Eh, I'm sure we could do well next year too if we found the right song.

The 3-years thing is probably more of a coincidence than anything else.

But if it does turn out to come true, at least we have 2025 to look forward to I guess. And we've made the final on 'off years' too, just haven't done much there.
In any case, good job Stefan!

Would be interesting to see what (if anything) would have been different with the staging they originally had in mind, but we shall never know! Would it have been enough to sneak into top 10? Or, who knows, maybe we would have actually done worse.

Well, a good solid mid-table result is very nice in the end! No complaints here, considering the mess they had to quickly deal with.

Hope Stefan enjoyed himself & had a good time!
Onwards & upwards to Eesti Laul 2023! Here's hoping for a strong lineup.