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Papendink [233] The end of the american dream...


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [151] Abertausend Fragen

Last time, i've sent a comeback artist with RLD origin, now i will send again a comeback artist formerly sent by an austrian user. It will be ASP, which was sent by ::noi two times, once in NSC 37 with "Krabat" and the other time in NSC 54 with "Werben", so also this time it is very long ago and before my time in NSC, that they were sent last time.
It's a song from this year where i totally fell in love with, the longer, the deeper. At most i love the lyrics, so i'm happy if you spend a little bit of your time on reading the lyrics translation i've made. :)

[Pap]endink 151

Abertausend Fragen

I did a lyrics translation, but it was a bit difficult at some parts, you can find it (together with the original lyrics) bellow.

Btw: The first sentence “Kritzel Kritzel Feder, mag Wasser wirklich jeder?” is a bit of a reference to another NSC entry, that’s why i’ve posted it earlier (and because i love that one).
Herman van Veen - Ik ben vandaag zo vrolijk (Lost Island, NSC 31)
Okay, in fact it isn’t a reference to that entry because this is the outro of the tv serial “Alfred Jocodus Kwak” and the reference is to the intro, but whatever: In they german version of the intro the important part is “Plätscher Plätscher Feder, mag Wasser wirklich jeder?”.


Translation to english

Kritzel, Kitzel, Feder
Mag Wasser wirklich jeder?
Wer will schon wenn er nachdenkt, in die Jugendzeit zurück?
Ist weit Entferntes kleiner und sieht dich wirklich keiner?
Und wenn du einfach still verharrst, bemerkt dich dann das Glück?
Sind alle Männer Schweine, sämtliche Frauen keine?
Sind alle Menschen gleich, und ist das schon intolerant?
Sind wir allein im Weltraum?
Regiert man ohne Geld kaum?
Wo existiert es noch, das neue unbekannte Land?

Scribble, scribble feather
Does really everyone like water?
Who wants go back to youth if they seriously thinks about?
Is the far distant smaller and is it sure that nobody sees you?
And if you remain in silence, then will fortune ever find you?
Are all men pigs and alll womans can’t be?
Are all people equal and is this already intolerant?
Is there no other life in the universe?
Can nobody rules without money?
Where does ist still exist, the new undiscovered land?

Aber tausend Fragen, Abertausend Fragen sie schwirren mir im Kopf umher.
All die Aberwitzigen Fragen,
Abertausend Fragen verwirren mich und werden statt weniger mehr!
Immer mehr und es dreht sich alles im Kreis,
immer schneller, immer mehr,
weil ich wirklich gar nichts weiß.

But a thousand questions, thousands upon thousands of questions buzz around my head.
All this crazy questions,
countless tons of questions confuse me and i even get more and more instead of fewer.
More and more and everything starts spinning around me.
Always faster, ever more,
because there is nothing i do know.

Besiegt die Liebe alles, im Falle jeden Falles?
Wo findet man denn noch ein richtig gutes, treues Herz?
Sag, bin ich echt dein Meister?
Gibt's Gott, wenn ja, wie heisst er?
Gibt es den großen Plan, ist alles nur ein übler Scherz?
Sind geistig Arme selig, und wenn ich tot bin, fehl ich?
Und überhaupt, wenn jemand von uns geht, wo geht er hin?
Gibt es den freien Willen? Wie lange soll man stillen?
Ergibt das machen in Verbindung Sinnvoll einen Sinn?

Can love conquer everything, in every potential case?
Where can you still find a really good and true heart?
Tell me, i am your true master?
Does god exist? And if so: What’s his name?
Is the great plan real, is it just a nasty joke?
Are the poor of spirit blessed? And will i be missed if i’m dead?
And at all, if someone pass away, where will it end?
Is the free will existing? How long should a mother breastfeed?
Does make “Making” in connection with “sense” any sense? (*)

(*) Explanation about this line: In german language, something has sense («Etwas hat Sinn»), it doenst make sense («Sinn machen»), the last is an anglicism and i think this part oft he lyrics is about this often wrong used phrase.

Aber tausend Fragen, Abertausend Fragen sie schwirren mir im Kopf umher.
All die Aberwitzigen Fragen,
Abertausend Fragen verwirren mich und werden statt weniger mehr!
Immer mehr und es dreht sich alles im Kreis,
immer schneller, immer mehr,
weil ich wirklich gar nichts weiß.

