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FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Pred da se razdeni

How do you rate the Macedonian entry?

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    25 13.4%
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    7 3.7%
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    11 5.9%
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    8 4.3%
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    18 9.6%
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    21 11.2%
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    20 10.7%
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    11 5.9%
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    15 8.0%
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    8 4.3%
  • 0

    43 23.0%

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Well-known member
April 6, 2010
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Looking forward to hear more about the great empire of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Never heard of it before, 'tho.


December 28, 2009
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Yeah this year is such a disappointment for those of us who enjoy ethnic music, ethno-pop. I'm not even keen on the entries of Greece and Belarus either so at this time I have one song that I really like. The day ESC becomes totally westernised is probably the day i'll stop watching. I'm unsure if that day will ever come but year after year things get worse and more and more buy left overs from Sweden.. Hmmm well at least we have Bulgaria's entry this year as well to come.

Coincidence that all this happened when they were bringing back the juries?

Every year we have less and less ethno-inspired entries, I give it a couple of years (if nothing radical happens) that we won't have any ethno entries at all.


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

So the song is gonna be changed or revamped? I mean, seriously, they have done a huge circus of the artist, title and song's presentation...and finally they are gonna change it? I don't believe it...I think It's gonna be revamped...anyway I dislike this entry more snd more.


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Oh gosh please!
Just because Greece is moaning they do change the whole song? Oo
Thats sad!


December 28, 2009
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

So the song is gonna be changed or revamped? I mean, seriously, they have done a huge circus of the artist, title and song's presentation...and finally they are gonna change it? I don't believe it...I think It's gonna be revamped...anyway I dislike this entry more snd more.

I think (and hope) they just mean it's gonna be revamped. It would be odd to just suddenly change it out of nothing.


March 3, 2011
Cyprus / Oussou Empire
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Oh gosh please!
Just because Greece is moaning they do change the whole song? Oo
Thats sad!

Who said this? Had they changed the lyrics in 2011 when Greeks were upset (that time justifiably because that song was talking directly about that issue)? Then why they'll do it now? All "offensive" stuff for Greece is indirect, so it's nothing that Greece can complain to EBU about or anything.

The fact that they'll revamp the song because this version they released now is a big mess doesn't have to do with Greece or anything.

And personally I don't care about the name AT ALL, in the forum I call it :mk: (I use the flag, and everyone can read my message as he wants).


Active member
March 3, 2012
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

The reason they changed the song was because the Macedonians were very vocal about their opinion on the song. It will be undergoing a heavy revamp.


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

speechless on your comment........ :eek:

I don't get why you're so upset about my simple question.
please stop being personal offended or feeling proveked by everything, thats kind of annoying.


Active member
March 5, 2012
Skopje, Macedonia
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

I honestly do not understand this circus, it's a shame, a big shame. I also think that the video was a provocation and to much KITSCH xshock , but i don't even like the song so much, ok i wont comment further about that, because every single man has his/her own taste of music. I think that if they have decided to change the song and video, it will be even a bigger shame, but i also hope that it won't be disaster as i expect.


December 28, 2009
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

In what way is the video a provocation? To show some scenes from the capital? It's hardly the first time videos have been made with a sort of "tourism" approach. And you're suppose to be Macedonian???... oh well xshrug


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

I honestly do not understand this circus, it's a shame, a big shame. I also think that the video was a provocation and to much KITSCH xshock , but i don't even like the song so much, ok i wont comment further about that, because every single man has his/her own taste of music. I think that if they have decided to change the song and video, it will be even a bigger shame, but i also hope that it won't be disaster as i expect.

That's exactly what this forum is about.


Active member
March 5, 2012
Skopje, Macedonia
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Just because i am Macedonian i know very well why that it is a provocation, i do know very well who am i and who were my ancestors. It's because the video is done with the intention to be provocative, while knowing that greek people will protest about it. Also i do think that the name of the song is placed to be within and correspond with these monuments of our history on the video, history that greeks dispute and prescribe to themselves, just because in 1913 they got our territory, i think that it is provocative because it gives a picture that we want our territories back, our empire lol (which is not true and it is not possible). Also it is very very kitsch, I'll explain why I think that it is so. The buildings that you see on that video, but only those who should look like old buildings are in a matter of fact very NEW (about 1year old), and you have no idea how many styles are mixed in them, you should come and see with your own eyes (be my guest, it will be my pleasure), it is a project of our government (i am not sure what they want to prove with that cuz we don't need that, we know who we are)


February 9, 2012
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

"The lyrics of the song and some arrangements are to change. Hence the revamped version of the song should be ready within a week.

Regarding the videoclip of Imperia which was released during the FYR Macedonian Song presentation show last Wednesday, Mr Mirkovski told that the videoclip had been removed from youtube and internet as MKRTV was not satified with it and it did not comply with the broadcasters requirements. Hence a brand new videoclip will be filmed in the coming days and will be available"

xyes I would have gone absolutely bananas if the song were to have been changed. If the revamped version will be ready within the week I would imagine the changes will be quite small.. maybe not even changes to the musical arrangements but just the layout of the song. I really hope they don't change much.

And a new video eh? Well I thought the old one was perfect. I can't complain really. I'm get another Imperija videoxheat I hope Esma will have just as many outfit changes.


Active member
February 8, 2011
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

I don't get why you're so upset about my simple question.
please stop being personal offended or feeling proveked by everything, thats kind of annoying.

upset???no way dear...........your question was just so out of space,so i just said i was speechless.Unless you feel Greece is so poweful to make officials of FYROM' s delegation to change their whole entry! :eek:..... I guess I am way too old (or should I say mature.....?)to be either upset or offended or provoked by silly staff,funny routines,meaningless arguements


December 28, 2009
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

Just because i am Macedonian i know very well why that it is a provocation, i do know very well who am i and who were my ancestors. It's because the video is done with the intention to be provocative, while knowing that greek people will protest about it. Also i do think that the name of the song is placed to be within and correspond with these monuments of our history on the video, history that greeks dispute and prescribe to themselves, just because in 1913 they got our territory, i think that it is provocative because it gives a picture that we want our territories back, our empire lol (which is not true and it is not possible). Also it is very very kitsch, I'll explain why I think that it is so. The buildings that you see on that video, but only those who should look like old buildings are in a matter of fact very NEW (about 1year old), and you have no idea how many styles are mixed in them, you should come and see with your own eyes (be my guest, it will be my pleasure), it is a project of our government (i am not sure what they want to prove with that cuz we don't need that, we know who we are)

Look, I'm not here to make some sort of disputed discussion about this... I do think it's much fuss about nothing though. The whole name-dispute and everything else connected to it is indeed silly when you think about it (there are far more important issues for both Greece and Macedonia to deal with).

I know that these monuments and buildings are newly built, but my point was that it's hardly the first time a video is being made as some sort of "tourism promotion"... so what is your suggestion? That they should not show these buildings because some Greeks might get "provoked" by it? Then what should they show then if the purpose was to show scenes from Skopje? What you're saying is that showing the capital is a "provocation"... so will they not show anything from the country/capital then if they would ever win ESC and host it? That would also be a provocation? xshrug

I mean let's be honest here, the Skopje 2014 project is not just some "provocation" or chauvinistic building project... it's also a way to add some character and identity to a capital that perhaps wasn't really the most attractive or interesting before. It's a sort of face-lift.

Also, I don't blame Macedonia for trying to find an identity and image for itself though after years of non- sovereignty... it's a small "new" country trying to put its name on the map. Greece it's an old country with long history, the way they react shows some insecurity.


Well-known member
December 6, 2010
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

DELETED by Mod, Political discussions and videos belong into the proper forum.


Well-known member
May 19, 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark
Re: FYR MACEDONIA 2013 - Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redžepova - Imperija

I don't get this sort of etno techno pop bumti bumti.... 4 pts.
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