Really surprised here.
Dying to know which one it was.
WLSC21 (June 2012): The Cure - Pictures of You - Result (June 13): rank 8 (out of 19 entries)
WLSC22 (June 2012): Lilygreen & Maguire - Ain't love crazy - Result (July 3): rank 12 (out of 21 entries)
NSC Doubles Spin Off (June 2012): Soso - Happy People (Everything Was Beautiful And Nothing Hurt) - Result (July 7): rank 9 (out of 19)
WLSC23 (July 2012): Regina Spektor - Eet - Result (July 22): rank 1 (out of 21 entries)
WLSC24 (Jul/Aug 2012): Haim - Forever - Result (Aug 7): rank 4 (out of 21 entries)
NSC AATW Finland Spin Off (Jul/Aug 2012): Jippu - Eva - Result (Aug 11): rank 14 (out of 31 entries)
NSC Mystery Spin Off (Aug 2012): Plastilina Mosh - Pervert Pop Song (Castigame) - Result (Aug 27): rank 17 (out of 30 entries)
WLSC25 (Aug 2012): Tori Amos - Cooling - Result (Aug 28): rank 8 (out of 20 entries)
WLSC26 (Sept 2012): Judith - Là Où Je Vais - Result (Sept 13): rank 4 (out of 19 entries)
WLSC27 (Sept 2012): kd lang - Till The Heart Caves In - Result (Oct 1): rank 16 (out of 17
It can be Regina Spektor, Haim or Plastilina Mosh (or maybe Judith but you were already in WLSC then).. These fit your taste best