But a thousand questions, thousands upon thousands of questions buzz around my head.
All this crazy questions,
countless tons of questions confuse me and i even get more and more instead of fewer.
More and more and everything starts spinning around me.
Always faster, ever more,
because there is nothing i do know.

Nimmt das Schicksal meinen Lauf?
Nehme alles ich in Kauf, obwohl die besten Dinge gratis sind?
Währt am längsten Ehrlichkeit?
Wie schafft man Unentbehrlichkeit?
Und warum ist Justitia nicht mehr blind?
Warum hinkt man hinterher, als ob der Tag der letzte wär?
Ermordet "Carpe Diem" nächsten Freitag?
Nimmt man endend garnichts mit, wenn man an der Krankheit Leben litt,
weil das Essentielle stets in ferner Zeit lag?

Does fate control my life?
Why do i just accept everything(*), alltough the best things are for free?
Is honesty the best policy?
How do you make yourself indispenible?
And why is Justitia no longer blind?
Why do someone lag behind, as i if it would be his last day?
Will “Carpe Diem” murders the next friday?
Does one end with nothing at all, if this one suffers from the disease called “life”,
cause what matters always was in a distant time?

(*) The phrase "In Kauf nehmen" could also be creatively translated to "Why do i buy everything", which would fit better with the second part of the sentence.

Ist wahre Liebe endlich, zeigst du dich bald erkenntlich?
Und ist Musik als Sprachersatzfunktion universell?
Wird kaum noch schön gesungen?
Wer spricht in fremden Zungen?
Ist Sex exotisch intensiver als konventionell?
Wird alles an mir schlaffer?
Ist Zauber nur Methapher?
Ist Dichtung automatisch immer auch ein Konzentrat?
Wie klar sind dir die Dinge,
wie schuldig Schmetterlinge,
wenn anderswo ein Wirbelsturm das Land verwüstet hat?

Is true love not forever, will you soon give something in response?
And can music be the true universal language?
Why has beautifull singing became so rare?
Who speaks in foreign tongues?
Is exotic sex better than the common one?
Will my body get limp?
Is magic only metaphoric?
Is literature(*) always automatically just a concentrate?
How obvious is it for you what’s ongoing?
Why do you blaming butterflies,
if a hurricane ravaged in a country somewhere else?

(*)The german word «Dichtung» can also mean sealing.

Aber tausend Fragen, Abertausend Fragen sie schwirren mir im Kopf umher.
All die Aberwitzigen Fragen,
Abertausend Fragen verwirren mich und werden statt weniger mehr!
Immer mehr und es dreht sich alles im Kreis,
immer schneller, immer mehr,
weil ich wirklich gar nichts weiß.

But a thousand questions, thousands upon thousands of questions buzz around my head.
All this crazy questions,
countless tons of questions confuse me and i even get more and more instead of fewer.
More and more and everything starts spinning around me.
Always faster, ever more,
because there is nothing i do know.

Immer mehr und es dreht sich alles im Kreis,
immer schneller, immer mehr,
weil ich wirklich gar nichts weiß.

More and more and everything starts spinning around me.
Always faster, ever more,
because there is nothing i do know!



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [151] ASP - Abertausend Fragen (LYRICS translation inside!)

Potential entries for Congrats:

141: SebastiAn - Tetra #11 [[video]]
142: Open Season - Beyond My Wildest Dreams #14 [[video]]
143: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity #s22 (#19rj) [[video]]
144: Mob Choir - 99 #s27 ftv | #s27 if voted (last place) (#11 rj) [[video]]
145: Zhi-Vago - Dreamer #s23 (#7 rj) [[video]]
146: Deadpool Musical Cast - Gaston #s20 (#21 rj) [[video]]
147: Wrabel - Bloodstain #2 [[video]]
148: skipped that edition to avoid PQing ._.
149: Mine - Essig auf Zucker #13 (#8 rj) [[video]]
150: Christina Stürmer - Griechischer Wein #26 [(#23 rj) [[video]]

red = not possible

Beside my 150 entry it was a very strong decade for ::pap according to my own taste, so i still have 6 Tracks left . Maybe i should stroke out 99 cause it ended last place in it's edition, but i love that one. xheart I also can't take Brainsanity that easy from the list. :(


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [151] ASP - Abertausend Fragen (LYRICS translation inside!)

