Swedish - Native speaker.
English - Fluent. Started learning it when I was 10 years old, 20 years ago. I chose the US flag, since my English is mainly influenced by American English, both in speech and in writing.
Spanish - Intermediate. Studied it back in school for several years.
German - Beginner/intermediate. I understand more than I can speak, but I could still get around fairly well.
Icelandic - Beginner/intermediate. Picked it up simply by listening to Icelandic people. My speech is therefore more comprehensive than my writing as a result.
Norwegian - I understand Norwegian almost perfectly, due to my being Swedish.
Danish - Written Danish is really easy to understand and I tend to have very few problems there, but spoken Danish is a nightmare to understand.
Dutch - Since I know English, some German and have such an extensive grasp of the Scandinavian languages, Dutch is fairly easy to understand in written form.
Faroese - Since I am Scandinavian, but mostly thanks to my knowing some Icelandic, Faroese is also fairly easy to understand.
Romance languages - Since I know some Spanish, I can understand these languages to a certain extent, but I might not get the gist of it. Meaning, I might understand words here and there, or even most words in a sentence, but I still might not understand what the sentence means.