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Hungary HUNGARY 2018 - AWS - Viszlát nyár

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Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: HUNGARY 2018

Hungary should ditch their panel of experts giving their views - year after year they prove themselves to be incompetent.

I'm curious: what on earth leads you to call the Hungarian NF jury incompetent? You can like their views or dislike them, and either one is fine - I know I haven't always agreed with them in the past - but looking at Eurovision results, they seem to be quite competent in recent years.

Hungary is currently sitting on a seven-year qualification streak - i.e. the same length as Sweden's - and I'd argue that the country wouldn't have sent Origo last year if not for the jury's influences.

Origo then, of course, went on to come eighth (which I would say is very impressive for a potentially offputting ethno entry with a rap section, and is better than any other song in last year's A Dal would have fared), so pushing the song seems to have been a fairly "competent" decision by the jury.


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Tartu, Estonia
Re: HUNGARY 2018

Really don't get the Meggyfa hype by some people... but I'm amazed AWS is so popular as well. It really is the one to send from a pretty damn mediocre selection (and I do usually love A Dal). It stands out, goes all out and would be something refreshing because we haven't had a rock entry quite like this in a while. I'm also quite charmed by Zsolt Süle but it definetly shouldn't win :mrgreen:


Active member
February 21, 2011
Re: HUNGARY 2018

Really don't get the Meggyfa hype by some people... but I'm amazed AWS is so popular as well. It really is the one to send from a pretty damn mediocre selection (and I do usually love A Dal). It stands out, goes all out and would be something refreshing because we haven't had a rock entry quite like this in a while. I'm also quite charmed by Zsolt Süle but it definetly shouldn't win :mrgreen:

Agree on all of the points above although I do quite like Meggyfa, but I would not hype it as much as people do. It's catchy, memorable and has an own distinct style. However AWS for the win! When hearing the snippets I quite liked it but already disregarded it believing the vocals would be sub-par.....Oh was I wrong :lol:

Except from AWS, the final perfectly reflects A Dal 2018, boring and flavorless. And again A Dal is normally one of my favourite national selection together with Eesti Laul and Söngvakeppnin. But I believe that between this blandness, AWS will be victorious. I'm already calling it!


Active member
February 7, 2014
Re: HUNGARY 2018

Thank you once more for your interesting review or novel as Mrm called it :lol:

When I wrote that the chorus in Reni’s song was made a mess live by the beatboxer, I meant live from the TV. I attended the show live in the studio once, the second semi-final in 2012, by coincidence Reni was performing there too and her performance was a mess then too :lol:

I didn’t have high expectations for this semi-final, also the results were kind of predictable for me (except Leander Kills messing up) Well next week’s semi-final, that will be different. There the voting promises to be interesting and exciting. xheat

Yes Kriszta and Freddie looked great this time. I didnt like some of their previous outfits. They are getting more and more elegant as the final is approaching.

I noticed the the ear monitor issue at Ham ko Ham too. The Romani lyrics they added was a nice touch, sounded good. They did well overall.

Biga got lucky yesterday indeed. If Leander Kills could have repeated their score from the heat, I think there would have been no way he could have beaten Roland or SativuS in the televoting. I don’t mind though, I think his performance is better than these two I mentioned now. No way it ends up being the overall winner, I think.

SativuS indeed had the girl backings in the heat too, only their location on the stage was different this time. Plus they added a bit more of the folkish instruments, following the juries’ advice, earning them a few more jury points. I didn’t know them before A Dal, for me they were a good discovery. :)

I didn’t see the addition of dancers in Gabi’s performance as a mistake. It gave her more confidence I thought, however it was indeed a mistake if it was her fragility you liked about her previous performance. :D The juries though thought that her performance was improved. Judit also kindly complimented her for her beauty. Gabi is a very sweet person indeed. I had the chance to meet her in person a few years ago.
That „showing the juries faces during the performances” thing is not new, but it’s used only in the semis and the finals, and not in the heats. I remember last year it was kind of funny how during Gabi Tóth’s final performance they showed the jury table and Karesz was showing her a heart-sign with his fingers…xrose and later was the only jury giving her 0 points :lol:

I enjoyed Maszkura’s performance too. It’s hopeless as an ESC-entry, but I found the song catchy and he is a very likeable performer with his seemingly clumsy dance moves.

