My first thoughts:
Interesting, that - I think for the first time ever - we have two artist that is NOT from Switzerland (Maika, Stanley Miller), that has made it past the first round
also interesting: the RTS has the widest range of languages, even italian.
after the first listening:
Patric Scott sounds good to me. Ethnic mixture.
Evelyn Zanger: boooooring
Maika: quite unspectacular as well
Platzhirsch: original, but I doubt that this would do well at Eurovision. Same category (not same style though) as Trackshittaz. On the other hand, it has a bit in common with the Slavic girls from Poland. But that would also speak against it, because two time the same gag does not work.... It has a catchy chorus though and it's a good party song. Let's see. I'm sure it will get into the top 3 in the final. And if it goes to Stockholm, I wouldn't mind, cause it's good fun.
Rykka: good voice, but the song doesn't stand out for me.... The chorus has something though....
Samuel Tobias Klauser: very calm, a bit jazzy in the beginning, and then, standard ballad. That doesn't work for me. Also his voice is a bit too weak for the high notes...
Stanley Miller: starts like a ballad, then all of a sudden, there's power. Good groove. The singer definitely is a good performer, from what I see in the video.
Sunanda: another uptempo song. Fresh, nice. Like it.
Vincent Gross: I really like the voice of the singer. Wouldn't have expected it, when I saw his picture. Also the melody is pleasant.
There's no video of Erika Arnold on the SRF-Website at the moment (or I didn't find it...)
So out from the SRF I'd choose:
Platzhirsch, Patric Scott, Sunanda and Vincent Gross
The RTS: candidates:
not impressed....
nice at the beginning, but something's missing....
Like it! YES!!! That's a good track!
Not bad either.... but not a winner for me
I didn't find a video from Stephanie Sandoz or Gina von Glasgow
So from the RTS, I'd choose Loic Schumacher, Kaceo and Stephanie Palazzo so far.
From the RSI: Elephant.