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Papendink [239] influental electronical song from over 40 years ago from an UK artist which only had chart success in germany


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Papendink...

I've had a rough ride myself. I've been part of the main roster for nearly 4 years and have had more downs than ups - only three top 10 finishes out of over 40 appearances and most times near the bottom of the scoreboard if I do qualify (more often than not, I've stayed in the semis with flop after flop). I've sent songs I like, songs that have a meaning for me, songs that sometimes I feel out of my comfort zone, it's just been getting more and more difficult to progress in the game


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink...

Thanks for your comments. :)

Ah yes, is see we share this problem. Special thanks for your comment cause of that. :) The difference is that tbh my main goal in NSC was always to share music i love with others. I always enjoyed to hear new music, especially because it was never a blend mix, but main thing were always my own entries. I'm happy with the community here and i love the creative theme of own nations, if not it would be easy to decide to leave. I guess i will try first to motivate me to binge new music for NSC in the next weeks.

I don't feel a pressure from outside, from other nations who could think bad about old stuff. My problem is my own enjoyment of the songs at the time i sent my entries. There is only a few songs i love still that intensive as i've as i heard them the first time. To binge music searching was my thing to find new music for me and my contests... the problem is that it's getting more and more difficult to find new music i enjoy, in first because i got more and more picky with time. More and more new songs feels for me like i have heard them already a douzend times.

I've won NSC in my first 53 participations 4 times... that sounds quite nice. But in total (including the first places) i had only 9 Top10 placements in the same time. Thats what i call my Successfull phase... the 30 entries after that i was also very unsuccessfull, but that is not a big deal for me. The reason why i don't care that much for success is maybe that i enjoy 12 points from one nation (=one person loves it as much as i do) much more than to receive 30 points from five nations (five other people like it). Dont know if this is a helpfull thought for you.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink...

Lets make this simple:

I will stay in NSC for now and decided to try to find more new music in future cause i still love this contest too much to leave it that easily.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [168]

Found nothing brand new, so i have to send one of the few non NSC songs i've heard last year and still sounds great to me.

Papend[Ink] 168

The Supermen Lovers
Clock Sucker

You may know the Supermen Lovers from their hit Starlight (one of my all time faves) from the beginning of this century.



Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Re: Papendink

*UK goes to leave the room but stands in the doorway bitching*


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink - The Knocks again :eek:

Papend[ink] 174

The Knocks feat. Ambassador X

First time that i've sent The Knocks is just a few editions ago in NSC 171, but i fell in love that hard with them... maybe i will sent them just a third time soon. "Trouble" from them only came 19th in semis... but i guess that Comfortable has more potential. :D We will see if my feeling is right or not.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Papendink [175] ASP

[Pap]endink 175

Duett (Das Minnelied der Incubi)

If you understand german without the translation:
Try once to just listen to the parts who are repeated by the second voice.

For example:

Würd gern mit dir die Erde fühlen
Und mit Rosenblättern blutrot färben
Und mit dir allein in den Garten wandeln gehn
Bevor die Sommerblüten sterben

Thats why both voices are written down seperatly in the music video and cause of the different word order in english it couldn't be written down the same way.



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [176] Hinderem Berg (One song in three versions NF)

One song, three versions:

I Quatro

Christine Lauterburg

Michael von der Heide

Since it's three times the same song, i'm completly okay if you don't listen to every version in full lenght and just skip a bit trough it. ;)

Please vote in 2-1-0 style and send it to me by PM :)

If you have an NF too, i will vote in it if you vote here, but not this week anymore.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [176] Hinderem Berg (One song in three versions NF) (DDL: 10th of December, 23:59)

Big thanks for your votes [MENTION=16349]Rmetr0[/MENTION], [MENTION=4630]dogmeat[/MENTION] and [MENTION=14451]ferret[/MENTION]

Christine Lauterburg gained 1 point.
Il Quatro and Michael von der Heide gained 4 points.

In my NFs i go after the "most times the highest points" rule and after this the winner is:

Il Quatro!

[Pap]endink 176

Il Quatro
Hinderem Berg

I have written down the lyrics for the version of Christine Lauterburg cause i have sent that version seven years ago to FSC. I've tried to imply the changes according to the version of Il Quatro, but i may have overseen something. Anyway: The meaning of the lyrics in general didn't change between the versions.

English Translation:

Strophe #1:
As the winter came to the alps
and turns them from golden to white
Came my father and mother to me
Held me in their arms

With sad faces they told me
Boy, listen, the time has come
to know how your heart beats
You must leave your home ground

over hills and trough the dales
i wandered away from home
curious about the great wide world
in my hands only a tiny bit of money

From day to day i came farther away
and somewhere people asked me
wherefrom my clothers are come
outright i answered them:

Refrain (2 times):
Beyond the mountain and the lake
that is where my home is
Yes, Beyond the mountain and the lake
there is my homeground.

Strophe #2:
I sing songs
to earn some money
Down here it is a different world
There are things, i've never seen
glowing, colourful and nice

The day is short and also the night
it is long ago, that i was bored
The whole world in one hand
my friends are always with me.

Always faster, always more
The kids here have seen it all
People here are all the same
maybe some of them a little bit more.

So much friends, but still alone
The whole world in my home
It's time, to go back to my homelands
i know now, how my heart beats.

Refrain (2 times):
Beyond the mountain and the lake
that is where my home is
Yes, Beyond the mountain and the lake
there is my homeground.


Refrain (2 times):
Beyond the mountain and the lake
that is where my home is
Yes, Beyond the mountain and the lake
there is my world.

Yes, there is my world.

Standard german Translation

1. Strophe:
Als der Winter hat sein Kleid
Auf die goldenen Bergwiesen gelegt
Sind Vater und Mutter zu mir gekommen
Haben mich in die Arme genommen

Traurig haben sie zu mir gesagt
Junge hör, es ist soweit
um zu wissen wie dein Herzchen schlägt
Musst du zuerst in die Fremde gehen

über Stock und Stein
bin ich fort von Daheim
neugierig auf die weite Welt
in der Hand ein klein wenig Geld

Tag für Tag bin ich weiter gekommen
da fragten ein paar Leute
wo man den solche Kleider trägt
Da habe ich ihnen sogleich gesagt:

Refrain (2 mal)
Dort hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
Dort bin ich zu Hause
Ja hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
von dort komme ich her

2. Strophe:
Tu Lieder singen
dass gibt ein klein wenig Geld
Hier unten ists ne andere Welt
Dinge, die ich nie hab gesehen
Leuchten farbig und schön

Der Tag ist kurz und auch die Nacht
die Langeweile hat mir schon lang nicht mehr gelacht
Die ganze Welt in einer Hand
die Freunde immer dabei

Immer schneller, immer mehr
Die Kinder hier haben schon alles gesehen
Alle Menschen hier sind gleich
die einen wohl etwas mehr

Soviele Freunde und doch allein
die ganze Welt bei mir Zuhaus
Zeit, züruck in die Heimat zu gehen
ich weiss jetzt, wo mein Herz schlägt

Refrain (2 mal):
Ja hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
Dort bin ich zu Hause
Ja hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
Von dort da komm ich her


Refrain (2 mal):
Ja hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
Dort bin ich zu Hause
Ja hinter dem Berg und jenseits des Sees
Dort ist meine Welt

Ja, dort ist meine Welt

Original swiss german Lyrics:

Strophe #1:
Wo dä Winter hät sis Chleyd
uf di goldene Matte gleit
Sin'd Vater u Mueter zue mer cho
Hey mi i'd Arme gnah

Truurig hey si zu mer gseit
Bürschtli los es isch sowyt
zum wüsse, wiä dis Härzli schlaht
muesch zerscht i'd Frömdi gah

über Stock und über Stei
bin i furt, vo Dehei
gwundrig uf di wiiti Wält
i dr hand kaa han i ä chli gäld

Tag für Tag bin i witer cho
do hätts äs paar gwunder gno
Wo mer dänn so Chleider treit
Da han i ine grad gseit:

Refrain (2 times):
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Dört bin i dehei
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Vo dörte chum i här

Strophe #2:
Tue Liedär singe, s'git chly gäld
Da unde isch än anderi wält
Sache, won i no nie ha gseh
Lüchtet farbig u schön

De Tag isch churz und au d'Nacht
D'Längwyli hätt scho lang nüme glacht
Die ganzi Wält i einere Hand
d Fründe immer derbi

Immer schnäller, immer meh
D'Goofe do hö scho alles gseh
Ali Mänsche dah sin glich
die eynte nimm e chli meh

Sovil Fründe und doch elei
di ganzi Wält bi mir dehei
Zyt, um d' zrugg i d'heimat z'gah
i weiss jetzt, wiä'n i mi schloh.

Refrain (2 times):
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Dört bin i deheime
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Vo dörte chum i här


Refrain (2 times):
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Dört bin i deheime
Ja hinderem Berg und änet em See
Dört isch mini Wält

Ja, dört isch mini Wält



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
With this new forum and especially the new design i guess it is the right time for me, to leave NSC. Not just cause of the new design (which i dont like at all), this isn't even a very important part of my reasons to leave. The main reasons stays the same as i mentioned them before: I don't listen to much new music today, i have not that much of time for NSC anymore and to be honest, i don't have that much fun in this contest as i had in the past. Not to be missunderstood: I still have fun, also out of some nostalgic reasons too.

Yeah, i still like NSC and i guess i wouldn't leave if there were no waiting list, but i don't want to occupy a roster-spot if there is maybe a WLer who would enjoy this contest more than i do and already have waited a long time to join alltough it isn't that long atm as it was in the past.

So big thanks to all of you for letting me be a part of this community and thanks for many good, great and awesome songs i've became to know trough this contest. (y) I guess i will listen to NSC in future too, alltough i left the roster. And maybe i will come back somewhen, who knows?

Special thanks to the nations who sent one (or two) of my following Top15 songs out of the last 50 editions, i still love this tracks. 🥰

  1. 143 Vylkuzeme: TrollfesT - Steel Sarah
  2. 128 Halito: Mustard Pimp & Jimmy Urine - Money Shot
  3. 143 Cydoni-Gibberia: Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer
  4. 144 Yaponesia: Peter Asschenfeldt and the Colonels - Love Glory
  5. 152 Calypso: Cosmo Sheldrake - Come Along
  6. 160 Zombira: Wednesday Campanella - Genghis Khan
  7. 155 Comino: Etnika - Maddalena
  8. 168 Zaprya: Đông Nhi - Bad Boy
  9. 156 Cydoni-Gibberia: Traktortekstar - Lost Boy & Suicide Girl
  10. 155 Kimmystan: Grace Mitchell - Now
  11. 150 Leylâ: Ninety One - Mooz
  12. 149 Emsfrynt: Kamferdrops - Jag trodde änglarna fanns
  13. 137 Cherniya: 2138 - Papamobile Nightdrive
  14. 165 Luzinia: Prada Meinhoff - Cocktail
  15. 130 Prasia: Kayrat Baekenov & Format - An Alemi
Last edited:


Staff member
April 23, 2014
Ohh so sad to see you go! :(
Yours was an interesting nation, I liked lots of your entries and actually your last entry was really great.

I remember when I made my debut in NSC 148, which was your edition! It was unforgettable!

Alternatian Song Contest is one of the greatest and most memorable NSC concepts for me... for sure.

It would be amazing to have you back someday...
You'll be missed. :(


Well-known member
March 8, 2015
Kharkiv, Ukraine
The NBS scandal debut was unforgettable! (y) Thank you, we experienced wonderful moments of our NSC history! ;)
I hope someday you will find a reason to join again... Good luck!


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
This is so sad! Papendink/Paperland/INK always brought something unique to the contest and there were a great deal of songs that you have sent over the years that I have greatly enjoyed.

All the best for the future buddy xrunhug
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