I said it in another Thread.. I would go back to the 100% Televoting but not in the Recent Form. The 12 Points-System unfairly advantages Countries who (nearly) completely Rely on Diasporavotes while getting ignored from most/all of the Non-Diasporacountries. I would suggest a 20 Points-System [20,18,16,14,12,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] which of Course doesnt prevent/delete Diasporavoting, but reduces it. The Points from 1-10 should be shown on the screen and the Spokespersons should read out loud the 12,14,16,18 and 20 Points. This System is mathematically more just, since it reflects the Reality more in the Table-Midfield and Bottom and reduces the Diaspora-effect. Also its very easy to understand for Casual-Viewers. These would be the Results of 2018 if we used this System:
I did the Same Calculation for 2017 and 2016 for the Semis and the Final (Left is the new Resuls, right the Original Result):
2017 Final:
2017 Semis: