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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
October 10, 2009
In your head
Re: INK [137] Lil Dicky feat. Snoop Dogg - Professional Rapper /// My personal Ranking of my first 50 entries!

It would be better than paper and ink


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Re: INK [137] Lil Dicky feat. Snoop Dogg - Professional Rapper /// My personal Ranking of my first 50 entries!

I also support Papendink


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: INK [137] Lil Dicky feat. Snoop Dogg - Professional Rapper /// My personal Ranking of my first 50 entries!

Okay, with this support for Papendink i decided to not change back to "Paper & INK" as name... the NSC-reunion of Paperland and INK will be under this new name! :D

Paper & INK >>> Papendink!!! :eek:

Papendink was already the slang word for Paper & INK for Paperians and INKish people and it also described them together (the papendink folk). Not much mor to say about. :D


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Paperland joins NSC again! // INK stays ;-) // "New" nation name!

So yeah, it seems INK is back again on normal mode (not successfull ;))... so its maybe good, Paperland joins back again! :mrgreen:

But after i thought i already know next entry two times (in every case a comeback artist) i denied now both* and i'm now in decission process again (Yeah! Love it... xrolleyes). If it dont works, i guess i will go with my idea of a Papendink WL**, alltough i would be not completely happy with that solution, i simply love NSC too much to leave! xheart Great community, great music and sometimes really cool and fresh ideas for the events, YEAH!

*for the 1st: it would just hurt me too bad, if this artist dnq again :( Maybe in a later edition i will be brave enough ^^
*for the 2nd: The choosen song from Bodo Wartke would be cool for a comeback of Paper after some INK rows in a row because it would have been called "Loveparade", but i guess to send a caberet artist with german as language wouldnt make much sense ^^

**nothing really special, a Waiting List for secret NFs which everyone can join who want ^^


November 21, 2010
en un buen momento
Re: Paperland joins NSC again! // INK stays ;-) // "New" nation name!



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [138] (Secret NF happens atm) /// Waiting List opened!

Waiting List opened!

I finally decided to not decide... and to dont do that for some editions from now on, only if i have a very clear favourite, but that doesnt happens that often. This seems the way it haves to go atm.

And i decided for having the "Secret NF" thing for now every edition and to have a own Waiting List for that. If you wanna decide one of my future entries, you just have to join this list by sending me a pm. :) This goes on untill i decide something different. ;)

Everyone is welcome, also people from the WL or people who aren't even involved in NSC atm, but were in the past... i only exclude people who never had anything to do with the contest. Thanks in advance to everyone who likes to join it :)

First place on the list is already taken by zechh from former NSC participant Zechonia and this secret NF is already ongoing. Everyone can only join the WL once at the same time, but can join again after he decided an entry.

Waiting List for Papendink Secret NFs
1. Zechh (Zechonia)
2. Salmon (Artyomka)
5. Takeru (Yaponesia) (wished to add it as #5)

What a Secret NF is:
I had different systems in the past for Secret NF, but in case of this Waiting List thingy i always will send you a list of songs with listening-links and you can pick one of this songs as my entry. This will happen over PM and all songs are secret for others, only the winner will be revealed.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [138] (Secret NF in Zechonia) /// Waiting List opened!

Going back in time:

How my voting in NSC1 would have been if i were part of it.

:12: Reym-L-Dneurb: Christina Stürmer - Mama (Ana Ahabak)
:10: Eurora: Katrina Leskanich - Make Us One
:8: Gabriel: McFly - I'll Be OK
:6: Arjastan: Belén Arjona - No Habrá Más Perdón
:4: Lost Isle: Damien Rice - 9 Crimes
:3: Escotia: Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
:2: Brugia: Anouk - Girl
:1: Tomstria: Feminnem - Klasika

:0: Isaria: Shayne Ward - Stand By Me

Congrats, Reym-L-Dneurb! ::rld as winner was pretty clear from the start, i love this song xheart 2nd place is far behind and close to 3rd... after them, i honestly didnt liked any song, sorry. ^^ And the last place is just disgusting. :?

Had too much time ^^ dont know if i will go on with further editions, but it was kinda nice to see the roots of NSC. My first voting was in NSC 68, at least my first voting i still have recorded... i'm not completely sure if i didnt have voted in NSC67. ^^


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink: Going back in time / How my voting in NSC1 would've been.

Papendink entry for NSC 138 is now decided! :)

Hint for the artist (i think its not that easy and only understandable for people from germany/austria/switzerland ^^):


I'm a bit surprised that this german act was only once in NSC according to DB. :eek:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink: Going back in time / How my voting in NSC1 would've been.