I like Zsolt’s Zöld a májusbut agree with you it’s a bit overrated by the juries. I like that ’buzzing’ sound that goes on in the background during the verses, kind of reminds me of the infamous vuvuzelas. Will be interesting whether the juries are satisfied enough with having brought this in the final, admittedly to showcase a song they see as high quality, or will they put it in their final4 too. I think it shouldn’t get that far. Azt mondtad is similar in style but more popular with the viewers, there's no need for both of them there.

I also thought it was enough for Roland to be here at the semis, the final didn’t need this song. I guess the „Little Lopez from behind” means that the ’Budapest Girl’ has a round bottom like Jennifer :lol:
In the postcard video Roland said that he thinks the song on a scale of 5 is a 5, and Miki recited this saying that he thinks the song deserves more than 5, so he gives 6. It was kind of funny (and cruel) from him. :mrgreen:

Gergely gave one more impressive performance. I wouldn’t mind if he ends up winning. I’m just afraid there will be too many people simpy dismissing it as a „Salvador-copy”.
As I pointed out previously, the 8 he got this time is very good considering that the free app voting – unused in the heats for technical issues – has returned for the semis, resulting in many of the public scores going down; he could maintain his 8.
Yes he received the „Discovery of A Dal 2018” award from the juries, well-deservedly in my opinion. It’s the third time they have these special prizes awarded. In 2016 Petruska, in 2017 Gina Kanizsa received this one. There will be another award, for best lyrics handed out next week (that was won by Freddie in 2016 and Leander Kills in 2017)

I didn’t like the revamp coming from Leander Kills either. It sounded so messy especially when the metal instruments kicked in, it sounded cacophonic. I guess after the negative feedback from the juries they will return tot he original version for the final. I was crossing my fingers for them too to be the televote pick (and voted for them too)
I understand they wanted to showcase this acoustic version, but well, there’s a special competition going on for the 30 songs’ acoustic version anyways. That will be a third special prize that will be given, that one in the final.

For next week, I hope Tamás has listened to critics/advices and does changes to his performance (getting his guitar back) Rooting for him an AWS. ;) And looking forward to your comments. :D

Thank you for your more extensive post this week too, loved reading it (as usual). Keep it up xup

I think I'm a bit jealous :p Where did you have the chance to meet Gabi? Some concert?

I commented with my girlfriend how Karesz seems to be in love with everything and everyone this weekend :lol: So thanks for that extra mental picture from last year :mrgreen:

balizeg said:
That „showing the juries faces during the performances” thing

You mean...


...this? :p

Couldn't resist :mrgreen: Had promised my girl to do it right after the show but only getting around to do it now.

I agree that Süle's song already went as far as it should. It's a nice song to be treasured at home but outsiders would never get it or appreciate it to the same extent. Also not that ESC friendly. Shouldn't make top 4 as you said.

I kind of died at that Miki vs. Roland transcription xroflxroflxrofl Thank you. I was needing a good reason to like Miki better. Now I have it.

What did you make of Odett winning best lyrics award? To me that was the biggest surprise of the night. A bit along with Meggyfa pulling a Leander in terms of needing televote save to get through to the final. I asked twice my sweetheart if it really was chosen among ALL songs from this year and she reassured me so. She also added that the lyrics are written in a very clever way. I kinda know that but are they really the best? I like Odett and her song but I expected this to go to someone else. Very nice consolation prize for a non-contender. But deep down inside I still think this was only for contestants performing that night. I mean, would the others be around the studio to receive it? Think not.

I really hope Leander just sticks to original again in the final as you said. My girl confirmed that the juries really had negative remarks to say considering the revamp and this makes me hopeful that they'll be taking advice from people who have high decision power within the national selection. Would be a mistake by them not to follow this advice, big time. And a real shame to all us who just love the song as it originally is, without all these extra "flowery decorations" for the masses. Thank you for voting for Leander xup Hope you can keep this up too for the final ;) If they have a real chance this saturday, that is.

