I think this is the strongest Maltese national final I can remember.
I think Dario and Żeppi could be a dark horse. Dre ‘te amo’ is the first song listen to every day.
Mieghek Biss lost out to Mary Spiteri in 1992 didn’t it?
FESTA is amazing but Jessica is a terrible performer so she will ruin it!
Rubble & Stone is amazing! I would not be unhappy if this went to the land of Swiss Miss Lys.
‘Heaven Sent’ is addictive but it reminds me of ‘la voix’ and that disturbs me.
Krista is high on my list but it’s seems like a general MSFE / MESC song.
The favourite… obviously is:
But maybe that is too obvious to be a winner? But Kant could go viral.
Mark is low in polls but I love the song. Same as Matthew.
The twins would be amazing with a slight revamp.
I miss the days when I had one favourite in the Maltese final. I don’t believe this many good songs is good for my digestive system. My gut keeps changing its mind.
Lalaratakabumbum is also played a lot. Stefan and Kurt too.
I don’t like this many options. My autism goes in overdrive.