Samantha Mumba - My Way = 8/10
NIYL - Growth = 8/10
Reylta - Fire = 7/10
EMMY - Laika Party = 6/10
Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay = 6/10
Adgy - Run into the Night = 3/10
I think Ireland continues on their national final upward trajectory here, although whether they'll pick correctly again, we'll have to find out. I feel like on paper,
Fire and
Growth are the two songs with the most potential for the contest. The former is a side of Ireland people have missed having at the contest. It's brought back here in a way that's nostalgic whilst also not feeling like we've dug up and are dragging back a corpse. The lyrics strike me as being ever a tad too trite though. As for
Growth, I feel like it's the most impressive and realised piece on offer. I didn't think I'd be into it but it's powerful and infectious. I think it could be a good choice. The chorus works really well.
Seeing Samantha Mumba in this selection is somehow like a fever dream whilst also making a tonne of sense. She was a big childhood favourite of mine. The second cd I ever bought was her Gotta Tell You album. I still have it today, scratched to pieces from all the bumpy train rides it went on inside my little cd walkman.
My Way is interesting. Very cinematic and somewhat unpredictable. It kind of gives me Brandy vibes. I think this would be a risk but one that could pay off, potentially big time if it's a show stopper live.
Powerplay is a really solid piece of music. It's bringing a different vibe to this selection. Ultimately it bores me a bit though. Perhaps a cool performance can lift it.
Laika Party is alright as well, and has some nice parts but we've had this stuff done better. If I listened to it more though I know I'd soften as it's sugary and I like sweets
Run Into The Night meanwhile is not for me. I wanted to turn it off within the first 20 seconds. Adgy's previous attempt I think was better.