You surely know I like you, so please try not to be offended. But let me say it makes me sad to see your gradual transformation into one of those bigot Eurofans who basically want the same "gorgeous woman shouting high notes" song all over again, year after year, and who are only waiting which country brings it this time, while manifestatively despising everything else. Like the fairy tale prince with Cinderella's lost shoe, interested only in The One whose foot will fit in. Or - perhaps creepier, but honestly even better parable - like Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo, not accepting Kim Novak as she is and "recreating" her appearance according to his fetishes. To each his own, naturally.
I wish you the stunning Snow Queen type of diva you are looking for (again), but is it necessary to spend time waiting for her by throwing "blahs" and "mehs" at any candidate who doesn't fit your pre-ordered archetype? I don't think that "everything's already decided". The probability of Poland chosing wailing female is much higher than probability of them sending Albert. The real question is - Are Alicja's and Kasia's cheekbones pointy enough to match your liking, or should the girls consider a quick plastic surgery to please you by looking more like Cruela De Vil? And are they allowed to sing a song they are comfortable with, or will be anything else than an emotional ballad resulting in another "Blah", "Meh", "Crap", "Poland is cancelled", "Queen was robbed", "0 points" etc.? Sarcasm aside, you used to be much more open-minded, easier to talk with, very funny and much less bitter. If only those times were back. #OpenUp