name!

Und wenn ihr wieder mal hemmungslos Blut vergießt,
indem ihr wahllos unschuldige Menschen erschießt,
die vor euch nicht rechtzeitig entkamen,
und wenn ihr euch, mit Sprengstoff behängt,
inmitten einer Menschenmenge in die Luft sprengt,
handelt ihr damit nicht in meinem Namen!
And when you do reckless again and again bloodsed
by shooting random innocents
which didnt ran away fast enough
and when you put a bomb arround you
and blast yourself in the middle of a crowd
you dont do it in my name!

Ihr seid weder Märtyrer noch ehrbare Rächer,
ihr seid einfach nur gottlose Schwerverbrecher,
und glaubt mir, ihr gehört zu den ganz infamen!
Wenn ihr zerstört, was ich erschuf,
dann will ich nicht, dass ihr euch auf mich beruft.
Denn ihr handelt nicht in meinem Namen!
You are no martyr and no honorable avenger,
you are just unholy dangerous criminals,
and believe me, you belong to the most infamous!
When you destroy, what i created,
then i dont wont, that you rely on me.
Because you do not act in my name!

Im Gegenteil,
ihr verwandelt diesen Planeten in einen finst‘ren unduldsamen
und verschandelt das Ansehen all derer, die in Frieden kamen.
Es wird Zeit, dass euch einer standhält, eurem Wahn, diesem grausamen.
Denn ihr handelt nicht in meinem Namen!
Denn ihr handelt nicht in meinem Namen!
Shalom, Inschallah, Amen.
It's the opposite,
you turn this planet into a dark intolerant one
and rape the reputation of all who came in peace.
It's Time, that one withstands you, your delusion, this horrible one.
Because you dont act in my name!
Because you dont act in my name!
Shalom, Inschallah, Amen

For the ones who agree with Bodo and like the song and may want to buy it:
it is a charity single (released today), all earnings goes to "Ärzte ohne Grenzen" (German for Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders).

If anyone sees a big mistake in my translation who is misleading (there are sure many mistakes or words who are not the best choice), you can send me a skype message, but i wont be online that much the next days.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink: Going back in time / How my voting in NSC1 would've been.

I think its time to bump this a bit, its already 3 pages behind ^^

Papendink is atm in "Secret-NF"-mode, that means that other NSC countries will decide the entries for ::pap, out of a Secret NF where they will be the only one in the jury.

Its just because i have atm too much going on in my life for making a final entry decision (what is most times very hard for me) at myself... so yeah, i hope others like to do it for me and enjoy to have an influence on my entries :) And im very happy to let do them.

If you want to decide, join the (atm) pretty empty WL by writting that you want to do in the thread or PM it to me.

Everyone is welcome, also people from the WL or people who aren't even involved in NSC atm, but were in the past... i only exclude people who never had anything to do with the contest. Thanks in advance to everyone who likes to join it :)

Waiting List for Papendink Secret NFs
1. Takeru (Yaponesia)

When its your turn, i will ask you for special wishes (type of genre, origin or similar and how many songs you will have to choose from) and after your answer you will receive your Secret NF trough PM.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport

Secret NF with Salmon from Artyomka happened! Here is the choosen song:

Papendink 140

The Afghan Whigs

Maybe the song who had the most nominations (were in many secret NFs, internal NF finals and were also already announced two times as (possible) entry) so far for being my entry... but it never got the ticket in the end. Great that it is now finally in! :)

Thanks for choosing, Salmon! :D


Well-known member
June 8, 2011
Re: Papendink 140: Matamoros

Taking part in a secret NF is one of those things I’d never have expected to be so much fun. Thanks for putting this together, Sven!


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink 140: Matamoros

Secret NF for 141 is already going on: A possible comeback artist who made it to the final with the first entry, a remix of a South Korean song i love pretty much, a rapper/DJ-Duo, a very melodical EDM Track with good vocals and a SomethingALaMode sound-a-like are in it.