Okay, 2nd round :D

Potential entries for Congrats:

141: SebastiAn - Tetra #11 [[video]]
142: Open Season - Beyond My Wildest Dreams #14 [[video]]
143: Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity #s22 (#19rj) [[video]]
144: Mob Choir - 99 #s27 ftv | #s27 if voted (last place) (#11 rj) [[video]]
147: Wrabel - Bloodstain #2 [[video]]
149: Mine - Essig auf Zucker #s13 (#8 rj) [[video]]

red = not possible

Stroked Wrabel - Bloodstain out cause i dont want to send a song which did already that well, it don't need a 2nd time in the spotlight. Maybe i could win congrats with it, but that is not my intention behind my choice for that kind of contest... it was always a song which deserved a 2nd chance or simply my personal favourite.

Stroked Ruthe Cartoons - Brainsanity out because i like the english version, but i like the original german version even more and maybe i will send soon another song of the original artist behind the work: Ralph Ruthe (Ruthe Cartoons is from his canadian partner).

Stroked Mob Choir - 99 out. It was really a undeserved last place, but i dont think it will do much better in congrats and i dont see it as a grower which could find more fans, i rather think it would lose it's appeal to some who did like it in the edition.

Stroked SebastiAn - Tetra out. Same reasons (beside "undeserved last place" ;)) like for Mob Choir - 99.

Two songs left.... i can't make a decision between them now. :? Both songs were once the number one on my personal music charts of the year... it will be a very hard decision.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [151] {Schmetterling #3} ASP - Abertausend Fragen (LYRICS translation inside!)

Wanted to post this song from my most succesfull artist of the last decade (Wrabel) because i think it's so beautifull and cause it contains a great message. I won't send it to NSC cause i have to many songs on my list atm, so sorry.

Wrabel - The Village


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [152] Pluto

Alltough my german language theme didn't worked that well so far and none of the entries made it to the final (one made it to last semi place instead :(), i stay with this theme. This time maybe it will work better because some parts (the lyrically rather cheap ones) are in english but i guess that won't really help. :D I'm pretty sure this will end low in the semis, but of course i will be happy if i will be proved wrong. :)

The rest of the lyrics are this time in swiss german dialect, to be more exactly:
the dialect from the capital city of :ch:, Berne.

[Pap]endink 152

Lo & Leduc feat. James Gruntz

Mainly the lyrics are (like the title says) about the dwarf planet Pluto (formerly known as planet Pluto) but in fact, it is a song about how fast you can be a victim of social exclusion without have done anything which would explain it... it may be just because of you having an origin which is not longer widely accepted because of growing xenophobia in the country you live in. I love that they took the story behind Pluto and made it an anology based on this theme.

Some of you may know Lo & Leduc and James Gruntz from my time on FSC, i've sent "Lo & Leduc - All die Büecher" and "James Gruntz - Countless Roads" there.

It was a bit in a rush, but i've made again a lyric translation for my entry, you can find it below, i hope it is helpfull. I hope it isn't too bad. ;)

I resigned to write down the original swiss german lyrics and wrote only my second step, the high german translation down. And i marked all english text in big blue letters, also the lyrics wo are already in english.


Du redest nicht viel
Schlägst dich durch, ich weiss es
Stehst schon seit einiger Zeit ganz hinten in deiner Reihe
Und sie sehen dich kaum, riskieren nur einen kurzen Blick
Nachher schauen sie weg, vergessen schnell wieder dass es dich gibt

You don't talk that much
and keep fighting trough life, i know.
Standing as last in the line have to be hard
and they don't see you, they only risk a peek on you
after that they look away and forgett in an instant that you exist.

Bist nicht wie die Anderen, nicht gross, nicht erfolgreich, trägst keine Ringe
Von dir gibts noch so viele andere und alle kennt man nicht
Und besucht haben Sie dich nie, sie betrachten dich nur berechnend
Schau wie sie sich einig sind, schau wie sie sie ziehen, diese Grenze
Und du stehst am Rand ich weiis, du bist nicht von hier
Dabei sehen wir auf die selbe Sonne, eigentlich wärst du uns so nah.

