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Ireland IRELAND 2025 - Emmy - Laika Party

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    27 21.6%

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August 10, 2020
1. Emmy - Laika Party

2. Niyl - Growth
3. Reylta - Fire

4. Samantha Mumba - My Way
5. Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay

6. ADGY - Run Into The Night


Well-known member
February 15, 2020
What's Norway doing in an Irish contest? Not only a foreign singer but also foreign composers. I don't get it. And I don't get why vocals have to be so processed? Her voice is robotic which, firstly, sounds cold and inhuman and, secondly, it doesn't say anything about her abilities as an artist - even though she is going to participate in a song competition with live performances.


Well-known member
April 5, 2010
01 EMMY - Laika Party 10/10
02 Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay 10/10
03 Adgy - Run into the Night 8/10
04 Samantha Mumba - My Way 8/10
05 NIYL - Growth 7/10
06 Reylta - Fire 7/10

I really like the Irish NF this year, no song is dislike. I hope for EMMY or Bobbi for the win, love both songs.


December 23, 2018
Actually, "Growth" is really nice - nothing to write home about and it gets a bit "noisy" (I don't like the vocalising parts at the end) but we've got less competitive songs from Ireland in this century.

Reylta - Fire 9/10
Bobbie Arlo - Powerplay 8/10
Niyl - Growth 6/10
Adgy - Run Into The Night 6/10
Samantha Mumba - My Way 5/10
Emmy - Laika Party 1/10

Well done, Ireland - the NF is pretty decent. It started really strong; the boys are alright (don't pick them if you want to qualify, though) but the two odd ones (Samantha Mumba for "being internationally known"; and Emmy for being Norwegian) got the weaker/worst songs in this NF - I would have preferred any other song from the "leaked shortlist" to their output, tbh.


Active member
May 1, 2023
An update on the poll now that there are over 1300 voters.


Ireland: Who should win Eurosong 2025?​

Bobbi Arlo "Powerplay" - 53%

Emmy "Laika Party" - 19%

Reylta "Fire" - 12%

Adgy "Run into the Night" - 7%

Samantha Mumba "My Way" - 5%

Niyl "Growth" - 5%

1,363 votes

Despite the strength of the NF there seems to be very clear preference!


February 9, 2012
Samantha Mumba - My Way = 8/10
NIYL - Growth = 8/10
Reylta - Fire = 7/10
EMMY - Laika Party = 6/10
Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay = 6/10
Adgy - Run into the Night = 3/10

I think Ireland continues on their national final upward trajectory here, although whether they'll pick correctly again, we'll have to find out. I feel like on paper, Fire and Growth are the two songs with the most potential for the contest. The former is a side of Ireland people have missed having at the contest. It's brought back here in a way that's nostalgic whilst also not feeling like we've dug up and are dragging back a corpse. The lyrics strike me as being ever a tad too trite though. As for Growth, I feel like it's the most impressive and realised piece on offer. I didn't think I'd be into it but it's powerful and infectious. I think it could be a good choice. The chorus works really well.

Seeing Samantha Mumba in this selection is somehow like a fever dream whilst also making a tonne of sense. She was a big childhood favourite of mine. The second cd I ever bought was her Gotta Tell You album. I still have it today, scratched to pieces from all the bumpy train rides it went on inside my little cd walkman. My Way is interesting. Very cinematic and somewhat unpredictable. It kind of gives me Brandy vibes. I think this would be a risk but one that could pay off, potentially big time if it's a show stopper live.

Powerplay is a really solid piece of music. It's bringing a different vibe to this selection. Ultimately it bores me a bit though. Perhaps a cool performance can lift it. Laika Party is alright as well, and has some nice parts but we've had this stuff done better. If I listened to it more though I know I'd soften as it's sugary and I like sweets
Run Into The Night meanwhile is not for me. I wanted to turn it off within the first 20 seconds. Adgy's previous attempt I think was better.
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Well-known member
October 5, 2009
Niyl feels like the dark horse to me. A lot of people don't seem to be rating it but if he's got a powerful vocal and performs it convincingly on the night he could possibly do very well in the public vote. I feel like how Growth will fare in the national final is the hardest to predict out of all of them.

My Star

Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Niyl feels like the dark horse to me. A lot of people don't seem to be rating it but if he's got a powerful vocal and performs it convincingly on the night he could possibly do very well in the public vote. I feel like how Growth will fare in the national final is the hardest to predict out of all of them.
Agree 100% here, and honestly am delighted something like this made the final. Super representative of the domestic music scene (in a good way).

For me probs the best ever Eurosong (and definitely of the Late Late era). Reylta, Bobbi and Niyl would be my preference, with Niyl my favourite of them.

