re: SAN MARINO 2015 -Michele Perniola & Anita Simoncini
I don't believe this is her Instagram account. Here's why.
First of all, we all know that her English isn't perfect, but the English from the Instagram "Valentina" is even more broken than from the real Vale.
Second, the real Valentina doesn't interact so much with her fans on Facebok or Twitter, so why is she more active on Instagram?
Third, just looking at the photos... Their order just doesn't make any sense. I'm her friend on Facebook and some of them aren't even posted there. Plus, anyone can just save the pictures to their computer and then create a fake account. Just sayin'.
And fourth, if this is her real account, then how come she didn't post her
concert picture with her "Mami", like she did on her private Facebook profile and then tagged her public profile?
Just wanted to say this, before our home becomes a working place and Before I will be without internet for three days. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to say goodbye from our old windows and get prepared for the new ones