I didn't know about the acoustic competition prize, only that they were doing these renditions. So thanks for that too. Makes more sense now, all this extra expense. I thought it was just for artistical purposes but really makes much more sense after this bit of information you share here.

I really wonder what you thought of Meggyfa this past weekend then, that was kinda unpredictable. But I have the "downplaying" theory again. Think juries scored it lower to kinda protect it. They sure knew it was going to win televote. So now Meggyfa fans have extra reason to vote for the song massively. If my theory is correct this was really smart of them. A bit as they did with Gergely, although here is just a case of strong points going to stronger and then to strongest (I really think so, in the final). Just so that the audience doesn't get this "untouchable already announced winner" idea. This creates negative buzz around the song and therefore the votes would be more split. In Horvath's song case, making a clear televote favorite looking fragile just before the final will energize the fans and captivate non-voters who liked the song. Think my theory is pretty on spot, what do you say? ;)
Also, it made him knock out popular acts such as Ceasefire X and Vastag (and by popular here I do not mean televote, rather that they are well known popular acts in Hungary, in Ceasefire's case as part of that "boyband" or so he belonged to before with Peti) so I now wonder were do those votes go now. This is the big question, who are the fans from eliminated acts going to vote for now? If at all, after personal disappointment.

I was a bit lusta ;) to write a "novel" NONO this sunday. My memory from saturday night is not as fresh now but here goes.

I loved that Kriszta's red dress. You are right, they keep getting better and are saving the best for the later stage, obviously. Freddie's outfit was the best so far too, I think. Solarium Freddie as I commented with my girlfriend :p What's with that tan in February.
I noticed something not so positive though. When he's alone vs. teleprompt it doesn't look very good. He doesn't look natural like Kriszta. It's like I can read him telling himself to be as expressive with his hands as much as he can. Something he needs to improve upon.

I really liked Judit's wardrobe choice. A perfect contrast to the jovial, bright and youthful look from first semi. Elegance in black indeed. More classic, refined choice this time around. And the lady is just a sweet herself. Kind of fell in love with her charm and style, as new avatar easily states :p

Jury's pet Journey reached it's rather natural end at the competiton. Still feels a bit undeserved that they were even at the semi when reminiscing about acts such as Viki or Maya'n'Peti. The performance was kind of more of the same as far as I can remember. First thing my girlfriend said was that "the terrible outfits are the same" :lol: She even knows person who did them :mrgreen:
The song itself, I learned to appreciate a bit more through studio version listens. Is a bit catchy but in a kind of annoying way. Her voice is really not my cup of tea. And their image is pretty bad, wardrobe aside. Someting they should improve upon if ever entering Dal again.
From revamp all I can remember is that she went up front of the stage and tried to create some more crowd sing-a-long intimate moment. But this failed miserably, of course. This is not that kind of song at all so terrible idea. Also her English is not that polished. Juries still gave their neat points for the jazz school goody-goody graduates but televote provided the first burst of laughter of the night. Deserved punishment.

AWS was the big winner of the night. I did not expect that. I expected qualification to final obviously but not this level of high praise. The thing with this song, for me at least, it's something I'll really enjoy when live on Dal but that afterwards I don't really feel the urge to listen to. It's a good intensive rock number but not THAT good. The smartest thing they did was...not changing anything at all. *winkwink hope lesson finally learned for good Leander winkwink* Not that there's much they could go for. I heard the acoustic version and while it's neat, had they done that it would have not been "goodbye summer", rather goodbye final.
I like the staging, the fiery projections and the actual flames up front. Although they could do with more. I'm thinking Rammstein level now :mrgreen: But obviously too much for them and Dal studio would probably blow up :mrgreen:
And thanks to rather poor directing for providing me with so far the most cringy "sudden cut to juries" moment. Misi headbanging to their music was just a rather hilarious moment xroflxroflxrofl
It's still not as strong as a real contender should be with televote, juries renewed praise aside. My girl puts this in top4 and perhaps she's right considering how it depends a lot on juries (something I feel is not very democratic or fair) but personally I think other act may be more deserving. I mean. I imagine AWS at ESC and their chances to me are the same that most rock acts had so far bar Lordi. It's final but it's no Azt mondtad fighting for top 5, at least.
Oh, and as much as I liked hearing Magdi's name being said that night I did not appreciate very much the mimicking. I understand he was just goofing around but come on, you're a rock act, not Shakira :p