You are not like the others, you're not big, not successfull and you dont own rings.
There are so many like you and none of them are familiar to us
and they never took a visit, they only watch you with cold calculating eyes.
Look how they agree, look how the draw it, this border
and you stand on the edge, i know, cause you are not from here
allthough we view the same sun, actually you are so close to us.

Und du hattest 8 Freunde, die Zeit ist jetzt vorbei
Und plötzlich gehörst du nicht mehr dazu, dabei bist du immer noch der Gleiche.

And you had 8 friends, but this time is now over
and suddenly you are left out, alltough in fact you are still the same.

James Gruntz
Something more than I can touch
Something more than I can see
Something more than I can hear
That is what you are to me
I can feel you baby
I'm in really baby
Why don't you give me a sign that you're alive
That you'll be alright
Keep your head up
Keep your pace up

Sie schicken dich in die Unterwelt
Du verkehrst in diesen Kreisen
Kein Wunder wirst du kalt
Kein Wunder schweigst du einfach

They send you to the underworld
You move in this certain circles
No wonder that you're getting cold
No wonder you remain silent

Und das liegt dir
Doch was lang genug liegt wird irgendwann zu Staub
Und da können sie noch lang nach Leben suchen, du bist innerlich tot

And that is easy for now
But if you do it for long, you will fade into dust
In the end there search for life makes no sense, you are dead inside

Es war nicht immer so
Für sie bist du jetzt einfach kleiner
Sie haben dich nach Göttern benannt
Die sie mal angehimmelt haben
Was sie sagen ist nicht alle Welt
Was heisst denn dass im Weltall
Und darum kämpfen deine Mundwinkel
Immer wieder gegen die Schwerkraft

It wasn't always that way
For them you are now only smaller
They named you after gods
they once prayed to
But what they say is not universally valid
What does there opinion counts in space?
But still, the corners of your mouth
always fighting against gravity

Und es nützt nichts wenn man dein verschwommenes Bild in den Büchern findet
Auch wenn dein Gesicht hoch aufgelöst ist, kann von dir nicht mehr viel übrig sein
Und du hattest 8 Freunde, die Zeit ist jetzt vorbei
Und plötzlich gehörst du nicht mehr dazu, dabei bist du immer noch der Gleiche.

And it is useless that we can find your blurry picture in the books.
Your face may be in high-definition, but there can't be much left of you.
And you had 8 friends, but this time is now over
and suddenly you are left out, alltough in fact you're still the same.

James Gruntz
Something more than I can touch
Something more than I can see
Something more than I can hear
That is what you are to me
I can feel you baby
I'm in really baby
Now won't you give me a sign that you're alive
That you'll be alright

Keep your head up
Keep your pace up

Lo & Leduc
So Schnell wie sie dich vergöttern...

As fast as they worship you...


So schnell wie sie dich vergöttern, machen sie dich wieder klein.

As fast as they worship you, they wanna beat you down.



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [152] Pluto

Alltough my german language theme didn't worked that well so far and none of the entries made it to the final (one made it to last semi place instead :(), i stay with this theme. This time maybe it will work better because some parts (the lyrically rather cheap ones) are in english but i guess that won't really help. :D
I'm pretty sure this will end low in the semis, but of course i will be happy if i will be proved wrong. :)

The rest of the lyrics are this time in swiss german dialect, to be more exactly:
the dialect from the capital city of :ch:, Berne.

[Pap]endink 152

Lo & Leduc feat. James Gruntz

I wasn't proved wrong... so i guess i have to punish you all with this for next edition:


But i'm far away from being sure about sending this... ;)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [153] Last Christmas

It may be another losing for my german theme, but i have to send it because i love this reduced cover of the ultimative sugar candy christmas song from Wham! This version fits so much better to the rather sad lyrics.

And hey, if you hate the original from Wham! Just give me one or two points for that i made it impossible that it could ever be sent to NSC! :D

[Pap]endink 153

Last Christmas

No translation needed this time, the german lyrics are quite the same as in the english version as far as i know. ^^



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [153] Last Christmas

@ dogmeat :p ;)


@ thread

A choir version of my NSC 116 entry "Liebeslied" from Bodo Wartke:



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink (not withdrawing)

I dont know if anyone will read this text, but i will write it down anyway. :D

Yeah, it was a pretty unsucessfull year for ::pap. Three times we were last in semis, and only one time we´ve reached the final. One reason may be my german theme i had since edition 149. :confused:

About the PQ thing:
I still dont like this and tbh (as weird this may seem for others): it even made me think about withdrawing. In first this was because i started to avoid sending songs where i thought that they could be "too" successfull. But this doesnt feel right, it kinda doesnt felt like ::pap anymore and it made NSC for me less awesome as it was before. On the other hand it felt bad to skip editions... im rather the type of player who plays in all games (editions) or in none of them, i hate to skip something.

Especially after ::rld withdrawn i was also near to do it, but now i came to a different decision for the year 2018. I decided to:
  • stop avoiding songs that seems "too strong".
  • stop skipping editions with PQ´s.
  • start sending only "childhood/youth memories"-entries if i pqed.

My experience so far was, that it didnt hurted me that much if a song from my childhood or youth didn´t do that well in NSC as it happened for songs i love now... so i hope it won´t be such a big deal for me to let them be a PQ entry.

If that won´t work, i guess there will be a goodbye, but i hope not.

Yeah.... i know, that all seems crazy, but so what? I am crazy! :D

Hope (some say you shouldn´t wish before midnight, so i just hope ;)) for all of you that it will be a good year 2018!


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [153] Last Christmas

German theme ended with 2017, now it's time to send one of the songs i avoided because i expected that i could get me a PQ spot ^^ Now we will see how wrong (or wright) i was with that ^^

[Pap]endink 154

Ye Banished Privateers

I dont fall in love that fast with many songs... but i fell in love with this one from the first few seconds on and it even growed after that. xheart


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [153] Last Christmas

After ::pap won the last edition (xyaay) we are now "blessed" with a PQ place and like said: i stop skipping them:
instead i just send childhood/youth memories.

And i take the chance to do what i always intent and said i should do more, but (according to the origins thread) failed to do so far: Send more :ch: artists! :D

Papend[ink] 155

Matterhorn Project



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [156] Brotherlove


After Matterhorn Project and Yodeling:
It's still time for more swissness! :D


[Pap]endink 156




Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [156] Brotherlove

Because it's a PQ: Here is a classic out of my childhood. Alltough this song is from 1971, were it was still 12 years to go untill my birth, this one is part of it.

[Pap]endink 157

The Temptations
Papa was a Rolling Stone

This song is that great that everytime i listen to it, i dont notice that it is 12 minutes long. I don't know many songs which dont start to boring me in such a long time, but this is so groovy and awesome, i can easily listen it on repeat! :eek:

Alltough i love it, i'm not sure so far if i will send the full version or a shortened one with arround 7 minutes... will decide that in the next two days.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [157] Papa was a Rolling Stone

I decided in the meantime to send the long version, simply like this one more than the shortened one of 7 minutes.... and i never will listen to the version 3:20 version again... :?


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink 158

Edit: Entry changed!

While finally cutting down my list of possible songs from over 500 down to 206 (on my task list since months) i've found out that my former entrant "Steff la Cheffe" (NSC 88: Steff la Cheffe - Annabelle #S17 [[video]] ) has released a new song after a break of five years and it was a big "WOW!" moment as i've seen the title of it. It's a cover of the oldest known swiss song, the "Guggisberglied".

I already sent this song once to a spin of, if you want to hear more about and if you want to know whats the story behind the lyrics, you can read my posting from back then:

Entry for Folk & Ethnic Spin Of:

Stephan Eicher - Guggisbärg (other used titles for this song: Guggisberglied, Guggisbergerlied, s'Vreneli abem Guggisbärg, Simelibärg)

Something about my entry:

It is the oldest existing song from my home country :ch:, but in a version of the late 80ies who respect the old lyrics and didnt change them to the newer (but also very old) christian version or a own interpretation. I sadly haven't the time to translate it, also because of the lyrics are very interpretable and full of phrases/visual words which aren't that easy to translate with my knowledge and i would surely made some failures in it. Also some words are old dialect words, who i dont know.

