how on earth are they not eligible to take part? They managed it for 2014.
edit: even if they're not eligible. I'm sure the ebu will do some slight rules altering for the time being to accommodate Greek participation.
That is basically what they did this year
It's such a smae Greece won't participate
Οκ we have some official news from our broadcaster NERIT.
They have just had a press release!
They say at this moment Greece can NOT participate in ESC 2015, because NERIT is still NOT a member of EBU.
NERIT has applied to be a member,
and EBU will see this issue at December.
But what is going on with the deadline set for October, 10th. What's even more important - have they applied until yesterday, because now it seems they cannot even apply as they are not EBU member? Because December is far too late and NERIT could take part in 2016 at the earliest (in case they are accepted in December 2014).
oh dear. So not too good then. Is there an official article/news thing on this? Also don't they need to be a member to apply?