Odett was expected non-qualifier. Neat song, will remain as a feel good memory from this year's Dal but obviously wasn't a contender for final. And I did not appreciate the revamp. Her wardrobe choice added to hair style change. Also the back singers up front. I remember I commented with my girlfriend that she had turned Odett into Odett and the Odettes. Really unecessary. Back singers perfect spot for a song like this is in the back, behind darkened lights. I think jury were sweet to her knowing that she'd get rather weak televote. Although now I notice that it actually dropped by a point. So may be wrong there but that's how I felt it that night.

Király was another expected qualifier and again an act that kept to about the same. I noticed some rather minor blunders though. I think he got a bit carried away in this performance, one of the "yeah"'s seems a bit misplaced in terms of timing and could have been fatal for an unseasoned performer. Also he seemed much more going along with the audience. Might be good practice for possible ESC times but if so he needs to improve, it seemed to distract him a bit. Also his singing has been sharper and his falsettos more on spot. Did pretty good with juries but televote is still a concern. I thought this would be a more unanimous song with the audience. I suppose it gets a bit weary but all I need is to hear those initial guitar chords to instantly jump into my happy careless "Budapest Girl" mood. I still think this is deserving of ESC, competition is really rough though. Hungary could easily send at least 4 acts who would end up in top 10. I look at Dal and then look at my country's first NF semi and have no option but to praise Dal. They know what they're doing, I applaud the high quality levels and very even competition.

I felt a bit bad for Szőke – Kökény – Szakcsi. But in a way, it was expected. It's hard to point the finger at any flaw to their performance. I only remember commenting with my girl that the projections could have been better. They were too bright for a song like this. This song requested something more elegant. I remember suggesting the dark sky filled with stars. Minimal perfection. Or then some Budapest classy bar shots at night. Anything else than what they ended up going for. But it's a rather small detail in the end. I remember also that I did not like Kökény's performance as much this last night. He seemed a bit more over-confident, it didn't look as natural and impressive as heat's performance. On the other hand she was just perfect this last weekend. Liked her performance much better and she looked fantastic. Great dress and hair choice, perfect toilette for an announced farewell. Sadly this kind of quality songs only reach a certain fraction of the overall audience. So televote felt quite harsh. This is in no way worthy of just 4. If Journey is a 4 too then this song is at least a 7 or an 8 in comparison. Juries properly evaluated it in the least and it goes off with very proper appreciation at that level at least.

Said most what I had to say about Meggyfa already. Was a half-surprise, like I said I think strategical jury voting might be more behind this than sudden demerit. From what I can remember if there was a revamp it was minimal. My girlfriend didn't seem very happy that the sombrero guys were kept. I actually am a bit more bothered with Horváth's body language. Sometimes he does look beyond excited. He should be a bit more contained. Would give the song a bit more depth. Varying overally jolliness with some serious and strict body language moves for the less busy parts of the song would not be a bad idea. And it might be a rather simple thing but I really like that ending with the spoon playing. It's my favorite part of the song. Then again I am a percussionist at heart so even spoon tapping makes me happy. But it does look really good, gives the song a crescendo and high level note finishing. I wouldn't feel too worried if I were a fan, I'm rather certain on my theory concerning jury's downplaying. It's still a strong televote favorite and anything can happen at the final. I personally don't want it in top 4 but I kinda fear it might just be.

Vastag was THE big disappointment of the night for us. In particular to me because I have liked this song since heat 1 from the get go a month ago. But what was that last weekend? I know that a lot of time had passed but he really did get sloppy. Even about his image. Looked like he put on some weight and performed in an uncaring way as well, like he was just doing some chore. Light years away from the beautiful first heat performance. When I saw the clip showcasing the semi performers I thought he'd go with the classy outfit he chose there, the white one with dots (not sure) and suspenders with the bowtie. That would have looked nice. But he just seemed totally off. The charisma and good presentation were just suddenly gone. It was a rather apathic performance. Not to mention the terrible mistake of trying to make it more Vastag-centered and minimalistic. The dancers really added to the song and were missed. As were the projections with the lyrics and the angel wings. It was just something totally different for worse. Even the little "flame on hand" trick seemed to be performed in a rather uncaring way. I was quite disappointed. Only redeeming point is that he has a really good voice and thankfully that was still there.
Considering he was a televote save from heat 1 however I unfortunately did not have big hopes for him and his beautiful song. So the fact he sort of butchered it, if anything, makes it easier for me to accept the non-qualification. Semi performance did not deserve it. Heat performance did and would have got me more frustrated. The televote drop was significant despite the small improvement with the jury. The fact that so long had passed since Heat 1 performance did not help either.
I'm just more sad about a sloppy farewell performance. I knew the chances were very slim, both here and if he somehow even made it to ESC. A bit more heart into the performance is all I wanted though.

Ceasefire X was the act I felt bad the most for when it came to televote. Had the Meggyfa "demise" gone full blown he'd have had a chance. And while I rather liked this song since it was first performed, I got to like it even better with time. Had this song echoing in my mind throughout saturday. Memories from the performance are a bit blurred but I remember liking the staging more this time. That initial "standing in a dark bedroom lit by the moon" detail looked very nice. Hard to say anything bad about the song. Love the lyrics, the build-ups, the beat. Is really a rather beautiful piece of music. Modern and I could see this actually doing rather good in actual ESC stage. Maybe against his favor is the fact that he's neither the best looking guy ever or the most charismatic. Personally to me that matters nothing but I can only see this as arguments against him from the voting crowd. I'm not sure if he tried to be more upfront with the audience and more intimate, I think so. Unlike Journey this song kind of fits for this sort of thing.
Jury appreciation even raised a bit. I remember they got him tear eyed with some comment but did not understand why. I think it was following some joke? I think I remember now Judit losing it a bit and everyone laughing, performer included. But wonder what was that about. Televote dropping was harsh, from 8 to 6. Don't really get it. Considering Vastag's depressing sloppiness I would have been happy with him getting televote's slot if Meggyfa was really ever at danger. Was not meant to be. A good song is all that remains.

Lastly yesyes. They did go a bit of a long way ever since Heat performance. I can see this act is being a little pushed forward by everyone now. My opinion remains the same and always will until I see (if ever) this song being performed in a stage equipped with the power than only the ESC stage has. I still can't help feeling studio version and live version are two worlds apart. It's much less powerful live, accordion bit aside. Which I love and makes up for a great building up to one of the song's multiple climaxes.
One thing I liked was the image. That sort of hairstyle looks good on him. Like I commented with my girlfriend, "Living Room" hairstyle :lol:
In terms of imagery is a safe choice. Szabo has obviously good image and it's well contrasted with his crazy haircut drumming buddy.
I have to say though, I liked heat performance better. It's clear they can't do live whatever they have done in the studio with the song. That power can't be achieved within Dal studios. But last weekend the song felt very choppy. Like some sort of remix. I did not like this. I guess they're still experimenting around. It's hard to put the power of this song into live performance. The strongest point is that this is a really intense number. And unlike what Vastag did this weekend, Szabo puts heart and soul into his performance. Really captivating and memorable. The beat is also just too great, hard to stay quiet to a song such as this one. It's a song that slowly I learned to appreciate better and that now I envision as a possible contender for at least top 4.
There seems to have been a slight televote and jury drop but no cigar. One of the winners of the night for sure. Really wonder how will this do in final now and how will they choose to present it.

I suppose more revamps (or resets...hear that Leander? ;)) are to be expected for the final?

Other than this, a final comment about last saturday's show. My girlfriend spotted Roland but I must have been distracted. Was he really there? :lol: Why so. This guy has the worst timings of television history.

We're really looking forward and excited for the final now. We did our personal top 4's. Did not differ one act aside. So we both really want Leander, Gergely and...yesyes. They convinced me, I confess. The difference lays in the fact my girlfriend will rather have AWS while I think Kiraly not being in top 4 is sort of a crime considering what I consider to be the great international chances that this song has.
So Leander needs a reset. Gergely just needs to show up, pretty much. Yesyes, I think whatever happens will be there. I know AWS are stronger than Király at this moment in overall but I can easily tell Király would to much better at ESC than AWS. Both just need to keep to their usual business for final anyway.
About other 4 songs. Süle has been adressed already. We like it but song has run it's course. The fact that it is a jury favorite worries one a bit since this a song with slim chances if ever making to ESC. But I think juries will be reasonable and think in the same way.
Meggyfa is the big question mark for me. My girl really liked this but kind of dropped it following last semi (still a bit unsure why) while to me this would have never passed from heats, due to personal music taste. It's a strong song however. I don't count it out at all, in fact am a bit worried it might deprive a better song of a shot at the ticket to Lisbon. I think the guitar use suggestion is actually good, if he uses that he might enhace the performance. The big question is whether my theory is right or wrong. Falling out of favor or downplayed? We'll see on saturday.
Biga is not big (heh :p) with televote. That's his concern. He's also not a jury favorite or anything. This is a rather limbo song for me. The international appeal is obvious but on the other hand how far can a guy with an acoustic guitar go at ESC? Recent history tells us that not that far. For the sake of diversity in Lisbon, I'd actually like to see this up there because I think there'll be no song out there like this. It would stand out in terms of diversity. That's it's main appeal in terms of ESC chances.
I think the performance for final will be a bit more of the same again. Probably more balloons. If I were him I'd go desperate crazy with balloons. Make them shower over the jury! Explode them! Fill them with water, okay. None of these last two. But definitely baloon up it up Biga.

Whatever the end result, looking forward to an exciting and very even final. And in a way looking forward to next year already. Dal may not be the most hyped NF. May not have the most powerful resources at hand. But this year's NF was pretty impressive in terms of quality. Final acts strenght speaks for itself. Whoever ends up being picked up, wish the Hungarian representative the best of lucks.


Active member
October 1, 2009
Re: HUNGARY 2018

Thank you for your more extensive post this week too, loved reading it (as usual). Keep it up xup
Muito obrigado também! ;)

I met her for a brief interview regarding her participation in A Dal 2014. I remember we made a photo together and had a laugh at it, cause she's very short while I'm quite tall so we looked funny in it. :D

I was surprised about Odett's prize, but was happy for her too, cause she's from my town, so she always gets a bit of extra support from me. :) The lyrics are quite good indeed, has some clever grammatic plays too, but still it wouldn't have been my pick either. When I think of "Best Lyrics" I would rather turn to something deep rather than playful. There were quite many contenders though. Zsolt Süle, Gergely Dánielfy, Leander Kills or AWS all have lyrics with strong meaning. But for the reaction of Odett it was worth giving it to her. :D She was very happy about it afterwards.

This acoustic competition was introduced in 2014. There are some really nice performances there. This year my favourite acoustic was Ceasefire X, last year it was Enikő Muri, her acoustic rendition of Jericho was miles better than the real thing, I thought.
It will be the only prize that is not decided by the jury but in an online voting on A Dal's website. So the winner will be whoever activated their fans the most :lol:

Well Journey was lucky to be in Heat3 to get to the semis. Their 37 wouldn't have been enough in the other two heats. Poor Noémo who was eliminated in Heat1 with 39 points; that song deserved more to be here in my opinion.
I didnt really like their outfits either, but Cintia's hairdo was better this time, and Judit also complimented her earrings, that was nice too indeed. :D They made a bit of a revamp towards the end, after comment from Karesz that the ending of the song was too abrupt. So that's why they added an additional chorus. She said later in the greenroom she was a bit nervous about performing this new version but in the end she was glad they did it.

