You're from Zurich ?

Well it's people from Genève that despise us you know... Because indeed our levels of life are very different... But as well, some weeks ago there was a documentary that studies all countries (last one was about Indonesia). They asked Romand people what they thought about us. Obviously we are lazy, dirty, obsessed with holidays and being busy doin' nothin' (we are a country of Ace Wilders !

) and all... We are waiting for the state to pay us everything... That's just how the French speaking part sees us...
And indeed, I've got friends in Zurich. They say there are more and more Germans settling there for money. But there again, one of my best friend who is


visited a friend in Zurich. People bashed and insulted her as she was begining to speak in German, and she had to speak French and to hide she was German...
BtW I know several people in

. They are always very nice and kind, and I find the country extremely beautiful. But the truth is that we have extremely few contacts to the French speaking part of

... They despise us and French people are always very suspicious towards their Swiss neighbours.
At least, there are so many problems with Belgium, and even more now as Flanders is letting Walloons away, but we share some brotherhood...
BTW, I really like Sebalter. I hope he gets to the finals !