Absolutely the same here.
Loved Witloof Bay.
Couldn't care less for Iris.
Was totally indifferent to Roberto.
Despised Axel and hated his song with a burning passion, if i got physical with my emotions the day he was chosen i believe i'd have to buy me new dishes, vases, plant pots, picture frames and, probably, a new husband 3
So i say KEEP'EM COMING! I want just couple more outstanding, belgic-esque songs to complete this edition for me.
Going back even further, I hated that "Me and my Guitar" song with all my life, despite seemingly being in a minority. That brought out the dish throwing urges inside of me. Belgium really haven't been a good Eurovision country for me of late, so it's great to have finally something I can appreciate. I kind of like the fact it's sort of a love/hate thing I have with it as well I'm cringing at the beginning but by the end of it i'm like
I want at least 12 entries this year I can say I really like I have 9, maybe 10-ish at the moment.