We would like to ask all the voters a favour: once you cast your votes, post a message in this thread saying you have voted and how you've cast your votes. Mentioning your random top 5 would also help, you don't have to do it, ofc, but then we'll have to PM and ask you to re-send the votes via PM. Reasons for this:
a) Scorewiz link: for unknown reasons some votes disappear
b) Some 'funny' guys cast their votes using nicks from registered members (example, Foti has voted via PM in the first round, and
someone has voted via scorewiz using her forum nick. Same has happened with QwaarJet, ParadiseES and so on... Things are worse when you vote via Scorewiz and someone also votes via scorewiz using your nick, and we can tell you it's been happening a lot... :?
Thank you and please understand we only want everything to be clear and transparent without mistakes in counting votes!