I can't stop listening to this. I'm playing it almost nonstop, really loud with headphones on. I love "Crisalide" with all my heart but "Maybe" is on another level. Valentina channels the great diva's of yesteryear but with her jazz sensibilities. Her voice is mesmerising. I think she's probably the greatest vocalist i've heard from the contest. I feel more from her than anyone else.
This song is all or nothing. I don't know if i'll be able to cope watching Eurovision this year. It's going to break my heart if Valentina doesn't finally reach the final. I must have faith again but the general reaction to "Maybe" has left me sad.. and I honestly don't understand it either. I can't imagine anyone who loved "Crisalide" not enjoying "Maybe" but it seems to be quite the case. Hopefully when Valentina starts performing this live, people will be won over.