Good news for [MENTION=4432]Morty[/MENTION]:
I choosed to send an INK entry in 141 again, so i asked Takeru if he is okay with an INK-NF and he was. ;)

And welcome to the WL, Karhu from Serenes! :)

About Waiting List for Secret NF's:

What the heck...?
Papendink is atm in "Secret-NF"-mode, that means that other NSC countries will decide the entries for ::pap, out of a Secret NF where they will be the only one in the jury. Means that if you will participate, you will join the Secret NF WL on the first free spot and when its your turn, you will receive some songs and can choose your favourite as entry for Papendink! :eek:

Why do you have that?
Its just because i have atm too much going on in my life for making a final entry decision (what is most times very hard for me) at myself... so yeah, i hope others like to do it for me and enjoy to have an influence on my entries and im very happy to let do them.

Who can join?
Everyone is welcome, also people from the WL or people who aren't even involved in NSC atm, but were in the past... i only exclude people who never had anything to do with the contest. Thanks in advance to everyone who likes to join it :) Join just by posting here that you want or doing the same by PM.

Waiting List for Papendink Secret NFs
1. Takeru (Yaponesia) (141) (ongoing)
2. Karhu (Serenes) (142)

Normally, you will receive the songs during the confirmation periode of the contest before the one you will decide for... to said it simple: arround 20 days before you have to decide. I just want to add, that i always can decide that i want decide my entry on my own if i havent already sent you the songs. But i promise you: if you have the songs, its definetely your turn to decide. :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink 140: Matamoros ||| Waiting List for Secret NFs is still open :)

Waiting List will close with the end of confirmation phase of NSC 142, last chance to join! :)

This decade, i only decided 4 songs by myself (Nicht in meinem Namen, Lipslap, Lone Digger, Burning House) and 5 were decided trough Secret NFs... i think its time to decide more on myself again and i think i'm able again to do that in arround two or three months (and next two entries are already in secret NF process ^^).

Doesnt mean i havent had fun with secret NFs. I truely had pretty much (especially at the big one for NSC 133 with more than one participant) and i'm still very happy with having sent Lil Dicky , Edge Dub Monkeyz (it growed on me still after it was decided) and the Afghan Whigs and i'm also happy with RoBert and Die Ärzte. Thanks again [MENTION=4372]takeru[/MENTION] (x3), [MENTION=8036]Salmon[/MENTION] (x2), [MENTION=9449]Yoni[/MENTION]. [MENTION=4426]zechhh[/MENTION], [MENTION=14724]Karhu[/MENTION], [MENTION=4386]anselm[/MENTION] for being part of the secret NFs of this decade. :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink

Secret NF with Takeru from ::yap is over! Here is the choosen song:

Papendink 141


Another song which were already a long time on my list and one of the ones which were often very close to be the one... so: awesome choice again, takeru! :D I think it is the first time i send something like my first entry again. I've choosen the "The Hunger" edit for the NF... in the end its just the song with some text passages from an 80's style vampire story with the same name, but i think this passages fits very well to the song and makes it even better. :cool:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink 141: SebastiAn - Tetra

Waiting List for Secret NF's is closed now. One new entrant on it: welcome Morty! :)

1. Karhu (NSC 142, Secret NF already ongoing)
2. Morty (NSC 143 or NSC 144)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink]141 | SebastiAn - Tetra

This is the anonymised cover from the album, where our next entry is from.

Thanks for your participation in this secret NF, Karhu! :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink

Secret NF with Karhu from Serenes is over! Here is the choosen song:

[Pap]endink 142

Open Season
Beyond My Wildest Dreams

I wanted to send this for so long because i love this special mix of styles, but since i have sent it in another songcontest and it did really bad there, i wasn't brave enough to do it. :oops:

But since NSC always were different and had - in my eyes - the better taste (I've won here with an entry which ended in the middle there and with another who made a last place :D) i am pretty happy with this choice... sometimes i just need someone who gaves me a shove for the final step. ^^ I would be very happy about a qualification and every semi placement better than 20 would be okay.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Not Denmark of Peace

Secret NF for 144 with Morty is already ongoing... i think it will be the last Secret NF for a longer time and i will decide all entries on my own again.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink] 144: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity + Year Charts, maybe with your entry? :o

Charts-Year 2016 of Papendink: The Top100!

Hello! 2016 was a good year for me, musicwise... i found tons of good music and i found some of them here in NSC. But i have to tell: i'm picky and only the best NSC songs have made it into my top100 and i listen (without counting song contests) maybe to or into arround 70 songs per week to find the music i like, so the NSC songs always awaits a hard fight for getting good places (but the song contest effect brought many of them to lowerish placements) in my weekly charts.

