I listened to all 20 of them and here's my two cents.
They come in no particular order. I actually copied the list from post before, so shout out to
@Ajeje Brazorf . My fingers thank you
1. Merilin Mälk - Little Girl
Like it. Nice pop song that's easy on the ear. One of the favourites. Top 5
2 - Elina Nechayeva - Remedy
Music is boring. Lyrics are bad.
3 - Maian - Meeletu
I like it, very much. Great. I hope with all my heart that random Spanish lyrics make sense when you can actually understand the rest of it. Top 5, possibly Number 1.
4 - Frants Tikerpuu & Triin Niitoja - Laululind
I don't know know. Maybe it's one of those songs that you have to understand the lyrics to appreciate it. It really does nothing for me.
5 - Púrr Mudd & Shira - Golden Shores
Like it. Top 5
6 - Andrei Zevakin feat. Grete Paia - Mis Nüüd Saab
Inoffensive, but also kinda dull.
7 - Ott Lepland - Aovalguses
Of all of them slow songs, I like this one the most. I also think I would love it if I actually understood the lyrics. Not that I think it should be sang in English, definitely not. It would lost a lot of it's appeal, but yeah... I kinda miss something this way.
8 - Jyrise - Plaksuta
Ok. This is not as bad. I got a feeling from a snippet it's one of those "I'm so quirky" songs, but it's not that annoying when you actually listen to the whole thing. I kinda like it. Maybe sometimes I still want to punch him in the face just a little bit, but the fella is going to my Top 5.
9 - Jaagup Tuisk - Kui vaid
Not bad, but I have to say... if I heard it for the first and only time during the competition I wouldn't care for it at all. I would probably forget all about it before the beginning of the next song.
10 - Stefan - Hope
Oh, this one. So torn, so torn. I'm a sucker for country sound, but it just sounds a bit much like the brother finally responded, if you know what I mean.
But, screw it. I like it.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly to the TOP 5.
11 - Kaia Liisa-Kesler - Vaikus
This oneeeeeeeeeee hjknjjkl. Sorry, I felt asleep listening.
12 - Boamadu - Mitte Kauaks
Just No.
13 - Helen - Vata Minu Poole
I don't know what to say about this one. I don't like it. Why, I don't know. I don't hate it, but I most definitely do not like it.
14 - Alabama Watchdog - Move On
I maybe like it at some moments, but the chorus is just so corny.
15 - Black Velvet - Sandra
80's song dedicated to the most 80's name ever (at least in my part of woods). Nice. Shout out to all Sandras out there!
16 - Stig Rästa - Interstellar
I don't know who wrote the lyrics, but they should probably stick to Estonian language. If it's a native English speaker, then, oh well, I'm without words.
"And I got my heartbeat outside my body
And I see my soul as I'm floating in space" Really, Mr Songwriter?! You're going to make someone sing this unsingable word salad?
17 - Minimal Wind feat. Elisabeth Tiffany
Yeah, snoozefest that tries to be edgy and moody.
18 - Elysa - Fire
Ok. I hate this. It sounds cheap. Dated. No.
19 - Evelin Samuel - Waterfall
Please make it stop.
20 - Anna Sahlene - Champion
And we got a winner of Cornfest 2022. I award this song 3 corns

and five pieces of cheese

I don't think I cringed that hard since Dora 2021 and "Let's share love".
So, to summarize my TOP 5 are Merilin, Main, Purr and Shira, Jyrise and Stefan.