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Papendink [239] influental electronical song from over 40 years ago from an UK artist which only had chart success in germany


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [159] Reinhard Mey - Der Fischer und der Boss (Translation inside)

Yes, i sent it for Berlin. :) I normally not tend to send entries again which i sent to other contests in this forum, but i have the feeling that WV was kinda the wrong contest for it and i honestly have not much time to decide an entry for NSC this time, so i took my first intention and a song i'm sure i will love in future too. :D

Great to hear that you also still love it! xup


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [159] Reinhard Mey - Der Fischer und der Boss (Translation inside) ||| Birth year spinoff: ???

Narrowed my list of possible entries for birth year spinoff down to this five songs:

If anyone is from my birth year and wants to send one song of them: Feel free, makes it easier for me, to make my final decision. :D And feel free to try influencing me, we will see, how it works. ;)

The original list:


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Party People Alien

This time, we had this secret NF thingy again. Thanks [MENTION=9449]Yoni[/MENTION] for choosing this edition ::pap entry! :)

Papend[ink] 162

Cassius, Pharell Williams ft. Cat Power
Go Up



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Party People Alien

I tend to struggle with deciding entries again... for a short time there were already an entry posted here for next edition, but this posting is already deleted.

In the meantime, i've took a look on my entries list and have seen that it is already long ago since i've sent an rock song... and cause i like diversity in my song choices i now just send an rock entry and that makes it easier to decide. ^^

My choose is:

[Pap]endink 163

Vermin Killer



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport

I love this piece of music since a very long time. It's a paradox, but it makes me feel good again when i'm sad.

[Pap]endink 164

It's enough now



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Mandalay

Christmas time! :D The only christmas song from this (still active) german 80's band which is best known for their hits "Forever Young" and "Big in Japan". This song is a so far unreleased song, only given to their fans back in 2007.

Like i noticed after i've choosen it as entry: this year it will be released in stores as a live performance from the german TV show "Sing meinen Song" and its christmas special, maybe i will change to this version (show will be broadcasted on 27th of novermber), but i guess i won't, i expect it to be worse than the studio (demo) version. :D

[Pap]endink 165

Love Will Find a Way

Btw: ::pap sent them already once 51 editions ago with "Song for No One" which was one of the only 13 top10 placements of my country.
A good sign? :)



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [165] Alphaville - Love Will Find a Way

NSC is now the last song contest i am in, i left more and more of them (the number always changed, but highest mark should be arround 6).

NSC is the only one where i was at least sometimes successfull. :D But i like also that it is still full of diversity compared to others, so i guess i at least will stay in this last one.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Mandalay

One of my childhood favourites. xheart But for NSC i dont want to send the original (alltough i guess it would do better), i send this remix from 2008 which i love as much as the original. :)

Papend[ink] 166

The Soundlovers
Run Away (rsdj edit)



February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Re: Papendink [166] The Soundlovers - Run Away (rsdj edit)

Been friends with Nathalie Aarts on Facebook for years and have loved Soundlovers since their 1998 single "Surrender" (which I've considered sending on many an occasion).

I'd have preferred to see the original version of Runaway as this remix doesn't quite capture the spirit of the Soundlovers sound for me, but kudos for the artist choice xup


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [166] The Soundlovers - Run Away (rsdj edit)

The Soundlovers were my favourite Act in the 90's xheart

I've choosen this remix also cause i don't like to send hits (alltough it wasnt really a big one). I haven't sent the song to the host so far and i still think about sending a different track from them (and that one would be in the original version).

I also love "Surrender" xbow it was my fav track from them back in the 90's. :)


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Re: Papendink [166] The Soundlovers - Run Away (rsdj edit)

The Soundlovers were my favourite Act in the 90's xheart

I've choosen this remix also cause i don't like to send hits (alltough it wasnt really a big one). I haven't sent the song to the host so far and i still think about sending a different track from them (and that one would be in the original version).

I also love "Surrender" xbow it was my fav track from them back in the 90's. :)

Yeah "Surrender" is the one that seems to live on the longest, and Nathalie will always share promo live performances of it on her Facebook. I also loved "Walking" and "Abracadabra", they were definitely a big part of my time at high school and into university xlove

Whatever you decide, I'm just delighted to see them involved in NSC xup


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
The Soundlovers

Okay... cause i dont want to send the original and i dont want to send the remix too (alltough i like it pretty much), i decided to send the song from them which i have planed to send to a later edition if Run Away won't end in bottom 5 in semis. ^^
It's my personal favourite of the band today. I totally love his hypnotic sound and vocals. xheart And the intro is great too, thats why i go with the extended version. :D

Papend[ink] 166

The Soundlovers
Living In Your Head



Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Re: Papendink [167] Lukas Graham - Not a Damn Thing Changed

Don't know if it is right to write that down... i'm tired, also ill and maybe should just go to bed but i have the feeling i should write it down now or i won't come to a decision. Just to create a bit of pressure, if you know what i mean.

I'm a bit unhappy with my last 9 entries...

Dont missunderstand me, i love all 9 of them. The problem for me is that they all were already old to me (or was rapid decisions like my entry for this edition) as i sent them to NSC and that has not the same feeling to me as presenting a new song, a new love i am completely excited to show to the NSC community.

The thing is: i don't listen to new music anymore (besides NSC), so i will always have to send old loves to NSC in future if i don't change that. I don't know if i can regain my interest in new music or if i simply can ease into sending old loves of mine. Maybe it's just time to leave after over 80 editions of NSC, but i still love this contest to much to easily give it up and thats not just out of good memories, just out of still hanging on cause i were that long a part of it... if that would be the case, i would leave it instantly to give a WL nation the space.

I will think about a decision untill the end of this edition. The only thing i can say is, that i definetely will send a entry to edition 168 if i decide to leave. I will send the one i have on mind as my last entry since a long time, alltough i don't expect that people will love it that much. ^^


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
Re: Papendink...

I have the same situation, actually. There are two online contests that I attend to, and these contests are only music sources for me to discover and explore for more. At times, I struggle to find something I recently discovered. So, I get to have a plenty of options, as I either send one of old songs that I've been knowing for years; or I send a song from other contest to this one; or rarely, I just keep checking Youtube suggestions until I find something actually good. And I suppose this is one of the reasons I have a low qualification rate. So I deeply understand your frustration. But then again, my main goal is to discover new music, otherwise I would be listening to countless same songs that get boring after a while on my playlists. Therefore I keep trying, not minding my results in the first place and take benefit as much as I can. As long as you are happy in the community and the songs that are sent are somehow relatable to you, you should keep up as well. ^^


Well-known member
January 28, 2010
Re: Papendink...

I think there's nothing wrong with sending old favorites. I alternate between old and new, depending if I find something new and exciting or not. Sometimes it's a few editions in a row of old ones and I'm just as satisfied with all of them. Just feel no pressure to send new discoveries, especially since they're all new for most other people anyway. And maybe sacrifice an evening for binge music searching, those are always fun.
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