But before we start with the Top100... lets see the NSC songs (where i remember they were in NSC) who at least reached a placement in the list:

First cames to placement, than the Pkt. (=Punkte = Points), then the count of how many weeks it was in my charts. Behind the song, there is the peak position in my Top30, the country (in german if not UK or USA) and then the type of vocals.

280 [03 Pkt.] 01 Boogie Trouble - Diskosnjor #28 Island Female
136: Doire

272 [04 Pkt.] 02 Candy - Atlas #29 Mexiko Female
138: Reym-L-Dneurb

267 [04 Pkt.] 02 Kerli - Feral Hearts #29 Estland Female
133: Hypjo

260 [05 Pkt.] 01 Susanne Sundfor - Kamikaze #26 Norwegen Female
139: Aimülli

259 [05 Pkt.] 01 Ayumi Hamasaki - Progress #26 Japan Female
137: Sakuralia

256 [05 Pkt.] 01 GlitchxCity - Lavender Town Remix #26 USA Instrumental
133: Halito

243 [06 Pkt.] 01 Mustard Pimp & Jimmy Urine - Money Shot #25 Australien
128: Halito (was much better placed last year ^^)

239 [07 Pkt.] 01 The Bombay Royale - Henna Henna #24 Australien FM
134: Halito

228 [09 Pkt.] 01 Tengwar - Bear Skin #22 Argentinien Instrumental
138: Vylkuzeme

226 [09 Pkt.] 01 Skott - Porcelain #22 USA Female
137: New Acadia

218 [10 Pkt.] 01 PYØR - Broke My Rules #21 Lettland Female
137: Lukeland

217 [10 Pkt.] 02 Meghan Trainor - Me Too #24 USA Female
136: SR Indiria

214 [11 Pkt.] 02 Boulevard des airs - Bruxelles #24 Frankreich Male
137: Zombira

204 [16 Pkt.] 01 Julia Nunes - Make Out #18 USA Female
141: Halito

202 [16 Pkt.] 02 Cher - I Walk Alone #21 USA Female
136: Kamande

194 [18 Pkt.] 02 RuPaul - Responsitrannity #21 USA Female
138: Dal Riata

188 [20 Pkt.] 01 Trobar de Morte - Idunn #16 Spanien FM
141: Vylkuzeme

186 [20 Pkt.] 01 Karpe Diem - Attitudeproblem #16 Norwegen Male
137: Balearica Island

184 [20 Pkt.] 01 Foxtails Brigade - We Are Not Ourselves #16 USA Female
136: Dalisska

178 [23 Pkt.] 01 Dikta - What are you Waiting for? #15 Island Female
139: Fervorosia

171 [26 Pkt.] 01 Kyu Sakamoto - Asita ga Arusa #14 Japan Male
134: Yaponesia

170 [26 Pkt.] 03 Leslie Wai - Paradigm #20 UK Instrumental
133: Ugaly

161 [31 Pkt.] 03 Paté de Fuá - El Fantasma Enamorado #19 Mexiko FM
137: Nállanot

154 [36 Pkt.] 03 Shanon - Ootan ööd #14 Estland Male
I remember that this was in a NF and i know it from there... but i'm sorry, i dont remember the nation.

153 [36 Pkt.] 02 Fitz and the Tantrums*- Handclap #17 USA Male
138: Srivijaya & Sasentia

152 [37 Pkt.] 02 Delta Goodrem - The River #12 Australien Female
142: Wuffels

150 [39 Pkt.] 03 Shakira - Try Everything #15 Kolumbien Female
136: Dal Riata

142 [45 Pkt.] 03 Joyce Muniz feat. Kat Vinter - Cover Me Up #12 Österreich Female
139: Reym-L-Dneurb

136 [54 Pkt.] 03 La Yegros - Chicha Roja #14 Argentinien Female
133: Noizeland

135 [55 Pkt.] 03 Die Streuner - Sturmesnacht #13 Deutschland FM
137: Kordavian Island

132 [57 Pkt.] 04 Massive Attack*& Young Fathers - Voodoo In My Blood* #11 UK Male
133: Carpatina

131 [57 Pkt.] 02 Guster - Doin' It By Myself #9 USA Male
133: Yaponesia

129 [61 Pkt.] 01 Klemen Slakonja presents: Vladimir Putin – Putin, Putout #7 Slowenien Male
141: Srivijaya and Sasentia (This will end much higher in 2017 :) )

127 [63 Pkt.] 02 Mick Gordon feat. Omega Sparx - I'm Back (to Rise) #8 Australien Male
130: Ugaly

122 [69 Pkt.] 04 Mashrou' Leila - Bint elKhandaq #14 Libanon Male
134: Ujedinjeni Gvozd

113 [90 Pkt.] 02 Cafuné - Warm Body #6 USA Female
133: Cydoni-Gibberia

109 [94 Pkt.] 02 Gain - Paradise Lost #5 Südkorea Female
131: Llama Republic

106 [102 Pkt.] 04 Tai Reflections - Otamatone: Le Pire Instrument du Monde #9 Frankreich Instrumental
132: Yaponesia

104 [105 Pkt.] 04 Fijuka - Ca Ca Caravan #7 Österreich Female
131: Reym-L-Dneurb

102 [108 Pkt.] 06 Knower – Butts Tits Money #6 USA FM
139: Dalisska

101 [109 Pkt.] 06 Suiyobi No Campanella - Momotaro #10 Japan Female
139: Yaponesia


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink] 144: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity + Year Charts of 2016! Maybe with your entry? :o

Charts-Year 2016 of Papendink: The Top100!

And now, lets start with the bottom half of the Top100! xheart

100 [112 Pkt.] 04 Safia - Embracing Me #8 Australien Male

99 [112 Pkt.] 05 Skye - Said and Done #8 UK Female

98 [112 Pkt.] 05 MONSTA X - Hero #11 Südkorea Male (::lla 138 xlove)

97 [117 Pkt.] 05 Makhno Project - Odessa-Mama #13 Ukraine Male (::yap NF, if i remember right, thank you!)

96 [119 Pkt.] 03 Babymetal - Karate #4 Japan FM

95 [120 Pkt.] 06 Wagakki Band*- Nadeshiko Sakura #13 Japan Female

94 [122 Pkt.] 03 Rosie Lowe - Woman #7 UK Female

93 [123 Pkt.] 05 Ella on The Run - Star Lion #6 Schweiz Female

92 [124 Pkt.] 03 Raleigh Ritchie - Stronger Than Ever #5 UK Male (::wal 131 xlove)

91 [127 Pkt.] 04 Astrid S - Paper Thin #4 Norwegen Female

90 [130 Pkt.] 03 Viola Martinsson - Made Of #4 Schweden Female

89 [132 Pkt.] 04 Herr Tischbein - Labyrinth #1 Österreich Male

88 [132 Pkt.] 06 Ariana & the Rose - Give Up the Ghost (Live at Viber Presents) #4 USA Female

87 [133 Pkt.] 04 Marshmello - Alone* #7 UK Male

86 [138 Pkt.] 04 Safia - Home #6 Australien Male

85 [141 Pkt.] 02 Icona Pop - Someone Who Can Dance #5 Schweden Female

84 [142 Pkt.] 03 Anna Wise - Go #6 USA Female

83 [145 Pkt.] 14 Against the Current - Wasteland #15 USA Male

82 [146 Pkt.] 04 Monkey Majik - Delicious #10 Japan Male

81 [148 Pkt.] 04 Broods - Free #8 Neuseeland FM (::ems 134 xlove)

80 [148 Pkt.] 08 Eden Xo - El Barrio #12 USA Female

79 [150 Pkt.] 05 Au4 - So Just Hang On, Beautiful One #10 Kanada FM (::ugl 137 xlove)

78 [153 Pkt.] 05 Todrick Hall*- Wrong B*tch (feat. Bob The Drag Queen)* #6 USA Male

77 [154 Pkt.] 05 Cam - This Burning House #3 USA Female

76 [156 Pkt.] 05 AKB48 - Green Flash #8 Japan Female (::dal 134 xlove)

75 [156 Pkt.] 06 Halunke feat. Bühne Huber - Schiffbruch #9 Schweiz Male

74 [159 Pkt.] 05 Nena - Genau Jetzt #6 Deutschland Female

73 [172 Pkt.] 04 REOL - ChiruChiru #3 Japan Female (::dal 138 xlove)

72 [173 Pkt.] 07 YMO - Rydeen #7 Japan Instrumental

71 [176 Pkt.] 05 Mel Brooks - To Be Or Not To Be (The Hitler Rap) #2 UK FM

70 [181 Pkt.] 05 2138 - Papamobile Nightdrive #3 ??? Male (::che 137 xlove)

