That's for sure. Grande amore sounds like a song coming out from 50's or 60's... Irene songs maybe from 90's-early 00's and for this reason I say that it's old-fashioned too...
Maybe apart from Moreno, I don't think anyone had a very current sound in San Remo. And "current" does not mean that much anyway, from a foreigner's point of view, that's how I portray Italian pop somehow and I like it when you stick to simple orchestrations and passionate-sounding choruses Mi piace moltissimo. Not that I would never want to see something a little bit more out of the box coming from you, but I'm glad that you stay away from Eurotrash
I will always blame Sanremo juries until they will consist of people who have nothing to do with music or salaried by Rai, chosen among friends of the presenters or the singers.
Come on! Being bribed is the most distinctive feature of juries. Otherwise, they wouldn't be real juries.