^ Well, I hope you are right if only for the fact Catarina Furtado isn't on that picture.
Like I said they deliver all the major entertainment events @ RTP to her on a silver plate because of her status quo. But last I check she was "Portugal's sweetheart" in the 90's...and last I checked on her I notice once more what has already been said by someone else on this thread - her English is atrocious. Please not her...if you are among those who think Timur & co. were bad you will be begging for them to return if you get to see this lady hosting.
But let's see who's on the picture..
Far left on the top...Cautela. Like I said, decent choice, stands out physically. Tonight I was zapping and caught her presenting her talk show but I had to switch when she started making international politics jokes...that's one side of her I don't like. But I'm pretty sure EBU won't be allowing that on stage so I'm still okay with her.
To her right...who's that? Her sidekick on the show, right? Never got her name. She's certainly not important enough yet. Just a sidekick. Unless she's sidekicking Mena in her personal life as well
Then the whole lobby situation would change things. But I am unaware of such thing - though it is well known Filomena is lesbian/bi.
Personal relations aside, could only see this girl getting a spot for the sake of chemistry.
Sílvia Alberto on the far left below. Liked I said bit out of favor. But I have no problem with her as long as she doesn't burst out into laughter every 5 minutes.
If we're to decide now based on this picture and the main criteria is legs, she has my vote though
To her right...no idea who that is.
At the center...Vanessa Oliveira? Isn't she with SIC with Baião or something? Anyway, ugh, no. Low IQ diva
To her right, Sónia Araújo. As said before, would be good choice...talented at dancing (could pull a Petra Mede musical number of sorts, etc.) and so on. But I thought she was out of favor with RTP recently.
Gets legs approval vote as well
But if she is chosen...it will probably be noticed she hasn't that great of a sense of humor. And she can be snotty. Not to the level of complete arrogance though.
Wasn't her one of the reasons why Goucha departed for TVI? Lady was stealing the spotlight from the fabulous Manuel so he had to leave and get a sidekick with an IQ at level with Vanessa Oliveira
(ok, Cristina is not that dumb...but she is a countryside girl, you know what I mean).
And finally to the right...is that Tânia Ribas de Oliveira? If so that's a lot of weight lost. If that's Catarina Furtado or someone else...excuse my poor tired eyes then.
Someone I didn't mention before...I would quite like to see Diana Bouça-Nova up to the test! I loved her on CC but that was 7 years ago
I think she matured a lot meanwhile though.
Although she's more behind the scenes now, I think. But she's very easy to like, not pretentious at all. Great communicator. And with good sense of humor. Also, due to her age, would be very relatable to younger audiences.
If they can re-unite Rui Pêgo with her, that would be great
They had great chemistry.
But unfortunately they are not big names...maybe in 20 years when we win aga...wait
Only in 60+ years now again, damn.
Fernando Mendes has to be a joke, obviously.
Although it would be funny seeing him pulling a Verka
À la teatro de revista.