AWS was great again, not much to add cause they changed nothing compared to their first performance. The big love from the jury was a bit surprising, like Miki, a folk musician being excited about it. Judit said she would've never thought that a metal song could make her emotional, but they did it. Well the lyrics have a deeper meaning, the singer, Örs wrote it about his father who has passed away.
Hey, I liked that image of Misi headbanging! :lol: One of the best cut-to-juries moment we've ever had :D
Magdi's name was mentioned cause Kriszta has asked Örs what was the reason he was performing bare-foot and he said that as a fellow musician has told him "He's the Hungarian Magdi Rúzsa"

About Odett, well I hope one day she will enter A Dal with a really good entry. She has so much better songs than the ones she was on A Dal until now. I liked the revamp, but I didnt like the new choreo with the backings either.

Viktor did well, and I got used to his song (I hear it everyday on the radio...) but I still think it would be a missed chance if he went to ESC now, in the sense that he is capable of much more than this simple earworm of a song.

The jazz trio actually had that backdrop you mention, but only at the start. A starfilled sky with a full moon but somehow as the song progressed it turned into something very bright, lilac thing I couldn't make out what it was. The 4 they got was indeed very harsh. My theory is that while the jury obviously wanted to do something good to them by giving them praise and high score in the heat, but they rather did harm to them and turned many against the song. If you check out their videos on Youtube they have an undeservedly high number of dislikes.

I didn't really like the performance of Tamás this time. He looked like his thoughts were elsewhere, somehow it lacked energy to me.
On your theory of Meggyfa and the jury voting, well I agree with you that the juries knowingly don't reveal their faves in a very clear way and there are always some surprises come their voting in the final.
However I think that with Meggyfa it's not really the case, they simply have some problems with it (maybe you remember Miki had a loooong monologue after his performance and it was basically about that he lacks some authenticity from the song. And well he's an expert on that cause he is a folk song researcher.), so I think there's no chance they will give enough points to it to get it to the Top4.

Well Tamás Vastag has changed the whole performance after negative remarks from the juries. They thought that there was too much emphasis on the lyrics in an "in-your-face" way taking away every attention from Tamás himself. So you should blame them for these changes :D The juries did like this new performance though. Tamás really didnt look in form, with a very sleepy look on his face. I must say that I'm not a big fan neither of him, nor his brother Csaba who is also a singer.
Let me add, if it makes you feel better to accept his elimination, this song was also picked up by the radios and I hear it everyday. (the others are Budapest Girl, Meggyfa, Good Vibez, Azt mondtad from this year's A Dal that are played on that radio [a national one] I listen to at work)

Well Ceasefire X did well, but I always looked at this song a "good filler" rather than a real contender. But as I mentioned his acoustic performance was my fave this year, if you are interested here it is , turned into a piano ballad.
He didn't get teary eyed he just took off his glasses cause it got steamed up.
Well, Judit has previously mentioned "driving" in her valuations, saying that Biga's song is perfect for driving, or how she heard Viktor's song while driving with her family and they all stopped and listened to it, and so when she started speaking Misi asked "are you going to talk about driving again?" and she said no, no but then she said, meaning to praise Bence's vocals, how he has "already passed a test" and it was like she accidentally again came up with a driving-connected metaphor and that's why they were laughing.

yesyes gave a good performance, taking into account that Ádám was sick. They didn't mention it there, I just saw him saying it on Facebook before the show, asking for good luck wishes from his followers.
As I said when I posted my ranking of the final, I would be okay with it winning, but I'm not crazy about it. The accordion solo is very cool, but apart from that, this song has nothing special about it that would make people vote for Hungary at ESC, would be like Freddie. It is only in my opinion of course.

Yes usually there are some changes about the performances come the final. Not always for the better, I remember Gergő Oláh in 2016 totally ruining the instrumental parts of "Győz a jó" for the final. :eek:

I don't think Roland was there. :lol: I do know that he's now in Italy with his girlfriend. (his girlfriend is an Italian girl called Serena Rigacci who came second on Hungarian X factor last year, where Roland was 3rd) Serena's only 15, but really good, I think we'll soon see her name appearing in Sanremo Giovani.

My guess for the super final is Gergely, AWS (would be very surprising if not, after the almost full marks from the juries in the semi), yesyes and maybe Meggyfa? :confused:. I think that 4th spot is up for grabs, and there's usually some twist in the juries' final voting. We will see.

Thank you again for your summaries, they were always good to read. ;)


Active member
March 10, 2017
Re: HUNGARY 2018

I really want Dánielfy Gergely surprises everyone and wins Adal. He is by far my favourite.

There's something magical in his song and performance.

Well I quite like Meggyfa too. But it doesn't have the same magic. If none of them win it will be on of the rare years that I don't like the hungarian entry.


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Re: HUNGARY 2018

I am shocked by this year's A dal results... I feel like my current favourite Tamas Horvath won't even make it to the Superfinal based on his jury score track record. But what shocks me even more is the fact that there is not a single female musician in the final. Noémo and Odett were robbed. :|


Active member
March 23, 2010
Re: HUNGARY 2018

I'm curious: what on earth leads you to call the Hungarian NF jury incompetent? You can like their views or dislike them, and either one is fine - I know I haven't always agreed with them in the past - but looking at Eurovision results, they seem to be quite competent in recent years.

Hungary is currently sitting on a seven-year qualification streak - i.e. the same length as Sweden's - and I'd argue that the country wouldn't have sent Origo last year if not for the jury's influences.

Origo then, of course, went on to come eighth (which I would say is very impressive for a potentially offputting ethno entry with a rap section, and is better than any other song in last year's A Dal would have fared), so pushing the song seems to have been a fairly "competent" decision by the jury.

By failing to recognise the excellence of Horvath's song I would say is evidence of incompetence. They have got behind inferior songs this year. They have also gone down the wrong path in previous editions too - Kati Wolf was hopeless live & destined to fail on the ESC stage yet got their unanimous support. I think they've ignored stronger songs over a period of years.


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Re: HUNGARY 2018

I love "Meggyfa"!!! xheart

It reminds me of the beautiful "Mediterraneo" by Mango



Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Re: HUNGARY 2018

As much as I'd love love LOVE for AWS to go to Eurovision, isn't it quite undeniable Danielfy will win?

unless the jury screws it out of the top 4 on purpose so the televoting could not be able to vote for that


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: HUNGARY 2018

As much as I'd love love LOVE for AWS to go to Eurovision, isn't it quite undeniable Danielfy will win?

unless the jury screws it out of the top 4 on purpose so the televoting could not be able to vote for that

They did the same thing last year, so we can't rule it out :lol:

Otherwise, I think AWS still has at least a chance to win it anyway. I could be wrong on this - and any Hungarians in the thread, please correct me - but I think the televoting system in the superfinal is different to the system used in previous rounds? Something like, the semifinals etc. largely use an average of scores from 1-10 based on app voting, while the superfinal is based on pure vote count without the averaged ratings?

Because if so, that change might benefit AWS: as a polarising act, they're naturally going to get a lot of low votes dragging their average down in that first system, but when it comes to pure votes then it doesn't matter how many people dislike a song, only how many like it. And there, a polarising song could help. Again, though, I might just be remembering things wrong here.


Active member
October 1, 2009
Re: HUNGARY 2018

As much as I'd love love LOVE for AWS to go to Eurovision, isn't it quite undeniable Danielfy will win?

unless the jury screws it out of the top 4 on purpose so the televoting could not be able to vote for that
Gergely Dánielfy has chances to win but it's not undeniable. He's not a well known name. I think only Tamás Horváth's presence in the super final would automatically mean it's him. He has a strong fanbase.

I gues if Tamás is not there, but AWS and Gergely are, while Gergely's song is very much what Hungarians like, I'd say it's rather AWS. I think the rocker vote is quite strong, but it was never tested in an A Dal final, but for example Depresszió in 2014 qualified twice thanks to televoters, or Leander Kills this year.
[MENTION=11243]ZoboCamel[/MENTION] yes, the super final is a simple televoting. Like the second round of voting in previous rounds. (and unlike the first round, where voters rated the songs from 1 to 10)
One can pick their fave for free in the app, and also in SMS with a maximum of 20 votes from one device.


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
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