My favourite was Sunday and i'm personally very upset that Maria has won. I even went back through all the comments to see what my initial view on her song was, and it happened to be the one song from the whole selection I immediately dismissed. We've got yet another dull, indistinguishable piece of radio friendly pop to go with all the other dull, indistinguishable pieces of radio friendly pop. To make things even worse, I find Maria's voice incredibly aggravating. For me, going with "Unbroken" was the worst possible choice Iceland could have made. If I wanted to hear music like this, i'd just turn on the radio (and weep). I come to Eurovision for the bold, the extravagant, the unusual, the emotional, the fun. After two wonderful Icelandic entries, and ones before that I really appreciated (despite not perhaps being the biggest fan), it's a real shame to see such a special country for music, take such a massive drop in quality/creativity.
I honestly can't believe how this edition of the contest is shaping up. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Whatever the genre being sent, the songs have been so bland and uninspired. It would be beyond tragic if by May, my favourite is still Malta. I should not even be championing a song like "Warrior", but as it stands at the moment, it's the only song with a bit of spark to it, as generic a composition as it is.