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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2024 - Olly Alexander - Dizzy

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Well-known member
February 12, 2022
Have you guys read about a statement being made by several Eurovision artists regarding the 'situation'?

Not that it's a remarkable statement, but seems people over Twitter thought withdrawing from Eurovision would be 'that' easy or impactful.

Ιve had enough with gen z eurofans and the '' boycott ''. They really think that if EBU loses 100.000 viewers or if Olly withdraws something will change in Gaza. Its way better to be present and try to spread awareness about whats happening, Olly gets it. Bravo to those 9 artists + Mustii, dont know why the rest didnt sign it, I hope they werent asked to, otherwise its pretty dissapointing
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Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
I wholeheartedly welcome Olly’s joint statement with several other acts. Boycotting Eurovision will not have anywhere near as much impact as using your platform to raise awareness of what’s going on in this conflict!


Well-known member
January 29, 2024
Olly is taking part in MAP - Medical Aid for Palestine:

See here

Basically, fans can bid to have Olly sing for them over Zoom. The money gets donated for medical help for Palestine.

This is the best thing he can do IMO, use his popularity to do something that will actually help people in need - it'll do much more good than withdrawing.


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Olly killed it in Madrid. Now that the pre-parties have begun, this is where the hype begins.

I've been a firm believer since Dizzy was revealed that people were underestimating the UK. We won't win but a top 10 seems more likely by the day.

Paco Roca

Well-known member
June 9, 2023
Im one of the biggest fans of Olly but I gotta say, in the line up it came across as boring to me
Ok not boring, unexciting is a better word
It is precisely that slight boring aftertaste that gives a glimpse of a possible and "sensational" bottom 5. A song whether good or bad at least has the power to make people fall in love, divide, attract hatred; in short, it has an identity. “Dizzy” will be the “Blood & Glitter” of 2024.


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
It is precisely that slight boring aftertaste that gives a glimpse of a possible and "sensational" bottom 5. A song whether good or bad at least has the power to make people fall in love, divide, attract hatred; in short, it has an identity. “Dizzy” will be the “Blood & Glitter” of 2024.

I did get bottom 6 vibes from the party not gonna lie. Of course its just a party performance, but I was expecting more energy, more character from him, Nemo and Mustii are overshadowing him at this moment. Hopefully he will give us a show on Esc, the song is safe enough, if the performance is safe too hes not going to excite the voters.
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November 15, 2020
I think he needs to do everything in his power to secure that jury vote.

Cause televoters apart from Ireland, Malta, Australia and Sweden (Benjamin who is arguably one of the biggest swedish artists atm will support him) won't vote for this.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
While I'm not a fan of the song it won't have the big climax of the kind of songs mentioned here. Maybe that's why Space Man did well, because it had that power to the vocal. It certainly wouldn't be 'sensational' at all if a BBC entry finished bottom 5, that would be more if an entry from RAI or SVT did. I think most of the BBC audience are used to low placings. And Mae Muller was more unpopular than Olly in the UK.


Well-known member
March 12, 2023
It is precisely that slight boring aftertaste that gives a glimpse of a possible and "sensational" bottom 5. A song whether good or bad at least has the power to make people fall in love, divide, attract hatred; in short, it has an identity. “Dizzy” will be the “Blood & Glitter” of 2024.
I'm still deeply hurt about Blood and Glitter. Their sad faces when the points were read out...loved this song

Paco Roca

Well-known member
June 9, 2023
Olly at the London Pre Party can be summed up in one word: "static". A song that would make you dizzy was interpreted as a Mengoni-style ballad (with the aggravating circumstance of not being able to arouse anything either from a vocal or interpretative point of view). It seems that Olly, in the grip of dizziness, is trying to hold on so as not to fall. I don't see that he has a clear idea about how to perform "Dizzy" on the Malmö stage. I currently expect a solid bottom 5.


Well-known member
February 12, 2022
I love Dizzy but the content I've seen so far is rather lazy. It feels like he doesn't care so much. For whatever reason.

Im so surprised at his lack of energy on the preparties, exactly the impression Im getting too. Maybe he feels hes too good for this/dissapointed hes not the favourite?


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I was reading online that apparently he was being targeted outside the venue by anti Israel protesters, and he didn't get on the stage till gone 1am, after people had already started leaving. He just looks fed up to me in that London performance, other than that I don't think it's that deep or that he thinks he's too good. His love for Eurovision and enthusiasm to do it shows that


Well-known member
May 4, 2011
United Kingdom
Im so surprised at his lack of energy on the preparties, exactly the impression Im getting too. Maybe he feels hes too good for this/dissapointed hes not the favourite?
Yeah, can we please not do this. He's getting an absolute shitstorm of abuse at the moment, and he's clearly not in a good place - this isn't about how competitive his entry is or isn't. The insinuation that he's not going to bother because he's not the favourite feels like kicking the man when he's already down.

I'm actually quite worried about him tbh. Olly's always this very bubbly, dynamic character on stage / in interviews. What we saw from last night is SO out of character that it's quite telling the impact all these boycott demands are having on him.

I mean that and he was performing gone 1am to a half empty room. Hopefully it's predominantly that and the team around him are looking after him properly.


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
First of all personally don't judge a song basing on singer's opinions so I don't care what Olly thinks about middle est situation.
The problem is that UK hasn't find the right method.
I'm highly convinced that countries with such strong music history should organize a national selection. Only by a strong competition you'll get the best option. Is Olly a good singer and performer? Yes. Is his song a remarkable one to get a certain support? No.
Let's make a simple example. Sanremo had so many super stars this year but a newcomer won because she had the best overall package. Il Volo and Diodato are really big artists ( similar to what Olly is in Uk) but the strong competition made them staying in the second line. I know that these comparisons shouldn't be done but I was just trying to explain the concept.
Yes you can get a Sam Ryder once but then a 25th place the year after and Dizzy isn't going that far.
Spain is trying to do something in this direction, I do not agree with the ultimate idea of making Benidorm a poppish competition, but at least the hype around BF is growing.


Well-known member
September 26, 2018
That performance last night was definitely unlike Olly as he is certainly more of a happier person than that.

I personally hope there are people around him who are supporting him, I personally think he should just stop doing the pre-parties and instead just focus on getting ready for Malmo.

He clearly needs the space and time to recover to be ready for it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
Last night was sad to see - Olly was harangued outside by Queers for Palestine with his face blasted all over boycott messages & their propaganda. This isn't what he signed up for - nor is this what we should accept as the norm. Eurovision is an apolitical contest.

Rocket man

Well-known member
March 25, 2022
I did say when he got chosen late last year to stay away from the politics between Israel and Palestine/ Hamas. It will only create anxiety and a lot of unnecessary heat when he should be fully focused on Eurovision and representing his country.

Leave the politics and activism over Palestine for another time, Eurovision should be his main focus. I did laugh when Olly released that open letter about Gaza, there were other Eurovision artists that signed it but he was the main guy and he allowed that to happen. I just knew that was a big mistake because he created drama that did not need to happen, he should have just let it be until AFTER the contest.

Let's hope Olly's team are doing a good job with him because I still think he can deliver in Eurovision, despite allowing his activism with Palestine to interfere with Eurovision too much.
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