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Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
40. Moldova (-1)
39. Cyprus (-1)
38. Israel (-2)
37. Russia (+3)
36. Ireland (-9)
35. Switzerland (-2)
34. Estonia (-4)
33. Romania (+1)
32. Italy (no change)
31. Greece (-8)
30. Sweden (-6)
29. Montenegro (+6)
28. Macedonia (-2)
27. Poland (+10)
26. Hungary (-6)
25. Australia (+4)
24. San Marino (+7)
23. Belarus (+5)
22. Portugal (-6)
21. Austria (-8)
20. Iceland (-1)
19. Denmark (-1)
18. Lithuania (+7)
17. France (+4)
16. Norway (-2)
15. Netherlands (+1)
14. Malta (+1)
13. Spain (-6)
12. United Kingdom (+10)
11. Armenia (+1)
10. Belgium (-1)
9. Germany (+1)
8. Azerbaijan (-2)
7. Georgia (-6)
6. Serbia (+2)
5. Finland (+6)
4. Czech Republic (+1)
3. Albania (+1)
2. Slovenia (+1)
1. Latvia (+1)
Biggest climb: To my surprise, not France. United Kingdom (+10) and Poland (+10) tied for that one.
Biggest fall: Once again to my surprise, not Sweden. Ireland (-9) takes that somewhat dubious honor thanks to a revamp that I abhor oh so much.


March 5, 2012
After trying so hard to get a decent ranking (without 8-way ties) this is my top. Some of the differences between these positions are very little, but others... well... if it was a physical gap, it would be as wide as the Grand Canyon
1 Slovenia

2 Spain

3 Iceland

4 Portugal

5 Russia

6 Latvia

7 Estonia

8 Azerbaijan

9 Germany

10 Malta

11 Sweden

12 Netherlands

13 Georgia

14 Greece

15 Romania

16 Albania

17 Poland

18 Ireland

19 Belgium

20 Serbia

21 Israel

22 Switzerland

23 Australia

24 United Kingdom

25 Lithuania

26 France

27 Norway

28 Italy

29 Armenia

30 Czech Republic

31 Belarus

32 Montenegro

33 Austria

34 Hungary

35 San Marino

36 Denmark

37 FYR Macedonia

38 Moldova

39 Cyprus

40 Finland


Active member
March 16, 2013
The Netherlands
Quite a few changes, so here is my update:

1. :it: (+1)
2. :al: (+14)
3. :is: (-)
4. :ru: (+13)
5. :lv: (-4)
6. :sl: (-2)
7. :ee: (-)
8. :es: (-1)
9. :au: (+6)
10. :az: (+3)
11. :mt: (-5)
12. :nl: (-2)
13. :gr: (+8)
14. :be: (-6)
15. :ie: (-4)
16. :se: (-2)
17. :no: (+7)
18. :pl: (-6)
19. :am: (-14)
20. :dk: (-)
21. :sm: (-2)
22. :at: (-4)
23. :fr: (-1)
24. :cz: (+5)
25. :mk: (+3)
26. :ro: (+7)
27. :by: (-)
28. :ch: (-5)
29. :ge: (+3)
30. :cy: (-5)
31. :md: (+3)
32. :rs: (-6)
33. :de: (-2)
34. :il: (+2)
35. :lt: (-5)
36. :hu: (+2)
37. :me: (-)
38. :pt: (-3)
39. :uk: (-)
40. :fi: (-)


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
So, I will post my Top 40 now and I will give some explanations why I (don't) like the entry. I will start with #40 and count backwards, because I can't begin with the positive sides and then comment this lot of bullshit at the end :lol: Let's start...

40 - :lt: - This is my last place this year, because to me it is not a song, it's just some noise. Can't stand these loops in the refrain (lo-oho-ve, lo-oho-oho-ve xfacepalm) and everything in this entry is just a mess, so I hope this will stuck in the semis somehow
39 - :sm: - I thought the last three Siegel's were bad, but they were somehow new & fresh, while this is stucked and old fashioned like 'If We All Give A Little'. Everything is way too sugary in this entry, especially the kids. I hope for the next year, if they'll continue participating
38 - :gr: - This is soo annoying Greece. It's not touching, I'm just seeing a woman almost crying. If the song has some less lyrics it's totally a copycat of 'Suus'. Get up girl! I hope not many people want to see this
37 - :mt: - This is absolutely Eurovision and so it's not mine. A ballad, maybe powerful, and a screaming girl in front. I don't get why we need this in music. Is it touching or something like that? In addition her voice is not that powerful and doesn't fit to the song, imo.
36 - :ch: - Can't stand this overacting girl. I mean, she don't have to try to pull out her lungs. Some will think that she have an amazing voice, because of that, but she's only hiding that she's not a real good singer. And the song has nothing special, so this place is the outcome.
35 - :ru: - I hate that I have to put her so high, but at least this song stucks in my head for a while, and there are some more songs I had to put higher xfaint You will see that Hungary is far above Russia and that I will like it also, because of it's message, so you may ask why I hate this song, then? It's just to cheesy, and this can happen very often with peace songs. I'm only rolling with my eyes, when it comes to the refrain
34 - :il: - So now another horrible entry. This guy is pretending to be a player, and there's nothing I hate less than this in male's music, so the next place is obviously
33 - :md: - But with the advantage above the israeli guy, that he's already 18+
32 - :rs: - English language, turning into disco beats. There are some things wrong in this entry and so I have to put this at the bottom of my ranking
31 - :fr: - Boring song, boring voice and nothing happens in it. French music can be so nice, but the Eurovision chansons, they send are most times really awful.
30 - :uk: - The only positive thing is the jazz sound in this song, but on the other hand we have a naughty girl and a cool guy, playing their game, a repetitive melody and some weird instrumental parts. Also the violin is annoying after a minute, that's how long I can listen to this entry
29 - :ro: - I like the background story of the band, but in this song it is also very cheesy and way too boring
28 - :lv: - Some call it special, to me it's just weird. Maybe I can accept it, when I'm in the club, but I don't like club music, when I'm outside, unless it's mainstream pop like Avicii, but that's off-topic :lol:. But I think it's the first entry of Latvia for years, we can take seriously
27 - :de: - So it's time for our entry, and to me it's nothing special. The girl is a decent performer, but that's it. The song just happens and I'm neither happy nor angry when it's over.
26 - :pl: - The piano in the intro is promising more, but the whole songs turns into an usual pop ballad. The refrain is that dry, I can't feel anything.
25 - :sl: - That voice. Noisy and nerve-racking. She sounds a bit like a frog. Also the melody is not very special and the violin doesn't help. I can't see this doing very high tbh.
24 - :es: - And Spain uses it's Top 10 formula again. A female solist, shouting in the refrain. So fresh and new...yeah...really :S...
23 - :se: - The chorus is crashing everything. The verses are quite decent and listenable, but then...meh...Quite boring and forseeable. Why I thought once that Sweden has a better music scene than the UK and Iceland? At Eurovision they poorly showed...
22 - :it: - Okay guys, you have some strong voices, but seriously? This? You can show them more, than only in shouting. It's doing nothing with me, so this is it's deserved place
21 - :by: - The compulsory violin in Eurovision. Somehow this entry is interesting, but not really good, so I need something to do when they're staging or some friends I could make fun about this. 2nd option sounds better. That and some alcohol.
20 - :ge: - I don't understand this song and I'm a bit in fear that her performance will consist only of shouting and screaming and we definitely don't need another Rona Nishliu at the competition. The only thing why it is ranked so high: It's neither good, nor bad. It's just there.
19 - :am: - I don't think such groups are good for Eurovision song, but they're at least better than the swiss Siegel group. They are a few nice parts in this song, and they all have very good voices. But their intentions doesn't come over.
18 - :pt: - The verses are very promising, but the chorus is sooo boring. In my opinion, we still need her in the final, because the others are even worse, but I won't be sad when she fails, and she will...
17 - :al: - I love the guitar parts of this song and her voice is sometimes really beautiful in this song. But the song itself is really not my cup of tea and way too ballad-like.
16 - :me: - A lovely beginning in typical way of Zeljko and it reminds me a bit of 'Zabluda', but then they decided to put in some stampy beat and that destroys so much. When I heard that Zeljko will write the entry I had high hopes, but this is not what I expected ( I want 'Lejla' and 'Lane Moje' back)
15 - :at: - An okayish song, but that's it.
14 - :nl: - Also a very mediocre entry. In this year's competition she deserves the final, but it's nothing I would cheer for.
13 - :au: - So this is the best of the 'Bad 7', like I want to call them. At least you can see that we have a professional here. He knows what to do and what many people wants to hear. I sometimes catch myself singing the refrain, but it's not really my style.
12 - :is: - The girl is soo cute and I enjoy her voice, but the song is nothing new and the melody is only repeating.
11 - :cy: - To start with the negative, the lyrics are also way too cheesy. But the melody is decent, his voice is okay and the whole a song a pleasant change between all these loud & noisy ballads and up-tempo-songs. But unfortunately we have three songs of this pleasant stlye in the competition this year and this is the worst one, so I wouldn't really mind it failing to qualify.
10 - :dk: - I hope he's working on his vocals, but they were so annoying at Dansk MGP. The melody is quite joyful and really contagious. We need them in the final. We really need them.
09 - :ie: - The 2nd pleasant song. And her voice is truly amazing. I cannot believe, she's only 16 :eek: These 'I made' tones are a bit messy to me, but that's it. A decent song, that deserves the final and a starting position far away from Hungary
08 - :mk: - Nice song, but the beat is wrong here imo. It still works, but I think there could've been better solutions. The language makes it less interesting, but still good enough for Top 10
07 - :az: - Yeah...I regret now that I voted for him in 2008 and this kind of ballad is also way too much. But somehow, it's really nice and I cannot resist enjoying this power.
06 - :fi: - Could've been way better, since the riffs are quite cheap, but what to expect from those guys. It's difficult to have them in the competition, because it's obvious that the song is not that strong, but we cannot expect more from such people, so it should be seen as a masterpiece xshrug
05 - :cz: - I love the ancient instruments. In my oppinion they could use them more. The song is decent, but especially his voice is amazing. Hope is all we need with this entry.
04 - :hu: - Finally an entry I like at all. It's the third of the pleasant songs and that's why she need to perform far from Molly, when the both get into the final. But Boggie must. It's a strong and still topical message and she's not doing it in the cheesy way. She will just sing her song, having her backings and the guitar. She doesn't need more and that's truly amazing
03 - :no: - What a beautiful ballad. Their voices are fitting so good and the song has everything. The change from the dark verses to this positive chorus makes this ballad the best and very special. I'll set my winning hopes into them, but think I won't like the winner this year, as well...
02 - :ee: - What a great tune. I love the western sound in it and his voice has a high recognition factor, but not as high as my number one, which is...
01 - :be: - Absolutely amazing this guy. The focus lays on his voice, and that's the right way. I would be upset if he won't reach the Top 10.

That is my Top 40. You may have seen I used the words cheesy and boring very often, but they describe this year's Eurovision the most :lol:


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
I finally managed to upload a ranking video ... always wanted to do one the last few years but I've been way too lazy :lol:
Can't wait to get some hate (oh a rhyme) :cool:



Well-known member
March 14, 2011
My first top 40 this year:

1 - Latvia
2 - Slovenia
3 - Norway
4 - Estonia
5 - Albania
6 - Germany
7 - Spain
8 - Iceland
9 - Ireland
10 - Malta
11 - Lithuania
12 - Georgia
13 - Belarus
14 - Hungary
15 - Czech Republic
16 - Poland
17 - Netherlands
18 - Belgium
19 - Switzerland
20 - Italy
21 - Russia
22 - Austria
23 - Portugal
24 - Azerbaijan
25 - Macedonia
26 - Greece
27 - Sweden
28 - Serbia
29 - Australia
30 - United Kingdom
31 - Cyprus
32 - France
33 - Denmark
34 - Montenegro
35 - Romania
36 - Israel
37 - Armenia
38 - Finland
39 - Moldova
40 - San Marino


July 10, 2014
Only six songs I really don't like:

40 :dk: Denmark - Terribly old fashioned, pretending to be funny, only being cheesy
39 :fi: Finland - I just can't understand this choice, sorry
38 :am: Armenia - Noise, noise, noise
37 :rs: Serbia - So cheap
36 :ro: Romania - I used to like this, now I find it annoying
35 :gr: Greece - Not impressive

From now on, I enjoy listening to them all:

34 :cz: Czech Republic
33 :cy: Cyprus
32 :by: Belarus
31 :sm: San Marino
30 :ru: Russia
29 :md: Moldova
28 :se: Sweden
27 :fr: France
26 :mt: Malta
25 :es: Spain
24 :is: Iceland
23 :hu: Hungary
22 :ch: Switzerland
21 :at: Austria
20 :pl: Poland
19 :il: Israel
18 :az: Azerbaijan
17 :nl: Netherlands
16 :me: Montenegro
15 :ie: Ireland
14 :au: Australia
13 :pt: Portugal
12 :ge: Georgia
11 :no: Norway
10 :lt: Lithuania - Fresh and funny. Not a masterpiece but will make a good show
9 :it: Italy - I don't like their style, but the song works
8 :be: Belgium - Catchy
7 :al: Albania - Very nice melody and really good voice
6 :lv: Latvia - It grows more and more. The stranger the better
5 :de: Germany - Sexy, provocative, classy
4 :ee: Estonia - Perfectly delivered pop tune
3 :uk: United Kingdom - I love this. Just can't stop listening to it
2 :mk: Macedonia - My favourite since the very beginning, very honest song, nice revamp in English
1 :sl: Slovenia - The biggest surprise of the whole bunch


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Tartu, Estonia
Just a basic one.. :D And I recycled a lot of the comments on it from my previous post since I was frustrated about how much time I actually wasted on it. But I've changed the order of the top a bit. I just thought it's time for me to finally make a Top 40 video, since I haven't ever done one before.. and since I am an Eurovision fan now and everyone's doing it. :p


May 10, 2012
1 :be: Belgium
2 :se: Sweden
3 :no: Norway
4 :it: Italy
5 :sl: Slovenia
6 :am: Armenia
7 :ee: Estonia
8 :es: Spain
9 :is: Iceland
10 :ie: Ireland
11 :nl: Netherlands
12 :au: Australia
13 :uk: United Kingdom
14 :ge: Georgia
15 :ru: Russia
16 :de: Germany
17 :me: Montenegro
18 :dk: Denmark
19 :az: Azerbaijan
20 :lv: Latvia
21 :mk: FYR Macedonia
22 :ro: Romania
23 :at: Austria
24 :al: Albania
25 :hu: Hungary
26 :gr: Greece
27 :ch: Switzerland
28 :pl: Poland
29 :rs: Serbia
30 :il: Israel
31 :cz: Czech Republic
32 :cy: Cyprus
33 :md: Moldova
34 :by: Belarus
35 :fr: France
36 :lt: Lithuania
37 :sm: San Marino
38 :mt: Malta
39 :pt: Portugal
40 :fi: Finland


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
Ok,so the current standings are like this:

Places 1st-10th (alphabetic order)


11th-20th (alphabetic order)


21st-30th (alphabetic order)


31st-40th (alphabetic order)


I like 25 songs


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
Final top 40, but I pretty much like all songs in a way... I don't like my current mood. :'D

  1. :fi: Finska
  2. :lv: Latvija
  3. :be: Belgija
  4. :ie: Irska
  5. :al: Albanija
  6. :ge: Gruzija
  7. :ee: Estonija
  8. :sl: Slovenija
  9. :az: Azerbajdžan
  10. :hu: Mađarska
  11. :fr: Francuska
  12. :pt: Portugal
  13. :cy: Cipar
  14. :ru: Rusija
  15. :am: Armenija
  16. :at: Austrija
  17. :dk: Danska
  18. :me: Crna Gora
  19. :lt: Litva
  20. :by: Bjelorusija
  21. :no: Norveška
  22. :cz: Češka
  23. :il: Izrael
  24. :au: Australija
  25. :sm: San Marino
  26. :se: Švedska
  27. :de: Njemačka
  28. :gr: Grčka
  29. :es: Španjolska
  30. :mt: Malta
  31. :rs: Srbija
  32. :ch: Švicarska
  33. :mk: Makedonija
  34. :ro: Rumunjska
  35. :md: Moldavija
  36. :is: Island
  37. :pl: Poljska
  38. :it: Italija
  39. :uk: Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
  40. :nl: Nizozemska


May 17, 2015
I posted my ranking in a different thread that I started but I'll post it again here, it looks something like this,

1. Australia
2. Slovenia
3. Austria
4. Italy
5. Lithuania
6. Belgium
7. Latvia
8. Albania
9. Armenia
10. Sweden
11. Germany
12. Iceland
13. Norway
14. Netherlands
15. Estonia
16. Denmark
17. Romania
18. Montenegro
19. Israel
20. Serbia
21. Poland
22. Macedonia
23. Spain
24. Azerbaijan
25. Belarus
26. Georgia
27. Portugal
28. United Kingdom
29. Russia
30. Ireland
32. Malta
33. Cyprus
34. Moldova
35. Switzerland
36. Greece
37. France
38. Czech Republic
39. San Marino
40. Finland

The only ones I really dislike are the bottom 3, the rest are either good or fine IMO.


