I'm curious, how do you see Hungary as being overrated? It's gotten a largely negative reaction as far as I've seen and it's at odds of 380 to win.
How on earth is the UK overrated? We are 4th from last in the overall average in the polls on the forum. Yes the odds are bit off, but I would say we are being overrated.
It actually is. There are people who think that it won't end up on the 27th place. I guess that makes the UK overrated?
no. Overrated is when loads of people expect a song to do really well or win. One could argue that Slovenia is overrated. The UK is not overrated.
odd-wise it is indeed extremely overrated
Well yes, we all know that. That's because the bookies are mostly British or Irish - the UK always ranks higher in the odds than it actually should. But other than that, the UK is not being overrated.
I really like the song, but it's not good or memorable enough to win the ESC. And i think, it will win. So i agree heavily here.Totally overrrated: