It really saddens me how much negativity there is in Slovenia about Eurovision... And it's not the song people have problems with, most people love Tinkara. They just feel the need to write negative, sarcastic and rude comments under every single ESC article. Even Tinkara is hurt by this, after reading her last fb post I just want to hug her. I don't know if it's the same in other countries, but people are really f*cking annoying with all this "why are we spending the money for this" nagging. It's not like they (or their parents) would pay any less tv fee, or that tv programme would be any better if we didn't participate. We'd just have one fun and entertaining thing to participate in less.
Could you translate it better than Facebook can for us?
"Razmišljam. V teh dneh sem imela veliko intervjujev. Z ekipo smo na nogah in v pogonu non stop. Novinarji so zelo pripravljeni, prijazni, izobraženi in o meni osebno in o nas vedo veliko. Predvsem pa so pozitivni do mene, ekipe in Slovenije. Zakaj in čemu je potrebno, da berem samo v naših - domačih medijih tako bizarne članke on nas in patološke komentarje? Komu koristi, da Slovenec Slovenca živega odira? Danci pravijo in na veliko zapišejo, da se najbolj srečen narod. Žalostno je gledati in brati tako Slovenijo....Pa vam vseeno želimo lep dan!"
"I'm thinking. I've had a lot of interviews in the past days. My team and I are busy non-stop. The journalists here are very well prepared, nice, educated and know a lot about me and us. And especially - very positive towards me, the team and Slovenia. Why is it necessary to only read in our, home media, such bizarre articles and pathological comments? Who benefits if a Slovenian wishes and talks about another Slovenian only the worst? Danish people like to tell they are the happiest nation. It's sad to watch and read Slovenia being like this... However, we still wish you a nice day!"
Or those that keep throwing the "vacation, paid by us" type of comments under every article. Every article! In all sorts of ways, trying to be witty "At least they'll have a nice weather on their free vacation", "Why did half of those people had to go there.. for our money?"
The others are just negativistic, but these are are also insulting to the team and the work they do representing our country.
But my absolute "favourite" are the people that are bothered by the fact she took her daughters with her. They are 6 and 1 year old. (And her family traveled to Cph in a camper van.) How can people bitch about mother taking her babies with her?! Where are people's hearts?
Anyway... can't wait to see the full rehearsal!
To be fair,it is political to some extend,but that doesn't mean they shouldn't listen to the songsPeople find anything to bitch about. It's the same in the UK (not as bad as it was though). After Molly was on the graham norton show last night, people on twitter were mixed. Half were saying great a song I like, we can do well with this. And the other mindless half saying its all political.
To be fair,it is political to some extend,but that doesn't mean they shouldn't listen to the songs
When I mean people sayings its all political, I meant in the context its political - everyone hates us. I know there is some political elements (greece-cyprus is the most obvious). But people say that meaning they all hate us and wont vote for anything we send. As for Slovenia, hopefully Slovenia will qualify and help kill some of those opinions.
I hope will maked to the Final. But is the Truth when People say that Eurovision Song Contest is a political game or kitchen. You dont have even listen to the Songs, that you now that Countrys like Sweden,Denmark, Norway and than Russia,Greece,Azerbaijan will always make it to the Finals.
I can't understand why you all think that we will never miss the final... our block thus year is really poor...
[MENTION=5942]strupberry[/MENTION] I agree
some comments from few idiots from slovenia
"It will be a huge sucsess if she doesn't end up last.If Raay is the composer,we can't succeed"
"The only way we could beat our best result is if there were only six countries competing"
"Prediction: 2nd or 3rd place from behind..."
"Eurovision is a waste of our money"
"Do they already have an excuse for 23445566th place?"
"who watches this crap?"
"Eurovision is a circus where music doesn't matter"
.....and the most ridiciolous comment i've ever red and heard (before 2013)
"we will end up last again" (although we never did...but then Hannah ruined everything)
If they hate it so much,why do they take time and comment on it??