Re: SWEDEN 2012
Sorry to say Sim, but i'm a bit fed up with the name esc-style song.
As long songs are good enough & yes, commercial enough for esc, than it's good.
But I'm really fed up with songs being made specially for eurovision ;d.
Once Johnny Logan said. You don't need to make a song that you think it can win.
You have to make a song that comes from your heart.
& That man has 3 wins on his name d;
Yep, all 3 were set in the Stone Age
And I'm really fed up that people try to classify Eurovision.
Boo-f*ckn-hoo!There are more than 800 million people with different tastes and 790 mil. of them do not vote
ESC-style? Which style is ESC style? We've seen all of them at ESC so which one? Songs made esp for Eurovision? And these are...
It's all extremely subjective and it doesn't make any sense.
ESC is for all styles. Period.
MF tries to be diverse too and I'm happy that it's not about commercial/mainstream blah blah blah only.