But here is a short english summary of the text (from the youtube comments) :
Vreneli was the daughter of a rich farmer, and she should marry the son of another rich farmer, but she was in love with the son of a poor farmer (Hans-Joggeli) from the other side of the mountain. The two men had a fight and Hans-Joggeli knocked out his rival. He figured he killed the other and he fled to the foreign legion. After years, when Hans-Joggeli returned, Vreneli was dead. She died of the broken heart.

If you want to hear a shorter and more christian version (its not full):

Guggisbergerlied - YouTube

Also beautiful in my opninion :)

For german speaking people:

[Pap]endink 158

Steff la Cheffe

I love her version already more than any other i've listened so far! xlove, i'm curious how it will do in NSC. :)


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [156] Brotherlove

I've listened too much to the entry i've choosen before and since i did not send it to the host so far, i decided to send a different entry now. It's a song i loved really hard trough last year. Oh... and i didnt sent it so far because i thought it could get me a PQ place. :mrgreen:

[Pap]endink 158

The Dead South
In Hell I'll Be In Good Company



Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Re: Papendink [158] Entry change: In Hell I'll Be In Good Company

Interesting... xthink

I changed my entry. You owe me a favor.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [156] Brotherlove

[Pap]endink 159

Reinhard Mey
Der Fischer und der Boss

Original lyrics and english translation):

Der Fischer und der Boss

The Fisher and The Boss

Der Fischer lehnt am Ruderhaus und sieht über den Bug,
Den wehenden Schaumkronen nach und folgt dem Wolkenflug.
Der Kutter liegt im Hafen vorn und achtern gut vertäut.
Ein Tief überm Atlantik, da kommt starker Tobak heut!
Er fährt bis zu den Färöern, kennt das Revier genau.
Er fährt für Butt und Meeräsche, für Lachs und Kabeljau
Und manchmal für Touristen zum Dorschangeln, ein paar Meil’n,
Die ihn gut bezahl’n, und im Weg rumsteh’n und sich an Land langweil’n.
Aber bei diesem Wetter, da geht hier keiner mehr raus,
Da bleibt selbst Ekke Nekkepen bei den Meerjungfrau’n - im Muschelhaus.

The fisher lean against the wheel house and looks over the bow
after the fading white crestwaves and observes the blowed clouds
The cutter lies in the harbour, in front and back good tied up
A low over the atlantic, a strong weather is coming.
He travels to the Faroe Islands, he knows his area very well
and sometimes he makes a fishing tour for tourists, only a couple of miles
they pay good, stay in his way and are bored from solid ground
but in this weather, nobody wants to leave the harbour
Even "Ekke Nekkepen" (mythologycal figure, a merman) stays with his mermaids in his sea shell house

Der Boss läßt halten und steigt aus und mit ihm ein ganzer Troß:
Jeder kann sehn, da kommt nicht irgendwer, da kommt der Boss!
Der will einen Dorsch an den Haken, heut, nicht irgendwann,
Und er zahlt den dreifachen Preis dafür, darauf kommt es nicht an.
Der Fischer lacht: „Vielleicht nicht aufs Geld, aber aufs Wetter schon!“
Der Boss kennt keinen Widerspruch, nun gut: Fünffachen Lohn!
„Ich fahr’ bei Wind und Wetter, doch was sich da zusammenbraut,
Dafür, mein Herr, sind wir beide zu klein und mein Boot ist dafür nicht gebaut!“
Der große Boss und ein kleiner Fischer, der sich bockig stellt –
„Ich kauf’ deinen ganzen Jahresfang und ich zahl’ dir das - zehnfache Geld!

The boss orders to stop and leave the car with all his clerks
everyone can see, that he isn't nobody, he is the boss!
He wants a big fish on his fish hook, and he want it yet, not some day
and he pays a tripple price for a trip, but that isn't the point
The Fisher laughs "Its not about the money, its about the weather!"
The Boss doesnt accept it and says: "Okay, fivefolded price for you!"
"I sail against stormy weathers but whats brewing up out there,
for that - sir - are we both to small and my ship is not build for it!"
The great boss and a little bullish fisher...
"I buy all fishes you can catch in a year and pay you the tenfolded price!"