Samantha is fine too, just prefer the other 3. Laika Party is fun but my fifth placer and dont really want us to send it. Adgy feels a good bit behind the rest for me.


March 11, 2013
My ranking based on studio versions:

1. Niyl - 10/10
2. Reylta 10/10
3. Samantha Mumba 9/10
4. Bobbi Arlo 6/10
5. Adgy 2/10
6. Emmy 1/10


Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Oh Emmy… I was hoping for something special. All other songs are bad. Not I’m not a fan of any song.

If I had to pick in it would be Samantha because I know her.

All songs are equally bad. So I’ll go with who I know


Well-known member
March 31, 2020
Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay 7.5/10
Reylta - Fire 7.5/10
EMMY - Laika party 3.5/10
NIYL - Growth 3/10
Samantha Mumba - My way 3/10
Adgy - Run into the night 3/10


Active member
May 1, 2023
Obviously the allocation draw wouldnt matter all that much if Ireland send Bobbi Arlo but as an Irish fan I cant help but find it frustrating that yet again we get a 1st half draw...

I look at countries like Luxembourg who are only back 2 years and have 2 2nd half draws, whilst we have 2 2nd half draws in 11 years...

I then look at countries like Finland who are on their 3rd in a row...we could only dream of that kind of fortune.


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Laika Party in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Stuck in my head endlessly, and obviously it's hard-wired to be getting all my attention. But it would be a ridiculous choice for Eurovision tbh. Just let it live in my Spotify playlist and all is grand with the world.

Bobbi Arlo is the only choice it seems - all the others would likely crash and burn. And why Samantha Mumba brought an album intro track to an NF that all just sounds like a build-up to nothing is beyond me. She could've slayed, but I guess she isn't really there for Eurovision anyway - it's all about album promo I suspect.


Well-known member
April 19, 2021
Dublin, Ireland
After some heavy listening over the weekend I have mixed feelings and a little less confidence in a qualification for Ireland this year. Really hope the public & juries make the right call on Friday.

Samantha Mumba - My Way 0/10
Quite forgettable. I didn't have the same expectations as many had from Samantha as I was never a fan but as the entrant with the most professional experience here overall the whole package is poor. I dread the thought of a repeat Wild Youth effect from the Irish public.

Reylta - Fire - 1/10
Personally I can't stand this song! Reylta's vocals are far too synthetic for me combined with the corny lyrics leaving me with the feeling of a bargain-basement Aurora / Florence try hard novelty attempt that Will Farrell would be all over as an opener for his next Euorvision movie.

Adgy - Run Into The Night - 6.2/10
Overall this isn't a bad radio song, there are elements I like but it lacks power. I was a big fan of Adgy's previous entry into Eurosong Too Good For Your Love, until I seen the cringey amateurish live performance on the LLS. I don't think he's had enough stage/crowd experience since this so I'm not expecting a huge improvement (unless of course he absolutely throws himself into it). Also I can't get over the little ick I have with him performing this love song with his sister.

EMMY - Laika Party - 7.7/10
This song is an absolute ear-worming snappy nostalgic bop that continuously occupies my mind! The problem is Ireland would be taking 100steps backwards if we send it.

NIYL - Growth 8/10
There's a really slow unnatural start to the song that I feel is not grabbing the listener, but as soon it starts to build towards the end of the first verse, it's quite captivating and clever in a way as we're literally hearing & feeling the growth as the song progresses. It's a journey for sure, only question is will it be able to hold the audience - I hope so! I hope we're mesmerized by NIYL's performance which I know he's capable of achieving and for the same reasons I think the fans are sleeping on this a bit, I do think the Irish public will eat this up especially with the Dermot Kennedy-esq vibes.

Bobbi Arlo - Powerplay 8/10
This is the song the fans THINK they want! Me included!! Yes it's an edgy-pop song at its core with nothing really wrong with it, we just need MORE and there's 20odd seconds to do just that! I think there's plenty of room to build on this and hopefully the result will be an epic, explosive, high energy monumental spectacle of a performance!

There's no clear winner here like last year, it's quite hard to predict what way the voting will go on Friday but if you ask me there are only 2 real possibilities of an Irish qualification in May. And lets be honest we're still playing THAT game! Lets not get comfortable folks!


November 17, 2018
Laika Party in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Stuck in my head endlessly, and obviously it's hard-wired to be getting all my attention. But it would be a ridiculous choice for Eurovision tbh. Just let it live in my Spotify playlist and all is grand with the world.

Bobbi Arlo is the only choice it seems - all the others would likely crash and burn. And why Samantha Mumba brought an album intro track to an NF that all just sounds like a build-up to nothing is beyond me. She could've slayed, but I guess she isn't really there for Eurovision anyway - it's all about album promo I suspect.

Laika Party in the skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH xheat
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