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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2023 - Mae Muller - I Wrote a Song

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ESC United Mod Team

Super Moderator
February 10, 2021

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Well-known member
February 10, 2010
Well it’s normal we do that when we have only heard the studio version of the song.
It’s good you’re supporting your country but regardless her vocal issues the performance was weak. We expected energy and it ended up being bland. But yeah, it’s just a preparty. I can’t avoid, though, thinking about what happened to Austria last year (even though Mae was much better than Austria last year in the preparties). I will give her as many chances as I can, as I really like the song, but if she does not manage to deliver, her final placing will translate in Liverpool I think

Rocket man

Well-known member
March 25, 2022
The fact that I was accused of being childish and abusive for having the opinion of her having a limited vocal range and lack of stage presence. Mae Muller deserves another chance because she clearly wasn't at her best health wise, but if that's really the best she can do on stage then my first impression of her was spot on. And I would love to see where this talent is that TaP music see in her.


Well-known member
February 20, 2022
I always feel that people are often being too judgemental when it comes to preparties, especially the BCN ones where the sound quality is never good. Mae was sick, and while I don't believe she is a vocal powerhouse, this song isn't extremely difficult and with good rest she'll be ready in no time. Eurovision is still a long time away, so this shouldn't be an issue. I believe that all artists who decide to do preparties should be applauded for at least trying. Anyways, we need to wait until the Israeli and Dutch preparties when we can really see how the live is going to go.


February 28, 2018
I always feel that people are often being too judgemental when it comes to preparties, especially the BCN ones where the sound quality is never good. Mae was sick, and while I don't believe she is a vocal powerhouse, this song isn't extremely difficult and with good rest she'll be ready in no time. Eurovision is still a long time away, so this shouldn't be an issue. I believe that all artists who decide to do preparties should be applauded for at least trying. Anyways, we need to wait until the Israeli and Dutch preparties when we can really see how the live is going to go.
Absolutely agree. Okay, I don't really like the song (sorry), but Preparties - at least in my eyes - never were a good bar because of the bad sound quality. So don't judge too harsh, let's be happy for the artists to appear there and let's wait for May!


Active member
May 8, 2022
I’m not going to catastrophize until we see her more as she won’t be sick and Liverpool will have a much better sound system.

However these pre-parties really separate the truly strong and charismatic performers from the rest. If they are capable they can do it whether there’s technical issues or not. I think that's why Sam did so well at them (often without rehearsal) last year but many continued to struggle.


Well-known member
September 26, 2018
I hope she is just sick because a lot of the comments here are really reminding me of the Austria thread last year after the tel aviv pre party

Yeah she was unwell, she missed the red carpet event on Friday night.

I think she should pull out of the Madrid pre-party and focus on Amsterdam and London pre parties, but then the fans will complain because they are not getting a performance from her.

Vocally from what ive seen of her, she is a lot better than that, but im sure the team around her know what they are doing, they probably know Mae better than we do.
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Well-known member
September 26, 2018
Im all for constructive criticism of an artist, but to see artists getting toxic comments aimed at them is not only wrong, its frankly disgraceful.

Its no wonder we are seeing the EBU having to restrict access to rehearsals this year, because of it.

We have to keep calling it out, cause its getting beyond a joke now.
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Active member
May 8, 2022
I hope she is just sick because a lot of the comments here are really reminding me of the Austria thread last year after the tel aviv pre party

Mae is a professional singer not an amateur like Pia Maria or Blanka who never performed on stage and weren’t first choice.

Fans repeatedly said Sam wouldn’t be able to sing Space Man. It helped he had a great vocal coach.
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January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
Im all for constructive criticism of an artist, but to see artists getting toxic comments aimed at them is not only wrong, its frankly disgraceful, the vast majority seem to be coming from some in the Spanish fanbase, which is not exactly a surprise given how they aimed toxic comments at Sam Ryder last year.

Its no wonder we are seeing the EBU having to restrict access to rehearsals this year, because of it.

We have to keep calling it out, cause its getting beyond a joke now.
It's only wrong when it's your own artist who gets the hate. When the artist is Pia Maria, she is entitled to receiving all the shit in the world.


Well-known member
September 26, 2018
It's only wrong when it's your own artist who gets the hate. When the artist is Pia Maria, she is entitled to receiving all the shit in the world.

No artist is ever entitled to receive abuse, full stop.
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Well-known member
February 12, 2022
No artist is entitled to receive abuse, full stop.

Its not abuse when you are a singer ( competing in a contest ) and people say your vocals/performance were bad
If a chef served you a disastrous dish you couldnt eat, would it be abuse to send it back with negative feedback?
Commenting on musical aspects of a performance in a musical contest = Ok
Judging appearance-bodyweight, personality etc = unacceptable
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April 10, 2021
Abuse of an artist is when audience insults the artist during his live as the Spanish bubble did yesterday for no reason to Piqued Jacks.

Abusing artist is making up and then spreading all around SM that Damiano David snorted cocaine during live transmission of Grand Final for which that boy had to undergo drug testing and pee in the cup so that EBU can defend itself before the bubble's bullies.

Abusing artist is spreading fakes about him that he is Nazi Croat or spreading nationalistic propaganda against Serbs while that artist is a Serbian living in Croatia with impecable anti-totalitarian views confessed publicly for decades (this is done also by staff of some ESC fan pages, very popular).

Saying that Mae underperformed yesterday, that her vocals were bad, that this Brit-pop song is tacky, and that she was dressed tacky, and that she looks amateurish in stage performance, is not bullying compared to examples 1 and 2 and 3 above.

Thank you. Goodbye.


Well-known member
December 6, 2014
I think that was just a bad performance, bad vocals, bad choreo and bad costumes. the audience was not very excited. it can be completely different in liverpool.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I hope she is just sick because a lot of the comments here are really reminding me of the Austria thread last year after the tel aviv pre party

It is definitely giving that energy. Its strange though i saw a few ranking videos of last night and all i saw she was still some among peoples favourites. There was a lot wrong last night, but i refuse to judge something as cheap etc when its just a preparty event. If at Eurovision rehearsals we're getting this then I will begin to worry. What i will say is I'm happy the Bridge and intro are there, but i think i prefer the lyrics for the Bridge in the MV than what she used last night. Although i understand what she's wanting with the change and its just my preference, i don't think that change makes much difference


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Abuse of an artist is when audience insults the artist during his live as the Spanish bubble did yesterday for no reason to Piqued Jacks.


Omg that was so disrespectful and cringey. Ronelas song wasn't even that good for start. 😬 this is the problem with the fandom, if you're a fave enjoy all the love and hype - if not then face the hate and being shunned. Hopefully it's not repeated elsewhere, but then I expect the audiences will be better and more engaging and not think they're at an intro show for Blanca Paloma
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