You really don't want to know what I have up my sleeveYou saucy minx! Scandal. Bet Edweis wrote them.
You really don't want to know what I have up my sleeveYou saucy minx! Scandal. Bet Edweis wrote them.
While we’re exchanging Bellamort art, let me remind you all that the deadline for song submission is tomorrow at 10PM and don’t forget your spokespersons.
OMG alreadyWhile we’re exchanging Bellamort art, let me remind you all that the deadline for song submission is tomorrow at 10PM and don’t forget your spokespersons.
You can edit your post, or post a new post, or sand in a dm or sent with votes, so many ships so mani optionsWait what? You need a spokesperson? Sorry I was distracted by all the Harry Potter fangirling...
How do you want us to provide said hot spokesperson?
Our spokesperson is going to be her majesty herself - Jodie Foster ❣T U Z I
Jelena Rozga - - Karantena
Of course Moisantia is confirming...
Jeremy Loops - 'Til I Found You
≋≋ Tamausia & Deltannor ≋≋
Sara Siipola - Thelma & Louise
While we’re exchanging Bellamort art, let me remind you all that the deadline for song submission is tomorrow at 10PM and don’t forget your spokespersons.
Not cool king KrleDue to some unfortunate & unexpected situtions, I have to postpone the deadline ‘til tomorrow at 15:00pm Sorry guys
And our spokesperson will be no one other than the L E G E N D herself: