Re: Papendink [167] Lukas Graham - Not a Damn Thing Changed
Don't know if it is right to write that down... i'm tired, also ill and maybe should just go to bed but i have the feeling i should write it down now or i won't come to a decision. Just to create a bit of pressure, if you know what i mean.
I'm a bit unhappy with my last 9 entries...
Dont missunderstand me, i love all 9 of them. The problem for me is that they all were already old to me (or was rapid decisions like my entry for this edition) as i sent them to NSC and that has not the same feeling to me as presenting a new song, a new love i am completely excited to show to the NSC community.
The thing is: i don't listen to new music anymore (besides NSC), so i will always have to send old loves to NSC in future if i don't change that. I don't know if i can regain my interest in new music or if i simply can ease into sending old loves of mine. Maybe it's just time to leave after over 80 editions of NSC, but i still love this contest to much to easily give it up and thats not just out of good memories, just out of still hanging on cause i were that long a part of it... if that would be the case, i would leave it instantly to give a WL nation the space.
I will think about a decision untill the end of this edition. The only thing i can say is, that i definetely will send a entry to edition 168 if i decide to leave. I will send the one i have on mind as my last entry since a long time, alltough i don't expect that people will love it that much. ^^