I'm really disappointed. Louane is capable of offering way better songs. The song itself has some really nice moments but the chorus is not good. We can be lucky it's a weak year because any other year, it would have ended up for sure in the bottom 5. Alexandra only knows classic french sounding ballads or what ? She really needs to open herself to new type of music. Fulenn in 2022 was the real exception because it was people who voted for it but if she had the choice, she wouldn't probably have chosen them.
When will we try to take a real risk ? or even a different type of ballad ? I'm sick and tired of this. We now send popular artists great but we never give them the right song. I knew Louane would send a ballad of course but i expected some kind of twist, or a more electronic sound for a change, like similar to Les Etoiles. I still remember about all the french gems eligible for the contest i've heard this year and we got so much material to send something different and competitive. I think the strategy of choosing popular artists only to attract a new public is not the right strategy. We shouldn't care of this anymore and just try to be really competitive by trying to go out of our comfort zone. So many countries are taking more risks, or try something different, even Sweden this year but we, France, remain year after year one of those rare countries who doesn't go out of their comfort zone. I'm still open for one last year with this current HoD if she opens herself to something different, but if she doesn't, then she will have to go. We won't win anymore, or very very unlikely until we decide to make this necessary shift of diversifying our entries.
Now to come back to Louane song, this remains decent, but it's getting 18th place in the final, like 10/11th with the juries but bottom 3 televote.