Re: SPAIN 2019
Managed to have a listen of all of the songs right before the show.
My top 3:
1. Natalia & Miki (There are parts in the song that I find annoying & parts I really enjoy & the whole song is almost a bit too much, but at the same time the song has some kind of energy that the other songs lack, maybe because it's a duet, but I also think the combination of them two just works really well and uplifts everything. I approve.)
2. Julia (I think it's a super pretty song, I know people are rooting for an uptempo entry & I don't think this would be the best choice for Eurovision either, but it still has my heart.)
3. Famous (The chorus is very Eurovision, which is the most enjoyable thing about it
I guess it oddly also stands out with a more generic sound in the midst of other bops that are very Spanish-sounding instead. It's not an outstanding song in general, but i like it.)
Couldn't get into "Muerdeme" or Miki's solo song at all tbh.
I'm half-asleep but ready for the show I guess lol.