A song called Don't Deny in the centenary year of their genocide? Armenia really aren't hiding this, are they?
There's already talk that the entry could be considered overly political by the EBU.
I was close with my title prediction. I thought it would be Turkey Will Pay. Anyway this smells like a flop. :|
Genealogy is an odd name, because it's the science of ancestry.
All of the artists have Armenian ancestry
and no final for Armenia this year.
Genealogy is an odd name, because it's the science of ancestry.
I hope EBU disqualifies this blatant attempt to politicize the contest with propaganda.
Maybe this sounds like propaganda to you, but its the biggest injustice of the 20th century where 1.5000000 innocent people died and no one ever got punished for it.
2015 is a year when all the Armenians commemorate the 100th Centennial of the Genocide and they wouldn't send some easy booty shaking happy sexy pop song.
Maybe this sounds like propaganda to you, but its the biggest injustice of the 20th century where 1.5000000 innocent people died and no one ever got punished for it.
2015 is a year when all the Armenians commemorate the 100th Centennial of the Genocide and they wouldn't send some easy booty shaking happy sexy pop song.