Ah, no, i'm sorry. What made you think about Scooter? I have no idea ^^

If you want more INK, then you should join the Waiting List for our secret NFs :mrgreen:

Okay, i give a much easier hint, i guess the other one is too difficult also for germans :D


Hint is just for the german artist.

But yeah, its not a long time untill i reveal it fully. ^^


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Re: Papendink: Going back in time / How my voting in NSC1 would've been.

Not really sure tbh. But David Hasselhoff was kinda leading a 90 show in Norway, with Scooter as the headliner. Scooter is German, and have only been in NSC once, so it matched. :p

As for joining the WL, no. I got all excited when you were only going to do INK entries, and it took just a few editions before you abandoned it. So I guess I'm currently a little too disappointed to join that WL... :(


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink: Going back in time / How my voting in NSC1 would've been.

Not really sure tbh. But David Hasselhoff was kinda leading a 90 show in Norway, with Scooter as the headliner. Scooter is German, and have only been in NSC once, so it matched. :p

As for joining the WL, no. I got all excited when you were only going to do INK entries, and it took just a few editions before you abandoned it. So I guess I'm currently a little too disappointed to join that WL... :(

Yes... the INK entries in a row thing was rather short alltough its 5 months ago since announced. :eek: I understand you are dissappointed about, i'm pretty inconsistent according to my statements. :(

I'm very sorry for that. I personally thought that this would last untill end of the year at least, but it havent had really the effect i hoped for. :(

Just to say if you dont know: i always try (alltough sometimes its difficult for me) to only send entries from my list to secret NFs where i think the participant could like. So if you join, you will only get INK entries to decide from.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Zechonia [138]

Second secret NF in a row and the first one with the Secret NF WL, we were to a land called Zechonia to our friend Zechh, the one who brought us to this contest. :eek: Sadly, he isn't participating anymore in NSC :(
But at least for this edition, he is with us with choosing the ::pap entry for 138!

So out of 14 songs (i've known already he knows most of the songs, thats why i sent him that many ^^) he have choosen an entry with strong nostalgic feelings for him:

Papendink 138

Die Ärzte
Nie Gesagt

This was never a single, but is my favourite song from this german band by far! xheart Not that they have no other great songs... but this one is so touching without getting blend.

A translation to english can be found here:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Greetings from Zechonia! (NSC 138, Papendink entry from Die Ärzte)

Heej Zech, hope you still remember NSC fondly xwave

Please put Yaponesia on the NF list, but can you put me at number 5, as I just helped (or, "helped" :oops: ) with 137 just recently :mrgreen:

I have overseen the "Helped" as i readed it first :D Just to say: It was great that i finally sent that, despite the result. :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Hate is the Way!

Hate is the Way! is the actual spinoff and who could represent Papendink better in that as Hitler? He have enough hate for everyone! Naturally not as the original, but in the reincarnation from the great comedian/film maker (and jew) Mel Brooks!

Hate is the Way! Papendink entry

Mel Brooks
The Hitler Rap

Rap and comedy sounds maybe like one of the worst formulas to do well in that contest... but i didnt wanted to try to send something blend i dont love and i think, this song fits perfectly to the "Hate" theme and could do well there (alltough i guess it wont have the chance to win)... but i'm far from being sure :D In the end im also very curious how this one works in it :D


Well-known member
September 29, 2009
Re: Paperland Impregnation Service

Hey You!!!

Congratulation!!!! You're now pregnant! :eek:

...even if you're a man, even if you just sit at your computer...

But don't be afraid... the impregnation service is just a plan against our low birth rate, and we see potential in your baby...

You won't notice your pregnancy! You may talk with others about it, but you won't even listen to what you say and they will forgett all about it too :eek:

And in 9 months, we wanna meet again... :cool:

Have a nice further stay in Cyber-Paperland!

And now: please take a look on this!

I completely forgot about this 9 months after NSC 126 xcry
Do I still get to become a baby? ^^

Or is it still


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [138] Die Ärzte - Nie gesagt /// [Hate is the Way] Rap??? srsly???????

For me it feels so much longer ago than just 9 months :eek:

Hmm... there is a significant rise on the sale of diapers atm...

...and now: forgett about it again ;)


Well-known member
June 8, 2011
Re: Papendink [138] Die Ärzte - Nie gesagt /// [Hate is the Way] Rap??? srsly???????

For some reason, there’s a screaming baby in my room now, and I have absolutely no idea how it got there.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Zechonia [138]

changed entry!

No secret NF this time, because of lack of time on both sides i had to decide on my own and took a song which is since some months on my playlist, so i can at least be sure it isnt a completely wrong decision to send it. :D

So here it is:

Papendink 139

Real Lies
One Club Town

This were planned as one of the INK entries of the INK-period, but i honestly didnt sent it because its not a clear INK entry for me... but now its time to send it, its an awesome piece of music! xlove
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