WorldVision Mod 🍁
Staff member
August 9, 2011
Birmingham, UK
My new ranking after the performances :D

1. :pt:
2. :be:
3. :me:
4. :es:
5. :lv:
6. :il:
7. :al:
8. :nl:
9. :ge:
10. :cz:
11. :ie:
12. :fr:
13. :au:
14. :se:
15. :am:
16. :it:
17. :sl:
18. :by:
19. :ch:
20. :de:
21. :rs:
22. :ru:
23. :uk:
24. :no:
25. :az:
26. :mt:
27. :gr:
28. :mk:
29. :lt:
30. :ee:
31. :pl:
32. :sm:
33. :ro:
34. :at:
35. :is:
36. :hu:
37. :md:
38. :cy:
39. :dk:
40. :fi:


Active member
January 7, 2014
Pure perfection sent from heavens xheart

Love xheart
:il: :ee: :sl: :es: :ru: :de:

Great xheart (random order)
:al: :az: :be: :ge: :me: :no: :rs: :se: :by: :mk:

Decent / Ok / Indifferent towards it (random order)
:fr: :dk: :ro: :cz: :uk: :au: :nl: :lv: :cy: :mt:

Meh / Awful (random order)
:sm: :am: :at: :gr: :ie: :md: :pt: :fi: :is: :pl: :lt: :ch: :hu:


Active member
January 30, 2012
Update after three months!

01. (01) :it: [=]
02. (07) :be: [+5]
03. (03) :no: [=]
04. (11) :me: [+7]
05. (06) :ee: [+5]
06. (12) :cy: [+6]
07. (14) :il: [+7]
08. (22) :lv: [+14] (Second highest climber. Had a love/hate relationship with this, but after the contest it just hit me xheart)
09. (28) :rs: [+20] (Biggest climber. Crowd went crazy for it. Staging just helped)
10. (02) :sl: [-8]
11. (15) :ge: [+4]
12. (04) :ru: [-8]
13. (09) :se: [-4]
14. (05) :es: [-9]
15. (10) :mt: [-5]
16. (13) :lt: [-3]
17. (23) :gr: [+6]
18. (31) :dk: [+13] (third highest climber. I loved the performance for some reason)
19. (08) :de: [-11] (second biggest faller. Nil points was undeserved but it just didn't stand out either)
20. (17) :ro: [-3]
21. (30) :cz: [+9]
22. (20) :au: [-2]
23. (16) :hu: [-7]
24. (18) :al: [-6]
25. (24) :ie: [-1]
26. (32) :fr: [+6]
27. (27) :az: [=]
28. (21) :is: [-7]
29. (34) :am: [+5]
30. (39) :pt: [+9]
31. (35) :by: [+4]
32. (25) :nl: [-7]
33. (29) :md: [-4]
34. (36) :at: [+2]
35. (33) :uk: [-2]
36. (26) :ch: [-10] (third biggest faller. Never liked it, doesn't stand out.)
37. (37) :pl: [=]
38. (19) :mk: [-19] (biggest loser. How to murder a song with stupid choreography)
39. (40) :fi: [+1]
40. (38) :sm: [-2]


January 17, 2012
Time for me to post my full ranking xcheer Some changes occurred after I did my reviews: growers got me and some others annoy me now :?

My top 10 (Love) xheart
1.:lv: 2.:cz: 3.:sl: 4.:ee: 5.:es: 6.:gr: 7.:sm: 8.:no: 9.:de: 10.:al:

Other songs that I enjoy too (like) :)
11.:be: 12.:by: 13.:me: 14.:rs: 15.:it: 16.:il: 17.:ge:

Songs that I don't mind listening to from time to time even though that's not my cup of tea (tolerable) ;)
18.:pt: 19.:ru: 20.:ch: 21.:cy: 22.:hu: 23.:au: 24.:at: 25.:fr:

Meh songs (no feelings about them) :geek:
26.:mt: 27.:mk: 28.:ie: 29.:ro: 30.:uk: 31.:is: 32.:nl:

Good for garbage (blah) :?
33.:am: 34.:az: 35.:lt: 36.:se: 37.:pl: 38.:fi: 39.:md: 40.:dk:
Top Bottom