Zehnfaches Geld! Der Fischer sieht, wie der Rostfraß nagt am Boot,
Öl leckt aus der Maschine, ein neuer Anstrich tut not.
Zuhaus muß neues Reet ins Dach, das wartet zu lange schon,
Und kaum zwei Wochen, dann hat die Jüngste Konfirmation.
Dann lädt er nach der Kirche in den Dorfkrug, welch ein Fest,
Wenn er die feinsten Speisen und Weine auftragen läßt -
Dabei der größte Steinbutt, den er je gefangen hat.
Doch vorher fährt er noch mit der jüngsten Tochter in die große Stadt
Und kauft das schönste Kleid für sie, sie soll die schönste sein!
Zehnfaches Geld! Der kleine Fischer reicht dem großen Boss die Hand: „Schlag ein!“

Tenfolded price! The fisher sees the rust on his boat
oil leaks out of the machine, a new coat of paint is needed
At home his roof needs new reed, that already waited much to long
and only 2 weeks untill his youngest daughter has her confirmation (religous)
Then he can invite all into the village tavern, what a feast,
as he let serve the best dishes and wines,
along with the biggest turbot (excl. fish) he ever fished.
But before that he goes with his youngest daughter into the big city
and buy her the most beautifull clothes, she should be the greatest beauty!
Tenfolded Price! The little fisher lift his hand and says: "Shake on it!"

Leinen los, vorn und achtern klar und volle Kraft voraus!
Und kaum in Luv der Mole geht über das Steuerhaus
Die erste schwere See, noch schüttelt sich das Boot, da hetzt
Die nächste schon heran vom Sturm der Wellenkamm zerfetzt,
Die wirft den stählernen Rumpf hoch empor, der Motor klagt
Und heult auf unter Qualen, wenn die Schraube ins Leere ragt,
Stürzt ihn hinab ins Wellental, und schlägt ihn krachend auf
Und hebt ihn aus den Abgründen zum nächsten Sturz hinauf.
Jetzt tobt die Hölle richtig los! Das Boot rollt, stampft und krängt
Und es ist längst nicht mehr das Steuer, das seinen Weg durch die Fluten lenkt.

Cas off (leave the harbour)! All is clear, full speed ahaed!
trough the first small waves in the harbour
the first heavy see shakes the boat, but already
there's the next wave rolling on, the crest is slashes by the storm
The wave raise the iron nose of the ship, the motor makes awfull noises
and howls out under agony when the propeller lifts up in the air.
The waves throws the boat down to the though, where it dashed creaking on
Now all hell is breaking loose! The boat rolls, heaves and creaks.
And its no longer anymore the steering wheel, who leads his way.

Jetzt brechen alle Wetter zugleich über das Boot herein,
Ein letzter Schlag zerschmettert ihm das stählerne Gebein.
Ächzend bersten die Planken, dann verschlingt der schwarze Schlund
Das Ruderhaus und Mann und Maus reißt es mit auf den Grund.
Zwei Seenotkreuzer finden Tags drauf einen Rettungsring
Und eine Ölspur im Revier, wo das Boot unterging.
Im Großformat trauert in allen Zeitungen sein Tross,
Ein Requiem, und große Reden für den großen Boss.
Und Sonntag ist Palmarum und im Fischerhaus am Meer
Sind die dunklen Fenster wie erloschene Augen, müdegeweint und leer.

Now all Weathers breaks down together over the boat
a last stroke shatters its steely bones
creaking bursts the planks before the big dark maw
swallow the wheel house, men and mice and pulls the boat down the abyss
Two rescue ships find on the next day a lifesaver ring
and a trail of oil in the area, were the boat sank
In very large size mourn all the news papers about the great boss
a requim and great lament, for the great big boss
and on sunday it is palm sunday and in the fisher house at the sea
are the dark windows, like soulless eyes, tired of all the tears and drained

Very short summary:
Its a story about that rich people (in this song an unspecific "Great Boss") can do whatever they want and often ruins the lifes of normal people without carrying about. It's also about that if a famour person dies, so much people lament about it... but no one cares about the thousands of people who died at the same moment, like the life of famous people is more worth than the one of the infamous. And surely, it is also about how money can seduce us to do stupid and danger things.


Mod of All Things
Staff member
January 13, 2010
Trollheimr / Westrobothnia
Re: Papendink [159] Reinhard Mey - Der Fischer und der Boss (Translation inside)

Aw yay LOVE this one. xlove It was in one of the early early WV editions 5 years ago or so, but I still listen to it. :D
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