The quality is high, but at the same time it's another one of those songs that just floats around doing nothing and then oh look, a big voice during the chorus as the music still floats around going nowhere in particular. I appreciate this much more than something like say Norway as it feels less packaged, more organic and it's presented nicely with the music video (what's with the Simon Cowell challenging slacks though?). It just doesn't reach me too well I'm afraid. I don't dislike it but I knew fairly quickly this was going to be too clean and safe for me. The vocals are going to impress people though for sure. It could do well. The Netherlands are going to be providing something closer to the moody kind of ballad I appreciate this year it seems (I'd never have thunk it considering their track record with me).
5 points from me. Could rise a smidgen after I've seen a performance. My eyes did roll a bit to the back of my head before the three minutes were up but I can't deny certain qualities that this does possess.