This is painful actually. It's that time on the Eurovision timeline where I like all of the songs so I get really confused when I have to put a song very low - because I'm like, I love it, why do I do this??! But oh well. Some songs just are better than others, I guess.

I also change my mind a looot and I don't really know why some songs are lower than others, but I have gone ahead and given very long explanations anyway, lmao.
I only rate the songs and songs only.. Not the country and how they've done before or how they've improved or whatever, not the performance, not the video, not how well they sing or how their voices are and not how well I want the song to do. Normally I construct my top by which songs I want to listen to the most and which the least and also just how much I personally like it and which ones are to my taste and stand out for me the most in a positive way.

An absolutely fantastic song. I have over-listened to it a while ago now, but it's the best song in the contest hands down. Everything is just perfect about it.

This one definetly stands out. I love that they are bringing something different and modern to this year and this seems like a sure qualifier. It's definetly a very well produced cool, catchy and enjoyable song with a memorable melody. But I do truly love Lorde's music as well.. And this is kind of too similar to it and that kind of took maybe something away from this song at first, perhaps, but now I don't mind. I hope he nails the live performance and this could go places. Love it!!! It's the only song right now that I listen to every day. Thank you, Belgium!! You were my last place last year, but this year it's a complete 180.

Almost as exquisite and fantastic as Norway, I don't really like the dramatic refrain, but this one also deserves to win!

They called it indie pop, well I love indie pop! Even though I didn't like this one too much at first, it definetly growed on me fast. A very-very good effort and a catchy song with quality that you'll always enjoy listening to. It's an easy, flowy listen. Obviously people enjoy it a lot, same goes for me. Slovenia, Sweden and Belgium win the "cool" award of the year for me. Thanks for being modern and getting with the program.
↑ Those 4 songs are absolute goldmines!! I would like any one of them to win.

I have praised this one enough. It used to be my definite favourite, but I have found that I don't really like listening to this one as much anymore, so it has dropped a bit.. But I still love it! Amazing, modern, alternative, the complete package. It's a bit hard to reach though essentially meaning it's a bit hard to listen to and get into compared to Slovenia for example, so I don't know how the general public will react to this. But it deserves a good place.

A gorgeous powerful song with a gorgeous atmosphere that stands out as well. The music is not exactly my type, but this has a strong place in my top 10 and I like it a lot.

I was not exactly a fan of this, but you know, it is an amazing good quality song. I adore the verses!! The refrain is a bit too generic-radio-disco-pop-ish for my taste, but.. It deserves to be in the top 10.

Don't understand the overwhelming hate for this song. It's pretty much the only song this year I liked from the first listen and from the very first notes. It's very catchy and makes me very happy. Something light like this and yet also something more rock-ish is very needed in this competition, they are the only band besides Finland! The 60s feeling also makes it stand out in my eyes with the female backing singers and so on. I also just adore the bridge. But I suppose I understand when people say they are annoyed by this.

It's like a delicious mix between The Beatles and Elton John. It may be a bit boring and perhaps underwhelming and nothing essentially special, but I love it!! A very very charming pleasant quality song that is tasteful and yet catches your eye. Very up my alley. This could actually do very well, because I'm sure there are plenty of fans for this sort of tune all over the world as well.

I have promised myself this would stay in my top 10. It's an awesome special song and I'm glad it's different and tries to be different. In the midst of all of the boring droopy generic songs, this is definetly a fun shining star. This has actually helped a lot in making my top 10, helps me keep the songs that I truly love and find interesting and that stand out in the top 10. It's one of the only songs that I immediately wanted to listen to at least 10 times in a row after I first heard it so it has appeal! It may be silly, but people will remember this one, and positively.

An awesome song with a bit of edge and character. It has strength to it and a different kind of tune from other songs, which might help it do well. Very enjoyable and has quality.

I kind of.. don't know what to do with this one sometimes. When it starts I go, "I love this one!!" in my head but then it kind of falls flat and gets boring. The song stays pretty much the same the whole song which is a no-no for me and doesn't have much of a refrain and momentum.. But it's essentially too good and pleasant to put it lower. A very good song.

I just like it. Catchy, groovy, nice. Nothing especially outstanding, but definetly one of the better ones, it doesn't fall flat in any way and has a lot of enjoyable elements to it. A good effort!!

Nothing bad to say about this one, nothing overly praising at the same time though. This song's just there. It's great.

I like it a lot. It's one of the few edgier songs this year and something more interesting, nice vibe. Very enjoyable, but can be kind of annoying, the lyrics especially.

It's sweet, cute, catchy, with great energy. I like it. It's missing a lot to make it a great song though when you listen to the studio version and it can get obnoxious since yeah, the energy and happiness and rainbows don't ever really stop. But they stand out very well for me.

I'm not sure if I like the final version or previous version more. But the lyrics are very good and I think the song is pretty sweet and beautiful, I enjoy it a lot for whatever reason I guess. Nothing that much amazing to it, but it appeals to me.

I have tried so hard to love this. I love the start and the verses, but then the refrain comes and then everything comes and it falls flat. But.. A good effort, it has a good pleasant vibe as well. I like rock so I automatically gravitate to more rock-ish songs. I can't not like this one.

The revamp made it a lot better than it was, the verses are veery good and very nicely atmospheric and pleasant thanks to it! The adding of instruments really works well for this song and brings a lot of quality. It's not exactly to my taste, but I have started to enjoy it very much. But I did use to hate this and still, it's not a pop song I'd usually listen to.

Sappy, cheesy, doesn't have the best lyrics, sure.. But it has quality to it so and a good melody and tune, I like it.

I enjoy it. I think they'll charm the stage and the song has an interesting concept. I love the different voices and various different parts. It just doesn't work quite enough for me though, but it is interesting. A valid and pleasant effort!

I used to love this one, but now it has gotten get more and more annoying and boring, so it has dropped pretty
drastically. The repetitiveness didn't use to bother be, but now it does. But I still like it, it's a nice very well done pop song nevertheless. I love the bridge and the guitar in the song, it has a certain pleasant vibe overall which I dig.


It's awesome and something different and the revamp did good for it. The beginning takes my breath away with the video, but.. not much to enjoy as the song goes on, too rough and raw for me and the a-bit-unpleasant-ness is pretty much the same all the way through and veeery repetitive, which is a big no-no for me, so tiring. But I can see why people like it and I wish this one all the best, I just don't enjoy it as much as I could maybe. But ain't a bad song and it stands out, I like it's straight-forwardness and gloomyness. This could get far.

It's a charming little lullaby-song, but gets easily boring and I'm not eager to listen to it anymore. Used to like it a lot, but it has fallen drastically in my top as well. But nothing against this one, still like it enough. Love the violins in the background etc.

It's good, but.. Idk, doesn't quite work for me. Too standard of a pop song. I haven't ever listened to it all the way through. :? Good effort, I appreciate the quality, but nothing interesting. You'll get everything you need to get about it with half of the song and that's it, nothing there for me. But it's a solid song and there's nothing bad or annoying about it, so it's higher in my top.

I love the start a lot.. But over-all as it gets on... ehhh. I don't like the structure and build-up of the song, it's very predictable and makes it even more old-fashioned than it is.

I would love if they used the magical verses more. The refrain repeating is just the epitome of annoying. I just can't stand it. It's a good song, but very shallow. ;S But the freaking few-second verse pulls it up for me, a bit.

I think I've only listened to this one once? But I listened to it now, and, ugh.. I really don't want to listen to it again. I don't even know my problem with this one, but it's good enough for 28th place. Just a too in-your-face-dramatic-not-my-taste-at-all song I guess..

Well, it's a strange strong, and not my type of strange. I appreciate it for what it is, and I see people enjoy it, I'm glad. I also enjoy it! But still. I do appreciate the energy though, it stands out and is something different. This is my second "UK" in a way in this top. Below this are mostly songs that don't really have any parts that I really love and get really boring or are just bad.

Lmao, this one is hilarious hahaha! But it's so bad it's good, I genuinely dig it, it's enjoyable. It's the highest I can put it though.

I have listened to this very little, but um.. I don't know. Very, generic, I don't see anything special in this song and it
doesn't have that much quality in my eyes. I feel like I have heard something exactly like this before. But it's a nice listen I suppose and I like the atmosphere/vibe of the song, makes me happy. At least it gets going and has an easily listenable flow, gets stuck in your head.

I don't know. I love it, but yet again at the same time I don't want to put it higher. Too old-fashioned standard Eurovision duet I suppose.

It's nice and I do like it, but it drags out and is boring and too standard. Not really up my alley. Once again, it has the kind of build-dup that kind of annoys me.

Sweet, mellow.. But boring and cliche and I don't think I've listened to this all the way through more than two times, don't like to touch this one. I get very bored and annoyed, but who knows, maybe it will stand out nevertheless. I love it if I have to listen to max 20 seconds of it.

Nah.. Not my thing and not something I want to see in Eurovision anymore. (At the same time I do actually like it though and I'm not that against Balkan ballads, so I don't know)

Boring and unremarkable. I've heard this kind of formulative, uninspired and uninnovative ballad a million times before in Eurovision, no more please! It's not to my taste at all. The ending works, but most of the song is just dull. But it's pleasant enough and not necessarily bad quality so I stand listening to it at least. The ending is good. Could do without this one though. (Also have started to like this nevertheless)

Mnneehh.. Reminds me of 00's Eurovision trash and it doesn't have too much of quality to it in my eyes. I don't like the English version and it should've stayed in Serbian. Just not something I would want to usually listen to, by far. :? But it has some positive energy, at least..

Cheap with terrible lyrics. Nothing exciting or special about this song. Oh, Moldova.. I know you can do better, I
believe in you!! Kinda want to hum along to it though and at least it's not terribly boring, buut.. I usually don't touch this one, nor I ever will.

Well, it just ain't pleasant at all, but I appreciate it. There just isn't almost anything that would make me want
to willingly listen to it though, it's also just all the same, which I usually don't like at all. I love rock, but punk is not for me.
oh and about

.. didn't really want to put in my top once again, because I am Estonian, and biased because of that. but of course I love it even though I have over-listened and over-heard it so much that it doesn't really do anything for me anymore.. but if I wasn't Estonian, it would still probably be in my Top 5.