69 [184 Pkt.] 06 Jolin Tsai - Meduasa #5 Taiwan Female

68 [186 Pkt.] 07 liv - Wings of Love #7 Schweden FM

67 [188 Pkt.] 08 Lara Taylor*- Respect Me #10 Spanien Female

66 [200 Pkt.] 06 Charlotte Devaney - Flip It ft. Snoop Dogg #2 Australien FM

65 [206 Pkt.] 06 Atmosphere - Windows #9 USA Male

64 [207 Pkt.] 08 Andra Day - Rise Up #6 USA Female

63 [209 Pkt.] 04 Pet Shop Boys - Happiness #1 UK Male

62 [211 Pkt.] 04 Nina Nesbitt - Chewing Gum #3 UK Female (::luz 133 xlove)

61 [217 Pkt.] 04 Ella On The Run - All That She Wants #2 Schweiz Female

60 [226 Pkt.] 07 Descemer Bueno feat. Qva Libre and Olga Tannon - Tú Eres La Razón #5 Kuba FM

59 [227 Pkt.] 09 Herr Tischbein - Piraten #2 Österreich Male

58 [232 Pkt.] 06 Abo - In The Rain #7 Südkorea Male

57 [237 Pkt.] 08 PSY feat. CL - Daddy #5 Südkorea Male

56 [241 Pkt.] 10 Horan - She's Alright #9 Südkorea Female

55 [256 Pkt.] 11 Marked - Run #9 Schweiz Male

54 [262 Pkt.] 12 Stereo Japan - Buddhist Bounce #8 Japan Female

53 [270 Pkt.] 06 Herr Tischbein - Total Egal #3 Österreich Male

52 [281 Pkt.] 08 Petite Meller - The Flute #3 Frankreich Female

51 [288 Pkt.] 06 MY NAME IS MUSIC - Tell It To The Stars #3 Österreich Female


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink] 144: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity + Year Charts of 2016! Maybe with your entry? :o

Charts-Year 2016 of Papendink: The Top100!

Yeah... like said, contest songs have a good chance for low places, but it's difficult for them to get into Top50. In first there are so many contenders (i guess i have said how many songs i listen into per week? ^^), that its difficult for every song and contest songs may have always a first push because i have to listen to them closely at first... but often lose on repeat (partly because of the first push).

50 [289 Pkt.] 09 Mito Natsume - I'll Do My Best #7 Japan Female

49 [293 Pkt.] 05 Möchtegang - Aber Ebe #1 Schweiz Male

48 [301 Pkt.] 06 sodagreen - Violently Sad and Beautifull #3 Taiwan Male (I thought this had a connection to NSC, but i cant find it?)

47 [304 Pkt.] 07 Up Up Girls*- Party People Alien #2 Japan Female

46 [329 Pkt.] 06 Sekai No Owari - Hey Ho #3 Japan FM (:eek:)

45 [333 Pkt.] 04 Safia - Bye Bye #2 Australien Male

44 [334 Pkt.] 16 No Brain - Still A Long Tunnel #10 Südkorea Male

43 [354 Pkt.] 12 Ella on the Run - Rodeo Clowns #6 Schweiz Female

42 [370 Pkt.] 09 Julian & der Fux - Nie Genug* #4 Österreich Male

41 [371 Pkt.] 12 Mine - Rot #5 Deutschland Female

40 [379 Pkt.] 12 Mandalay - It's Enough Now #6 UK Female

39 [382 Pkt.] 05 Röyksopp ft. Susanne Sundfør - Never Ever #1 Norwegen Female (Somekinda influenced that i found this by Aimülli... so xlove Aimülli!)

38 [391 Pkt.] 18 Lil Dicky - Professional Rapper (Feat. Snoop Dogg) #5 USA Male

37 [391 Pkt.] 08 Ariana & the Rose: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Live at Viber Presents) #3 USA Female

36 [393 Pkt.] 04 Safia - External #1 Australien Male

35 [393 Pkt.] 09 Club For Five - Äitien äidit #3 Finnland FM

34 [395 Pkt.] 30 Mine - Ziehst du Mit #2 Deutschland Female

33 [401 Pkt.] 15 Safia - Over You #2 Australien Instrumental

32 [402 Pkt.] 08 Mob Choir - 99 #5 Japan FM

31 [418 Pkt.] 20 Monkey Bars - It's You (Confessions) #1 Südkorea Female

30 [433 Pkt.] 15 E-rotic - Video Starlet #5 Deutschland Female

29 [442 Pkt.] 12 Tegan and Sara*- 100X #5 Kanada Female

28 [449 Pkt.] 14 Jaël - Shuffle The Cards #2 Schweiz Female

27 [465 Pkt.] 09 Kerli - Diamond Hard #1 Estland Female

26 [479 Pkt.] 17 KAARL - Sunday night #3 Belgien Female

25 [494 Pkt.] 08 Todrick Hall feat. Nicole Scherzinger - Papi #3 USA FM (138: ::pii xlove)

24 [512 Pkt.] 32 Kawehi - Pop-Song #10 USA Female

23 [529 Pkt.] 16 Neuschnee - Blatt im Wind #3 Österreich Male

22 [530 Pkt.] 10 Cassius*- Go Up (feat.*Pharrell*&*Cat Power) #1 USA Female

21 [542 Pkt.] 07 Janet Devlin - Outernet Song #3 UK Female

Congrats to Pigeon Island... you have the second highest placed NSC song in my year-charts of 2016, i still love this song, its awesome! There were only one who received a higher placement. ^^

I think in earlier years, NSC songs were placed a bit better. :eek: But hey, all of them made it at least one week to my top30 which is already a good thing i mean. ^^ Thanks for all the songs, guys! :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papend[ink] 144: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity + Year Charts of 2016! Maybe with your entry? :o

Charts-Year 2016 of Papendink: The Top100!

Sorry for posting the Top20 that late, but here it is now:

20 [594 Pkt.] 13 Mine - Katzen #1 Deutschland Female
19 [600 Pkt.] 10 Awolnation - Woman Woman #2 USA Male
18 [604 Pkt.] 09 Troimer - Mit Anderen Augen #2 Schweiz FM
17 [606 Pkt.] 10 Mine & Edgar Wasser - Aliens #1 Deutschland FM
16 [607 Pkt.] 12 Kerli - Blossom #3 Estland Female
15 [617 Pkt.] 11 Kairat Baekenov & Format - An Alemi #1 Kasachstan FM (130: Prasia xlove)
14 [638 Pkt.] 09 Bodo Wartke - Nicht in meinem Namen* #1 Deutschland Male
13 [657 Pkt.] 09 Chace & Moksi - For A Day #1 China Male
12 [705 Pkt.] 10 Safia - My Love is Gone #1 Australien Male
11 [815 Pkt.] 15 Kero Kero Bonito - Break #1 UK FM
10 [870 Pkt.] 08 Lifelike - Gotta Move #1 Frankreich Instrumental
09 [929 Pkt.] 16 Safia - Zion #1 Australien Instrumental
08 [995 Pkt.] 12 Shaun Frank & KSHMR - Heaven #1 Kanada Female
07 [1054 Pkt.] 20 Safia - Make Them Wheels Roll* #1 Australien Male
06 [1074 Pkt.] 18 Kero Kero Bonito - Lipslap #2 UK Female
05 [1159 Pkt.] 22 Real Lies - One Club Town #3 UK FM
04 [1164 Pkt.] 15 Caravan Palace - Lone Digger #1 Frankreich Female
03 [1302 Pkt.] 16 Lo & Leduc - Pluto feat. James Gruntz #1 Schweiz Male
02 [1438 Pkt.] 23 Mine - Essig auf Zucker #1 Deutschland Female
01 [1661 Pkt.] 41 Edge Dub Monkeyz - EDM Doll #1 Japan Female

Congrats to Prasia for being the only one NSC nation, who made it to my Top20! Great song, i especially love how the voices fits together. :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: [Pap]endink 144: 2 song NF - "Children of The Dark" vs. "99"

xhbang I always had an eye on diversity in my entries and because it happens atm,
that i love two rock songs pretty hard, i decided to have a Rock-NF this time! ^^ xhbang

xguitar Just post your favourite of the two songs in the thread or send me a PM! xguitar

Children of the Dark



I'm curious which will win. :D


Well-known member
May 9, 2015
Re: [Pap]endink 144: 2 song Rock-NF - "Children of The Dark" vs. "99"

votes for Song 2: "99" xcheer
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